O2 X3
- K
- Khalid
- 15 Nov 2004
I had no luck today getting a new phone with new software. Them clowns at 02 Stores dont know anything. One person thought I wanted the new X3 3G phone!!! Unbelievable. I went 3 stores and they all had the versions I've already had. One women went "I've had no returns here if thats any good". I was like well I've returned 2 phones here already so something must be wrong!!!
- S
- Shaun
- 15 Nov 2004
Just tried my MMS and, surprise, surprise, it has been over a week and it doesn't work. WTF??
Looks like I will have to contact 02 again...
I got my phone in Richmond, London, and I seemed to know more about the phone and its problems than the people at the store.
- K
- Khalid
- 15 Nov 2004
Looking to change mine today. Hoping the shop will have new phones in!!!
- R
- Risa
- 14 Nov 2004
Can anyone help me im going INSANE tryin 2 get music on the little bugger! ive bought everything i need 2 get the music on the phone but every time i try to copy music onto the external drive i get copyright notices etc its doing my head in!!!!! how do i get music on there!!!!!!!!!!! if any one can help please please post something up! can you download mp3 files onto it or have i read something about midi files or r those ringtones?? argh!!!!!! :)
- a
- aleha
- 14 Nov 2004
hey i fink my fones jus broken :'( it doesnt turn on wen my sim is in the phone but wen it isnt it turns on fine1 i no this aint the sims fault cus it works ok in ma other fone, n iv tried otha sims in mine! Do u fink theres a way they can fix it cus ive got a lot of stuff on there i want to keep?
- c
- chris
- 14 Nov 2004
ive dun this now but it ses my net passport is wrong and wont let me sign in.any 1?
- c
- chris
- 13 Nov 2004
does any 1 know wot isp this is on as i tryed to put a messenger service on it and it asked me for this
- L
- Laura
- 13 Nov 2004
Do i need a mini sd reader for this phone? What is is for? How much is one and where is it from? Also, how do u connect de phone 2 ur computer.
- c
- charliepie
- 13 Nov 2004
I hink there is a factory reset feature you might like to try Adam...otherwise perhaps it is just the o2 network that is down.
- A
- Adam
- 13 Nov 2004
please somebody help me. i have an o2 x3 but i cant receive calls or texts when i try to dial out it says "channel busy call fail please retry" ive looked all over the net and i think it is something to do with messing with the modem options or something i dont know how to correct this and im desperate for help. thanx to all who try i appreciate it.
- S
- Stephen
- 13 Nov 2004
Cheers Shaun, the Version code is defo a new one as mine was 101B2108, whereas yours (new one) is Ver: 101B2122.
I have been to the two O2 shops local to me, and they were V helpfull and hhoned the other stores local to be looking for phones that had come in after the new firmware was dated, one of the Liverpool stores had an X3 in from last week, but when they checked the Software version and phoned him back it was the same as mine (Original Version)- so he said to keep in touch with any info on here and let him know of it etc.
He also mentioned of a Repair centre in warrington that may be able to flash existing ones (but he was thinking aloud on that one ..lol)
All we need now is TJ, to realise the DNS problem is resolved so he can post his details too!
Were did yours come from?
- c
- charliepie
- 13 Nov 2004
no dust yet for me assassin but give it a few more months and there probably will be!
- c
- charliepie
- 13 Nov 2004
very interesting shaun...my phone(old version) already has the clock wallpaper installed. I also have the alternative start-up/shut-down animations(of the girl and the dog respectively) which are user switchable and nicer than the standard o2 ones I guess but as you say not really of any use, they're just cuter! The main difference btwn your phone and mine seems to be the camera remembering the last settings as mine definitely doesn't do that! I guess I can live with that though...I can't get gprs or mms on my tariff so have not tried them.
- a
- assassin
- 13 Nov 2004
is anyone else starting to get dust on the inside of the phones main screen .... very annoying. mine has also started to decide to switch between silent and outdoors itself ...
- c
- chris
- 12 Nov 2004
if there is a new version how do we get it?
- S
- Shaun
- 11 Nov 2004
I have the box here.
Product code: 1BQO2X3N
Ver: 101B2122
Now there is a small sticker over the version number with this number on it.
What this means I have no idea.
The new features: There is a clock that you can use as a wallpaper. There is this funny animation when I turn the phone off.( no use what so ever!!) The camera and video camera remember what size pic I was taking last time. The GPRS works and I am just about to try the MMS.(have had it just over a week now) That is all I have seen.
I am much happier with the new phone I have got. Some quick advice: Don't bother trying to sort your problems out with customer services. I wasted about 4 weeks with them and then went straight to one of the head guys at O2. If anybody wants his email address I will post it. My problem was sorted within a week.
- S
- Stephen
- 11 Nov 2004
The MMs prob is so strange - ive dloaded new settings myself, had O2 send me them, and checked them manually to see there all correct and it still wont work after a week :( arghhhh
- T
- TJ
- 11 Nov 2004
Andy, you need to use an SD card with your computer. So you may also need an SD card reader if your PC doesn;t have an SD slot. You'll also need a mini SD adaptor (you could just get a mini SD reader but these are v expensive in comparison). I got a 512mb mini SD with adaptor and a card reader for around £70 I think. Obviously it'll be much cheaper if you get a lower capacity mini SD.
- T
- TJ
- 11 Nov 2004
No worries, I'll DEF post all the info I have with photo's etc tonight.
I'm amazed at all the bad reviews, there must be a hell of a difference between the sw versions!
Haven't had it a week yet so can't comment on the MMS tho.
- a
- andy
- 11 Nov 2004
how do you get mp3s on the o2 x3 ?