O2 XDA Atom
- ?
- Anonymous
- w9L
- 03 Apr 2008
I sold my O2 Atom as it has got a terribly weak battery; I had to charge the battery twice a day. So i doubt whether this can be a "mobile" phone as you may have to fix it to charger after every few calls. lol!
- m
- mil
- ut7
- 01 Apr 2008
phone is good , gets slow if memory is used. battery life is short, can use a car charger
- d
- dun buy
- 26 Mar 2008
stupid lag phone i can't reiceve my friend msg some time it just hang and need take out batt and on again and every updated things lost
- t
- theresa
- vC5
- 21 Mar 2008
hey i have a O2 XDA Atom and after a few months my phone has suddenly been unable to 'hear' people on the other lien and people are unable to hear me. the only way i can talk on my phone now is via hands free. i have tried to turn my phone on and off but it doesnt do anything.
if anyone can help me then thankyou so much!
- L
- i49
- 18 Mar 2008
Hi All,
Am holding an O2 XDA ATOM. The major problem am facing is the battery back up. But i also found that there is some programs which will be running at the backend. Whenever this is deleted, it gives a better back up.
Any way by which i can have a better back up. I tried for new batteries, but they also face the same problem.
- t
- taksh
- up7
- 15 Mar 2008
go to microsoft website. there you can get software pocket pc 5.0. simple
- j
- jay
- 14 Mar 2008
iam a problem connecting my phone to mycomputer via usb can you helpme fix my problem,i dont have any installer for my computer
- j
- john
- vxv
- 09 Mar 2008
hi guyz/gulz, just previously bought an o2 xda atom, just wanna ask if where i can download a WM6, and how i can install it? please help. tnx a lot...
- J
- Jigar
- Uqr
- 04 Mar 2008
Hi Guys, I have been an Atom user since past 6 months now.First of all, i read most of your comments and i must say, Please read the manual and your problem will be solved. Second many people here are bashing about the phone with worst performance but the thing is this phone is silky smooth (Ram is not enough). Currently i am running my atom with a cooked rom WM6 and it is working wounders.. To all you people with problems, i would just suggest to read the manual and your problems will be solved. Trust me, manual looks big and time consuming but once you start reading it, you will be done within an hour ;)
- T
- Tania
- w9L
- 04 Mar 2008
Help Guys Pleeeeeease
I recently sold my O2 Atom and bought N73 ME but I still love the default ring tone of O2 Atom. Is there any way that can I get it on N73ME? Where can I download? Or can someone send it to me? Pls help me. my mail mailtotania123@gmail.com
Thanks in advance
- t
- tre
- RJ1
- 03 Mar 2008
anyone knows how to make mp3 song when receive call for atom pure
- ?
- Anonymous
- 03 Mar 2008
i used to have this phone. it was rubbish! full of features but very hard to access and was very prone to error. even the alarm, a basic function in almost every phone nowadays, didn't work consistently at all... very unrealiable. i missed my exam because of this shit.
- n
- nat
- utt
- 26 Feb 2008
Hi friends,
I got a ROM upgrade for my o2 atom to WM6.
Will it works/ safe if i do it.
Please help me
- i
- iya
- PSv
- 24 Feb 2008
hi, can i please ask can i connect via wifi on my mini o2. pls. and what is a WLAN card?
- R
- Raunak
- 2Sx
- 19 Feb 2008
Hey all.i have O2 XDA Atom. Vodafone india ppl say dat GPRS settings cannot be used on this handset.Help me out.and also i tried downloading BT info,it said dat it cannot download.help me out ppl.email id is raunak.dhawan@gmail.com
- r
- ricky
- wrf
- 19 Feb 2008
hi i am ricky from bali indonesia,...how to download antivirus for my handphone ( O2 XDA Atom)
- V
- Victor
- 2T9
- 15 Feb 2008
Hi For All
I am O2 Atom User I want To Setup GPRS Vodafone In India Gujarat
Some Buddy Please Help me out
Send me Settings By Email
- o
- ong
- PU%
- 10 Feb 2008
hi! td i've juz downloaded spb pocket plus 4 (suppose it's latest version) onto my pocket pc but could not successfullyvget it registered w ALL e codes provided on e discussed forum. can somebody help?
- o
- ong
- PU%
- 09 Feb 2008
hi! understand it's a new software, does anybody ve e code 4 spb traveler? tia 4 any kind reply!
- b
- basori
- wrf
- 29 Jan 2008
how to setup or use wifi? how to set up mms? mail me please. im in indonesia