O2 XDA Atom
- s
- satyendra
- 2@q
- 21 Jan 2008
I want to know weather it supports to avi. formated video songs,if yes than which software is require to run the same.
- r
- rap_poojari
- 2@w
- 19 Jan 2008
how to use a WiFi connection in O2 XDA mini?
pls pls help me and reply to my email address
- R
- Rath
- P%$
- 15 Jan 2008
Hi,, Anyone can tell me how to turn on loud speaker during call conversation????? Sometime I want to switch to loud speaker when hanging up the phone but dun know how to do that. Please e-mail me. n_vannarath@yahoo.com
- A
- Alex
- ee%
- 09 Jan 2008
O2 Pda Atom Life is powerfull, 3G internet connect to laptop use Vista, its works, and also if you use bluetooth connection go for internet, just tips to O2 user just patient and try it, battery do not charge internal, used external charger, it would make your pda hot if you use internal charger, I see alot of people complain about this pda, just keep study and trying, this is good device and powerfull if you know how to use it ;-)
- w
- wilson
- F4p
- 03 Jan 2008
quite a nice phone but I am stil use to sms using phone pad.. Do anyone knows where to download the phone pad sms software?? please email e pls....
- S
- Sushi
- TC}
- 01 Jan 2008
To pFkQ:
Possibilities why you can't use Wi-Fi:
1. The place where you stand/sit doesn't have Wi-Fi service.
2. You didn't type the Network Key in order to login.
3. You forgot to set the Wi-Fi options correctly.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pFk
- 27 Dec 2007
Before buying a PDA i thought many various options , but finally i bought O2 and feeling the best.
It is providing every feature with the lowest price in the market.
Especially the camera is excellent .
Sound volume is insufficient.
Any have one should not expect 100% features from a single company .
Friends, I am unable to Connect to Wi-Fi .
It is always showing me the status disconnected. Pls help me in connecting it.
- A
- Alex Zheng
- eex
- 14 Dec 2007
This O2 Atom Life very good, I can backup and synchronized my contact with windows vista, and also now I can internet use my laptop through 3G Atom Life, chepest and fastest, anywhere, yeah after outsourching to find out some information
send messages to my friendster address:http://profiles.friendster.com/zheng1015
Atom Life O2 very powerfull
- m
- man
- ibc
- 12 Dec 2007
i had use diz device for 6 month.but i still hav problem about gprs.i usin g hotlink.everytime i want to send mms there are out the message 'not all message could be sent or receive'
but i still can accept mms from other no.
plz help me
- t
- tom
- 2@t
- 11 Dec 2007
i should say the worst mobile...in performence
but best in features..
- o
- oc
- vx4
- 08 Dec 2007
i have been an Atom user for a year now.. although it hangs once in a while. i noticed it only does when i havent active synched for a long time.
im still satisfied with it up to this moment. i have never found a phone with such complete features.
like anyone hear said, its battery life is short. the only solution we can do is buy another battery.
as for the tones, yes its softer than the usual phones.
forget WMP, there's ipod for that. forget the camera, there's cybershot for that.
it's still a winner for me.
- e
- ehsan
- Pxx
- 03 Dec 2007
whr can I find the usb modem driver software for o2 atom? someone pls answer....tnx in advance
- e
- ehsan
- Pxx
- 03 Dec 2007
to murali,
go to kaspersky lab.com ....there u'll find antivirus for atom
- M
- Madhan
- P$x
- 27 Nov 2007
It is the worst i ever used.
- S
- Satinder Singh
- 2@r
- 26 Nov 2007
I had purchased O2 atom in the month of july 2007. The speaker is not working & i am unable to hear incoming calls. Phone tap no noise.
I am able to hear sons using ear phone
Kindly help
satinder singh
- w
- wm5.0
- fuk
- 25 Nov 2007
Been using it for quite long, a very good Pocket PC phone indeed. The only problem is its high price.
- w
- wm5.0
- fuk
- 25 Nov 2007
Been using it for quit long, a very good Pocket PC phone indeed. The only problem is its high price.
- m
- migs
- PSw
- 22 Nov 2007
I think xda atom pure is better. I dont experience any phone hang or what so ever i've been using for a month now and stil im satisfied with it. One problem though is that the full screen feauture really sucks for me, when i press the full screen,the only thing happens is that the background turns into black, arrrrrrrggggg! that's my only problem..help anyone?!!
- e
- eva
- wY5
- 22 Nov 2007
I am a O2 Atom User, love this phone.
Difficult concern is the Battery cant last long really even for a day, you have to charge it always.Great to use the bluetooth to my laptop. also if its low batt & you were trap from the traffic and you have no car charger??? woowowo.... then U dont any other Phone? oHHHH... its so difficult??? but it teach me to have patience....
- c
- criss angel
- ibj
- 21 Nov 2007
Chaurasia...the answer is you need to buy a new laptop or a new cellphone...kekekeke or change your laptop with your fren whose using wins xp.vista is still new lar...