Palm Pre

Palm Pre

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
  • Jhon
  • 0Bh
  • 06 Mar 2009

Are you blind?!!What iPhone killer?!!No video rec.No video out.No video projector.No divx.No stereo speaker Bad camera only fullish 3mp.No 30gb memory or more.No applications.What can you do with this in real.Only very good promo for this device and we all become blind.And why is this kbs
when you have touch.This device is a step behind and we are so blind.Something really better will be with no moving parts and buttons,with video projector,with speech control,with smooth video recording,with great camera and more more more memory.Everyone knows what is great device but no one can't see it.Why?!!

    • h
    • hgradeca
    • p7%
    • 06 Mar 2009

    Anonymous, 05 Mar 2009Wait, does this phone AT LEAST have a flash? i have a r... moreYes, it has a flash! :)
    And it is a lot thinner than previous Treos, so don't worry about that. :)

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • q{M
      • 05 Mar 2009

      does this phone AT LEAST have a flash?

      i have a real problem with this phone if it does not have that.

      And i hope the phone is not as big and bulky as the treo was, because I love bringing my phone with me to clubs and a big bulky phone will pop out of my pockets all night long!

        • I
        • Ib
        • T9V
        • 05 Mar 2009

        Perfect phone, just need a micro SD (or any external memory)

          • h
          • hgradeca
          • Mtr
          • 05 Mar 2009

          JERO, 05 Mar 2009gps built in?????Yes, it has integrated GPS. :)

            • P
            • Palm Lover
            • PUj
            • 05 Mar 2009

            Finally Palm OS with wi-fi!! This is my dream phone!!! Any idea how much will this baby cost in singapore??

              • J
              • JERO
              • PcB
              • 05 Mar 2009

              gps built in?????

                • d
                • divertito
                • jgZ
                • 04 Mar 2009

                Personally, I love the vertical slider. I have a side-slider now (i760). It isn't exactly a huge hassle, but I don't like turning my phone to the side and having the screen orientation flip every time I need to type.

                I love that with the Pre you can just pop it open and start typing a search across all of the phone's apps, contacts, and/or web content.

                My only reservation is the size of the screen. 3.1" just doesn't seem like much of an upgrade to my 18 mth old 2.8" screen. Being capacitive with a killer UI could make that moot I guess.

                  • S
                  • StinklePink
                  • jYX
                  • 04 Mar 2009

                  I can't wait! I've always thought Palm did teh best job of doing Outlook integration and their OS has always been rock-solid.
                  I'm sure these will be super expensive upon release (>$200USD), but I'm willing to buy one if all teh hype is warranted.

                    • C
                    • Chef
                    • txG
                    • 04 Mar 2009

                    How fast is the processor?

                      • K
                      • KJ
                      • jLy
                      • 03 Mar 2009

                      Two things really stand out that I don't like: 1) no video recording capability and 2) the keyboard - it should be a 5-row keyboard that slides out to the side like the HTC Touch Pro. Add these two features and I'll gladly switch from my Treo 755p!

                        • U
                        • Unnamed Hero
                        • 5L1
                        • 03 Mar 2009

                        Yeah folks this phone specs are very nice at least better than my iphone 3g but the cellphone manufacturer do not make the best phone because they want to crank up the cellphone market. So I mean we will see soon they will make a better phone. For instance, a new iphone is on the way. Lots of people predicting that a new iphone is coming. Also Blackberry and HTC are making nice phones. We will see soon. On the other hand, if you wait until they make a better phone then you will never get a phone. Because technology is going so fast. We better have a phone but I am pretty sure while we have they will make a better one. This is how the phone companies go on (: But the Palm made a really good phone and I am glad to see this phone.


                          • U
                          • Unnamed Hero
                          • 5L1
                          • 03 Mar 2009

                          Yeah folks this phone specs very nice at least better than my iphone 3g but the cellphone manufacturer do not make the best phone because they want to crank up the cellphone market. So I mean we will see soon they will make a better phone. For instance, a new iphone is on the way. Lots of people predicting that a new iphone is coming. Also Blackberry and HTC are making a new phones I guess. We will see soon. On the other hand, if you wait they will make a better phone then you will never get a phone. Because technology is going so fast. We better have a phone but I am pretty sure while we have they make a better one. This is how the phone companies go on (:


                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • ute
                            • 03 Mar 2009

                            the touchscreen phone war will finally finish aftr the release of palm pre it is the real iphone killer . but can the task manager blutooth battery life will be good enough though. palm pre should release a gsm version i hope ed colligan the palms main person reads this the phone is excellent and a way better camera . i want anyone to give the release date on a post as fast as possible . when can we get it

                              • K
                              • Kyle
                              • kh3
                              • 03 Mar 2009

                              This is no Iphone Killer. This is an Iphone annihilator. Besides Iphone killer is used with any phone now a days. Every new phone seems to be called an Iphone killer. But Palm I think has finally beat the Iphone this time. That is if it does everything it is promising and the app store is as good Apple's app store. Can't wait to see it.

                                • h
                                • hgradeca
                                • Mtr
                                • 03 Mar 2009

                                Finally Palm has made something all Palm fans have been waiting for since Treo 600/650! :D
                                Pre is really amazing - its specs are very impressive. :)
                                The only thing that bothers me is how easy is it going to be to write programs for it, because no platform can survive without good developers...
                                We will see. And I really hope that this will be a huge success! :D
                                And regarding the iPhone - it definitively is an amazing device, but it has soooooo many limitations (for my taste at least)!!! Bluetooth, copy/paste, no removable battery, mo true multitasking, and so on...
                                I am glad that Palm has decided not to impose any of these silly limitations and can't wait to get the Pre! :D

                                  • l
                                  • level_up
                                  • vxp
                                  • 02 Mar 2009

                                  ...I am not fond of slide out keyboards me a purist but I prefer an all-touchscreen other or as few buttons as possible should be visible.

                                    • l
                                    • level_up
                                    • vxp
                                    • 02 Mar 2009

                                    Anonymous, 01 Mar 2009this is a GSM phone, which is why its on this site (gsmaren... moreThis has the potential to be a good phone, perhaps equal to the PRESENT iPhone....but an "iPhone killer"? I don't think so...because in due time, a new iPhone will be released which may again raise the standards for other phones to follow...let's wait and see...

                                      • F
                                      • Franco Martel
                                      • QMS
                                      • 02 Mar 2009

                                      I hope, palm win the problem vrs apple. I hope this isuue wont delay the product launch.
                                      Truly truly iphone killer

                                        • a
                                        • anonmous
                                        • ute
                                        • 01 Mar 2009

                                        palm pre is a veryy awesome phone but without video recording which is bad i hope i will come in asia on a free carrier choice. but how can u type when on landscape mode while on net browsing but its rumored release date is 15 march hope it releases . its too good.