Samsung Galaxy Note 3 vs. Nokia Lumia 1520: Bigger, better, faster

27 December 2013
We venture again into the realm of phablets, one that at the beginning seemed to promise little more than a short burst of action, has become the scene of some of the most thrilling battles this industry has seen. The showdown we’re about to witness...

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  • D
  • AnonD-219951
  • gFe
  • 22 Jan 2014

Anonymous, 22 Jan 2014Indeed both ar great devices and you came to this...But you... more"Note can do a lot more" ..again ..children with toys ! "And my dad can beat your dad because my dad is awesome !"
Kids ! Grew up ! There are on both side advantages and disadvantages ! But don't forget that first you compare 2 devices running on 2 different hardware and the most important SOFTWARE config !!!
And depends ON WHAT you want to use for !!!
As i said soooo many times i had ...4-5 ? Android devices ! Different ! Including Note 2 ! Now, after i've compared Lumia 1520 and Note 3 I chose Note 3 BECAUSE IT SATISFY my needs ! So, in my "needs opinion" Lumia is better ! Of course in other opinion Note is, but let's face it ! We compare 2 different phones with 2 different technologies !

    Anonymous, 22 Jan 2014Indeed both ar great devices and you came to this...But you... moreI had argued only with you and optimus...and not with many people. I dont consider myself vs entire world for this. It was more between you and me...dont generalize and self victimize here yourself.

    i like this conclusion for what it is! I speak of for this article. I appreciate gsmarenas articles as i m reading them from early 2000. Also they haven't corrected anything in this article...not even added your "king of hill" statement here! So for me conclusion is victory for "better" note3. That is your inference and im not bothered even a bit about it. You and optimus are challenging me time and again, after i go silent. So, son ... Don't bother too much for what i think! I had told you a thousand times...if you still think there is a big job in convincing me....thank you...for making myself feel that great...and count you have a nemesis in me!

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 4QS
      • 22 Jan 2014

      [deleted post]Indeed both ar great devices and you came to this...But you singled out and disagreed with people who pointed out the Note being the all around superior. That is just simple fact. You just do not want to accept it. And you used the conclusion to say it meant more than it actually did. Denied GSM's way of working. And now deny their newer statement confirming what the results showed and what you denied of our words the whole time.

      Yes both are great. Yes both have advantages. Yes things boil down to preference. Yes there are differences and you would most likely be happy with either.... But the obvious fact is that if you put those preferences aside the Note has quite a good bit more advantages, functions, and even negates some major on paper things. To deny that is foolish. Does not mean you have to prefer it, want it, not like Nokia, that the 1520 is not awesome. Just simply means the Note can do a lot more. It's just fact.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • kg3
        • 22 Jan 2014

        Android gives you a lot of features but 20 times as many bugs. Windows Phone 8 is very stable, no hangs, always smooth, and just works.

          Anonymous, 21 Jan 2014"There are many phablets available in the market, the ... more"In a way, this is Nokia's great victory here - after years of waiting, we finally have a no-compromise top-end Lumia to cheer about. Those who wanted nothing but a Nokia smartphone that stood its ground against the mightiest smartphones in the world finally got it. "

          I'm ok with the above conclusion of gsmarena for nokia lumia 1520 vs Samsung note3 doesn't concede any thing to note3 ! I'm very very happy with the professionalism of gsmarena! They had given a good verdict!

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 4QS
            • 21 Jan 2014

            darknite, 20 Jan 2014"Those who wanted nothing but a Nokia smartphone that ... more"There are many phablets available in the market, the exclusive S Pen and highly functional TouchWiz still make the Note 3 king of the hill."
            And this comes after this review.
            And again all that says is that Nokia gets points for finally making a a high specced flagship. You are the one in denial.
            Again. You fought it, said words that show your fanboyism/inability to accept, denied everything including gsm's professionalism, make up your own meaning of their end, pass on the blame, now ignoring Gsm's own words claiming the Note the king and still trying to say I'm the one denying.

              [deleted post]"Those who wanted nothing but a Nokia smartphone that stood its ground against the mightiest smartphones in the world finally got it. " -gsmarena

              you are denying the above from this article.

                [deleted post]"In a way, this is Nokia's great victory here - after years of waiting, we finally have a no-compromise top-end Lumia to cheer about. Those who wanted nothing but a Nokia smartphone that stood its ground against the mightiest smartphones in the world finally got it. "

                and you could not digest it...It is obvious!!!

                  Anonymous, 19 Jan 2014Now going even further with blaming on top of your denial. ... more1. I believe in gsmarenas article and "conclusion" - referring last two summary paragraphs
                  2. No android fanboys' cries and twisting statements could change gsmarena s conclusion, as it is already written !
                  3. A fanboy is a fanboy...who doesn't submit proofs...but live in ...yourself failing to appreciate what gsmarena wrote as a conclusion....
                  4. Get over it...! Argue with better points, get yourself trained in tech topics, speak convincingly, next time!
                  5. See you soon and no matter whatever be your reply... this is my last post for this article...!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 4QS
                    • 19 Jan 2014

                    darknite, 19 Jan usual provoking!Now going even further with blaming on top of your denial.
                    You fought something. We pointed out the facts. You denied it. Now the proof surfaced and I pointed it out to you and even said it was in response to you denying it. Now it has no point and is just provoking according to you.
                    Again. You denied so I showed you the proof from even GSMarena themselves.

                      Anonymous, 18 Jan 2014Like usual you cannot admit or accept anything. And I only ... usual provoking!

                        • s
                        • shil
                        • 2SA
                        • 19 Jan 2014

                        note 3 much batter and faster to use..

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 4QS
                          • 18 Jan 2014

                          darknite, 17 Jan 2014What do you want me to say here? My comments... are my view... moreLike usual you cannot admit or accept anything. And I only posted this in response to your denial.

                            Anonymous, 16 Jan 2014"There are many phablets available in the market, the ... moreWhat do you want me to say here? My comments... are my views which I had already told and I do not speak anymore with you about this. No matter whatever you say in future.

                              • r
                              • rachit
                              • rAZ
                              • 16 Jan 2014

                              I am using lumia 625 and i am using galaxy core also but i am very happy with my lumia b'coz it is very fast and smooth and good battery backup.... Wp is very batter than android no virus issue and no hanging program... And my next phone also its lumia

                                • p
                                • pato
                                • Nw6
                                • 16 Jan 2014

                                this should be based on what suits you and good for your needs, as for me i am enjoying my samsung galaxy note 3

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 4QS
                                  • 16 Jan 2014

                                  darknite, 07 Jan 2014I agree and will not step further...!"There are many phablets available in the market, the exclusive S Pen and highly functional TouchWiz still make the Note 3 king of the hill."

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 4QS
                                    • 12 Jan 2014

                                    AnonD-219951, 12 Jan 2014:))) "Playing now for couple of hours and no lag"... moreI have not had to reset a phone in years. And I only had to because of experimenting with hacks.
                                    It's a rare case. Even with most cheaper deices. More people say you have to then you really do.
                                    SO if you are telling the truth you had a rare instance or were mislead into what you have to do.
                                    And people have gone through the same issues with WP and Iphone too.

                                    So your reasoning is wrong. However the 1520 is still awesome and enjoy it. I can't wait to play with the 1520, but the advantages of the Note/Android will prevent me from choosing it.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-219951
                                      • Jhr
                                      • 12 Jan 2014

                                      Anonymous, 10 Jan 2014Playing on Note 3 now. Been playing for a couple hours and ... more:)))
                                      "Playing now for couple of hours and no lag" !!! :)))
                                      I use to say the same with my HTC, Galaxy 2, Note 2 .... but after .... 1 day, 1 week, i had to reset the phone ! Average blocking .... 2-3 times per week with Galaxy and Note 2. After i bought Lumia 920, the system seems sooooo ugly in the beginning.I was use to Android who has (fortunately for Android team) millions of developers but also millions of ...hackers and viruses.
                                      Since i got use to Win 8 and Lumia, now i would NEVER exchange my Lumia 1520 to ANY telephone on the market !!!
                                      And, by the way, i was thinking on Note 3, i test it, but i chose Lumia.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 4QS
                                        • 10 Jan 2014

                                        Playing on Note 3 now. Been playing for a couple hours and not a single lag. Imagine that. Next I hope to comment from a 1520, but that might not be as easy to get a hold of.