Meizu Pro 5 review: The Prodigy

10 November, 2015
Meizu did such a wonderful job with the MX5 that we were pretty certain a Pro edition wasn't needed this year. As it turns out Meizu thought otherwise and is giving us a bigger and faster Meizu Pro 5, with refined design, blazing-fast chipset and better camera sensor.

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  • M
  • Michael Ryan
  • n%6
  • 13 Nov 2015

All in all I can't help but think this is what the Note 5 should have been like. Samsung's SOC & LPDDR4 memory along with the far superior battery life + the sorely missed microSD slot. Ok, so it lacks the UFS flash memory & QHD screen but I'd happily sacrifice those for a better battery endurance...

    • R
    • Rengar Fitz
    • bJK
    • 13 Nov 2015

    regs, 12 Nov 2015Package box says international version has just 1 (FDD 2100... moreI replied to the wrong comment sorry haha. It was supposed to be this one.

    The Chinese characters didn't seem to register either. ._.

      • R
      • Rengar Fitz
      • bJK
      • 13 Nov 2015

      regs, 12 Nov 2015megapixels means nothing. light sensitivity (sensor size an... moreHey Regs thanks so much for the reply.
      These bands support my carrier, yay. Can you tell me if this international version you speak of is in fact the "public version" listed on the Meizu website? "公开版" is the Chinese characters, I can't read it (because I'm not Chinese :P) and my Chinese friends can't seem to make sense of the applicable frequencies for each type either.
      If you wish to post links try to alter the URL such as "w w w . google dotcom" etc :) I would love to see the back of box information.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • PP}
        • 13 Nov 2015

        Great phone at great price. I'd buy this (since its time for me to upgrade) if it wasn't for the inherant Chinese dodginess stigma.
        I wouldnt want any piece of my data/info sent to china ever.

          • M
          • 9LB
          • 12 Nov 2015

          AnonD-464908, 12 Nov 2015I thought it was available for orders nw..does the work delay mean anything to u...major delays have been naturally a review is out of the question...

            • D
            • AnonD-72449
            • q@f
            • 12 Nov 2015

            AnonD-442781, 12 Nov 2015Ironically all the things you mentioned were things Apple c... moreApple might of took the placement of the antenna bands from the M7 but other than that nothing else looks the same. The M7 had white flat poly-carbonate sides.. The Meizu Pro 5 has the same uni body design as the Iphone, same rounded off sides. And even look the same from the bottom view, with the machine drilled speakers holes... Change the camera placement on the Meizu to the top left hand side and it's nearly identical as the Iphone.. I thinnk Meizu got lazy with their design. But other than that the specs are beastly!

              • r
              • regs
              • 6sV
              • 12 Nov 2015

              Lead2XL, 12 Nov 2015Great specs but a rather modest battery, a deal breaker for... moreIt's pretty much above average battery for this size. Lesser brightness, much better filter makes it work well. I guess you missed the part of review called battery life.

                • D
                • AnonD-46583
                • mt4
                • 12 Nov 2015

                sani, 11 Nov 2015How is the battery life ?..... i really gotta knowabout two days

                  Great specs but a rather modest battery, a deal breaker for me. I would never buy a Meizu phone anyway, for the same reason I wouldn't buy one from Samsung - hate physical home buttons.

                    • r
                    • regs
                    • 6sV
                    • 12 Nov 2015

                    AnonD-443825, 12 Nov 2015lot of Apple fun-boys/girls complain about copying iPhone, ... moremegapixels means nothing. light sensitivity (sensor size and lens aperture) is what is important.

                    Meizu Pro 5 has 1/2.4'' sensor and f/2.2 lens.
                    iPhone 6s has 1/3'' sensor and f/2.2 lens.
                    Galaxy S6 has 1/2.6'' sensor and f/1.9 lens.
                    Z5 series and Nexus 5X and 6P have 1/2.3'' sensor and f/2.0 lens.

                    So yes, iPhone 6s is a little worse. But there are cams much better with wider aperture lens on market, like S6, Z5, 5X, 6P and many more.

                      • r
                      • regs
                      • 6sV
                      • 12 Nov 2015

                      Rengar Fitz, 12 Nov 2015Hello, Meizu has made it incredibly challenging for interna... morePackage box says international version has just 1 (FDD 2100), 3 (FDD 1800), 7 (FDD 2600) and 40 (TDD 2300) bands. Probably also 38 (TDD 2600). But probably.

                      Can't post link to photo as GSMArena has buggy anti-spam.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-86301
                        • avV
                        • 12 Nov 2015

                        dude app drawer is related to launcher, you can get a launcher that has app drawer!

                          • V
                          • Very well done!
                          • Sf{
                          • 12 Nov 2015

                          Congratulations to Meizu for offering such a solid package. Now we need the distributor to bring it here in Turkey or wait for a visit to China. :)

                            • D
                            • AnonD-464908
                            • X06
                            • 12 Nov 2015

                            MONEYRELIGION, 12 Nov 2015when it comes out .....dexter!!jimmy neutron!!I thought it was available for orders nw..

                              • D
                              • AnonD-443825
                              • Msg
                              • 12 Nov 2015

                              lot of Apple fun-boys/girls complain about copying iPhone, better check the history of MEIZU before.
                              does the iPhone have a card slot? No
                              does the iPhone have 21MP camera? No
                              does the iPhone have a 3050 mAh battery? No
                              all about the metal uni-body? Apple wasn`t first.
                              Compare 5 PRO vs iPhone in any aspects and wrote down similarities and differences, guess what, you`l maybe surprised.
                              My point - you are simply jealous that someone can make better phone, for less price

                                • D
                                • AnonD-65736
                                • x1%
                                • 12 Nov 2015

                                Rengar Fitz, 12 Nov 2015Hello, Meizu has made it incredibly challenging for interna... moreUnicom is for China. It will work elsewhere but it might cover fewer frequencies.

                                It's safer for you to choose the public international version, especially if you live in the US.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • X}8
                                  • 12 Nov 2015

                                  Areyoujk, 11 Nov 2015Who would buy a phone that looks like a cheap iPhone copyca... moreits just phones man.
                                  if your identity is dependent on what phone you use, I feel sorry for you.
                                  This is miles better than iphone.
                                  and yeah not meant for the technically challenged user like you

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • X}8
                                    • 12 Nov 2015

                                    Nooi , 11 Nov 2015Its maximum brightness has 321 cd/m2. And I always find GSM... moresunlight legibility is top notch on par with the very best.
                                    so it is bright.

                                      • R
                                      • Rinck
                                      • G%5
                                      • 12 Nov 2015

                                      i wouldn't say Pro5 is alike a copy of iPhone.

                                        • A
                                        • Areyoujk
                                        • Ibx
                                        • 12 Nov 2015

                                        zeeBomb, 11 Nov 2015Lmao. Someone hasn't been in touch of Meizus greatness in t... moreI know it's a great device!! , actually I said it earlier. that's why it's pathetic that they had to make it look like an iPhone.

                                        I mean Damn. It's a considerable amount of money they're asking you to pay, for something that in the eyes of literally everyone out there, is just a Chinese iPhone copy.

                                        It didn't had to be the best design ever made, just something that you couldn't immediately associate with iPhone ffs.

                                        I mean I can't even recommend this to a friend and tell him something like... "Yo this is one of the best phones out there come and see" cause he's probably just gonna say "I don't care if it's good or not that looks like a #&@%=2 iPhone." and that's not good for meizu as a company. It's already bad enough that they're a Chinese brand.

                                        Everyone has the preconceived idea that Chinese makers just make cheap copies of phones for $100 and they're soo bad tbh, so this brand tries to do amazing premium phones but copying the design like others? Come on. We all know it's not a good idea.

                                        Hopefully they're just gonna change it sooner or later. And then, I'll most likely buy it.