Nokia Lumia 1020 hands-on: First look

11 July 2013
The Nokia Lumia 1020 makes them all proud - it has the big sensor (even if, at 1/1.5", it's slightly smaller than the one inside the 808 PureView) the OIS and a proper flash. Update: hands-on and camera UI...

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  • b
  • bokehlicious
  • wHT
  • 11 Jul 2013

Here is what I look for on a camera: Can it do portrait shoot with butter smooth bokeh? Can it shoot at night with nice light bokeh at the back?
So, what the point again with this camera-wannabe phone???

    • D
    • AnonD-152638
    • mhB
    • 11 Jul 2013

    Anonymous, 11 Jul 2013A real pitty that they didn't / couldn't use the beefed up ... moreThe next mayor launch this year will probably be something in the 9-series, however packing 5" display, 1080p, Quad core. But I think they will wait another year for the 1020 to get an upgrade. It seems to be the way manufactors work these days, all models have a yearly update frequency.

    (well the 920 wasn't really held back by its hardware, it was pretty top spec when it came out, that chipset held the top spots at that time, for the android devices tested with it)

    If you are not a gamer, you wont be bothered, and if you are a gamer, you will still have to wait some months to see something in the WP gang that will beat it.
    BT3.0 is a letdown, if it's not a driver and not hardware issue and the chip is actually a 4.0 ready one. They really should have put BT4.0 in there, for us that work out with heart rate monitor... and those of us looking for smart-watches, that will probably soon actually by the flood of devices showing up break thru.
    And the battery, we've seen from tests here on GSMarena that they wont last as long as top dogs, even in stand by times... and for a photo device with xeon flash, battery life will be problematic.

      Well Nokia cameraphones are truly the best i must say

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 7qC
        • 11 Jul 2013

        Anonymous, 11 Jul 2013galaxy s4 zoom phone is way much worth itI too am I fan of android but don't spit it bro s4 zoom can't even come close to this

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • tA$
          • 11 Jul 2013

          still no native video call support?
          Nokia & Microsoft never listen to their customers' request.

            • D
            • AnonD-152638
            • mhB
            • 11 Jul 2013

            Sharp introduced the 902 in 2004, featuring 2x optical zoom, so Nokia wasnt first.
            And to be honest the format was more practical with the flip and twist screen to give it a real digicam feel.
            N93 also had a flip and twist display, but the lens was sidemounted, like a strange handycam. Not that a camera with pistol grip is less ergonomical, but the n93 wasnt that ergonomical.
            The 902 also had the ability to change colour of the camera led.
            And a cute outer display if you twisted the display inwards to protect it, you could still get some info.

            But N93 was however a smartphone.
            And the lens was better, and zoom was 3x instead of 2x.
            (megapixel count was hihger, but it was also two years later).

            Well the sharp was little known, and was left far behind the SonyEricsson K750.
            The nokia was left far behind a SE camera phone.
            But Nokia had themself to blame, designing the N93 like they did, with the pricetag it had, it sure wasn't a mass market device.
            N73 was closing in on the SE phones, but still thicker, heavier, and the image quality despite having Carl Zeiss lens was at most at the same level, and the SE had xeon flash, N73 had Led only.
            It took them some months, to introduce the N95... that time they got it right, except that I always wished my had a touchscreen (since before the iPhone came out, I've wanted touchscreen phones since the Ericsson R380).

              • B
              • Batman
              • 0U0
              • 11 Jul 2013

              RobertH, 11 Jul 2013@batman have you used the phone to come to such a definite ... moreI'm on my second phone with the same S4 chip(one android, one WP). For the time being, it can handle everything. But it's kind of underpowered for a high-end device. Another thing is that WP is THE BUGGIEST OS of the 3 big ones. Don't tell me android has bugs. I haven't encountered any bug that required a reboot, but i've heard of tons on WP forums. Almost kept me from getting one, but I kinda got bored of android after 2 years.

                • T
                • Tommy
                • T3E
                • 11 Jul 2013

                uh, it says is has 1GB Rom but it's 2GB.

                anyway, this will be my next phone for sure!
                love making beautifull pics with my phone everywhere I go!

                I'll trade my 808 pureview for the 1020 :D

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • v0q
                  • 11 Jul 2013

                  I think by now everyone should know that nokia phones aren't built for gaming and/or hardcore power hungry apps rather they focuses on being a handy MOBILE phone,

                  Still 2000mAh battery, is that enough?

                    • D
                    • AnonD-102477
                    • 61Q
                    • 11 Jul 2013

                    haters will always hate

                      • R
                      • RobertH
                      • NMu
                      • 11 Jul 2013

                      @batman have you used the phone to come to such a definite conclusion? no? its like saying i cant play doom on the n95...but i could back then...and specs were "lesser" than the iphone 1st gen. until you see/use the phone dont go running around just comparing specs

                        • D
                        • AnonD-84588
                        • 9I$
                        • 11 Jul 2013

                        sigh.. they didn't even try to fix the lack of microSD slot

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • m2}
                          • 11 Jul 2013

                          A real pitty that they didn't / couldn't use the beefed up MSM8960T with Adreno 320 + 1.7GHz cores. WP8 is really holding back these new designs now. lumia 920/925/928/1020 all been stuck with the same underlying platform.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • v0X
                            • 11 Jul 2013

                            galaxy s4 zoom phone is way much worth it

                              • B
                              • Batman
                              • 0U0
                              • 11 Jul 2013

                              Not impressed. At all. Really old specs. Don't sell me that "WP doesn't need high specs". Maybe the UI doesn't. But games and more intensive apps do. It's like having an pentium 4 w7 machine, trying to play bioshock infinite and getting under 10fps, but believing that if you install w8 which is better optimized for games you would get 60fps on max. You won't. You will get max 1 fps more. Not a big diffrence. So it doesn't help that it runs WP, the specs are still weak, it's still not gonna run the intensive games of a few months from now. And it's the same situation with apps. A couple years ago a phone/tablet/laptop/pc/mac could run anything lag free. Now it will struggle on some of newer apps. This phone is already shipping with a year and a half old CPU/gpu combo. It's just outdated and BAD compared to everything else.

                                The best camera on a smartphone ....period