Apple iOS 7 review: Eye of the beholder

17 September 2013
Depending on where you come from, the iOS 7 may be the bigger, and better, piece of news than the new iPhone duo. Certainly true if you have the iPhone 5 and you intend on holding on to it, unfazed by what looks like a dilemma between a marginal upgrade...

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  • D
  • AnonD-45523
  • 7q9
  • 18 Sep 2013

harlekkin, 18 Sep 2013Yeah, that's why iPhone users are SO unhappy with the choic... morewell atleast the average cars out there deliver basics and great features likewise...
whereas our beloved iphone over here is delivering below par, sub-standard features.

    • D
    • AnonD-45523
    • 7q9
    • 18 Sep 2013

    Anonymous, 18 Sep 2013You clearly have no idea how the smartphone market works. ... moreIf the average user doesn't care about all that much....then why buy an expensive device which does less when you can get a better device at cheap price??

      • D
      • AnonD-187963
      • naB
      • 18 Sep 2013

      i have the newest iPod touch i think its 6g...not sure. and i would like to warn poeple who want ios 7 on the ipod or iphone 4s and lower. it will slow down the device a lot. thee is noticeable lag and frame rate issues with the os. i am running the gold master and i dont think they will improve that with the final build.

      for example
      - while multitasking if you tap on an open app the app opens but i takes a second or 3 befor you can use the app. doesnt seem significant but after a while it will get annoying.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • mJr
        • 18 Sep 2013

        "As we tested the iOS 7 on an iPhone 5, it's worth noting that the response is a tad slower compared to how the same thing behaved running iOS 6"

        If the iphone 5 runs slower with ios 7 than ios 6, how bad is ios 7 going to run on iphone 4/4s ???

          • j
          • justvader
          • X}s
          • 18 Sep 2013

          All my friends using iPhone are so happy with the news of iOS7, they are eagerly awaiting the rollout for they had almost got bored of the outdated interface and functionality. Android and Windows were marching ahead.

            • y
            • yeah
            • j8w
            • 18 Sep 2013

            harlekkin, 18 Sep 2013Yeah, that's why iPhone users are SO unhappy with the choic... moreWell put.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • MQK
              • 18 Sep 2013

              Tom-Helge, 18 Sep 2013Doesn't help when iOS is tiny small compared to Android in ... moreWhile I agree with some of what you say. It cannot be ignored that the appstore has more apps than play store & pretty much every developer brings apps to the appstore first & sometimes exclusively.

              So yes develepers are indeed looking at the 19% before the 79%.

              & I also saw another post where you talk about Android offering 64 bit support before ios 7.. That makes absolutely no difference as there are no handsets that offer this support. when apple created their 64 bit OS they immediately came up with the hardware to use it.
              I just wish Android hardware manufacturers would do the same instead of just adding octo core processors that android doesn't actually support....

                • D
                • D3monoid
                • GRQ
                • 18 Sep 2013

                We don't need any of the features mentioned under the disadvantage column.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • aw9
                  • 18 Sep 2013

                  Anonymous, 18 Sep 2013You clearly have no idea how the smartphone market works. ... moreit's about ch0ice...which you don't get with the vEgetable phone

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • PEH
                    • 18 Sep 2013

                    Anonymous, 18 Sep 2013You clearly have no idea how the smartphone market works. ... moreI thinks what's he's saying is that you can only use the apps you've bought if you continue buying apple devices. There's also the fact that you are forced to use standard apple apps like Safari and the ever trash Appple maps (Nokia and Goggle Maps are far better). I don't use iOS but I thinks that I can't sync my history from Safari to other devices. You also open Safari directly after clicking a link. I don't get what you mean by security though. In Android, you can add apps for security and you should really be careful in what you download.

                      AnonD-45523, 18 Sep 2013I find it funny when Tech Websites give conclusions like ,&... moreYeah, that's why iPhone users are SO unhappy with the choice of apps and hardly ever use them. Please...

                      iPhone enables people to do more than they could have ever thought possible on a phone. The reason Apple reviews apps is to ensure that there's no dodgy software and nothing illegal that enters the ecosystem. Apple have a lot to lose if they were found guilty of infringing DRM laws...

                      The only people that want to "tune up" their phones are geeks like you. How many crazy tuned up cars do you see driving around in your city? Oh, was that less than 1% of the population? Well there ya go.

                        • l
                        • lol
                        • MVg
                        • 18 Sep 2013

                        Whoever designed iOS7 needs sacked big time i couldve came up with something better and it would be FREE wouldnt charge
                        By the way Apple fighting against jailbreaking but they keep copying Jailbreak Developers ideas if u have ur iphone jailbroken b4 you no what im talking about..biggest scam in the world iPhones/iPads/iPods new one every 6/9 months no changes what so ever..smh

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • m77
                          • 18 Sep 2013

                          AnonD-45523, 18 Sep 2013I find it funny when Tech Websites give conclusions like ,&... moreYou clearly have no idea how the smartphone market works.
                          The average user doesn't need to change every icon on their homescreen, or play for hours customising.

                          Being "locked in" is more secure as well. That is why many IT professionals shun Android.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-45523
                            • 7q9
                            • 18 Sep 2013

                            I find it funny when Tech Websites give conclusions like ,"it finally boils down to what ecosystem of apps you tied to".

                            This is a joke.....who wants to be tied to the apple ecosytem???.

                            iOS and apple devices are like a get what they think is right for you.
                            that is why apple fanbuuoys jump with joy everytime they get a new feature stolen from some other OS.

                            Its like prisoners will get bacon only on Sunday...Obviously they'll be overjoyed.

                            BuT with OS like android its like you can have bacon, chicken, wine..whatever the your choice.

                            Sorry but Apple failed to deliver anything exciting.
                            They have lost what they started.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • pqk
                              • 18 Sep 2013

                              Okey apple finally took the ideas from android and built them into IO7 - good thing because they will probably not sue google for these anymore.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-8685
                                • mF7
                                • 18 Sep 2013

                                are you in cloud cookoo land?

                                  • S
                                  • Syed
                                  • tUd
                                  • 18 Sep 2013

                                  I Am Waiting

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • nx2
                                    • 18 Sep 2013


                                    i hope someone can help me

                                    i have notice in the 4th section "phonebook" the background is all white, is there option to change the color?

                                      • d
                                      • dee
                                      • t}y
                                      • 18 Sep 2013

                                      Blowntoaster, 18 Sep 2013LMAO...lag on!!! they say it would never happen..... moreios 7 is fast in my ipod touch 4 with 256 mb ram unlike my Xperia with 1 gb Ram

                                        • A
                                        • A nony Mouse
                                        • fre
                                        • 18 Sep 2013

                                        Looks Cartoonish