Samsung D600
- n
- nikki
- iIR
- 08 May 2007
i have this phone my opinion is ..
its an ok phone but you cannot set a ring tone on your messages!!!..
can only have the standard ones:s....
not the best phone ...
but thats my opinion
- M
- Michael
- PSw
- 07 May 2007
yes, you can operate the phone while it is closed or the text keypad hidden.
pressing the dedicated camera button shows you a submenu - take a photo, capture video, go to photos, go to videos.
but pressing and holding it for more than 2 seconds starts the camera
- M
- Michael
- PSw
- 07 May 2007
unlike E900, D900 and some new models, D600 is not capable of multitasking. meaning you have to end an existing application like mp3 player to text, or browse the web, etc.
- m
- michael
- PSw
- 07 May 2007
there is no way you can switch the camera shutter sound off.
you need to take 2 to 3 seconds to take a picture with the highest resolution - 1600x1200 for it doesn't have an image stabilizer as that of SE K800i
for the software.. hmm.. i don't know
- A
- Af$
- vkM
- 07 May 2007
I was wondering if the D600 was capable of multitasking..? Hmm.. I dont think so tho. Like, listening to mp3s, whilst texting.. or even browsing the net. Only because I was listening to mp3s and getting texted at the same time. I had to stop the program, reply, then start again. >:p I dont think the 6288 has that problem. But you cant have everything.. Hit me back if you have the answer. Thank you. :)
- m
- margaret
- M@T
- 07 May 2007
the password for d600 is 00000000. wen i switch my fone of to charge it i have to put password in wen i switch it back on again.
- c
- carloud
- vpY
- 06 May 2007
sir abdul rehman
it seems if you cant use 1234 or 0000 then you must get your phone reformatted the sad thing about that is you will lose all the data in there
but at least youll get to use the phone again hehe
sir benoit yes you can use camera mp3 while the phone is closed you can even access your messages while it is closed
almost all functions are accessible while the phone is closed ^_^
- B
- Benoit
- pdq
- 06 May 2007
I want to ask some questions about this phone
1. Does this phone works when keypad is hidden? Example mp3 player, Camera?
2.What about camera button. Does this button swith camera on by one click?
- c
- carloud
- vpd
- 06 May 2007
elo sirs does anyone know if it is possible to silence the camera shutter sound when taking pictures?
- d
- d600 :D
- mH6
- 04 May 2007
luv myn! got it quite a while ago still love it only jus worked out how to use the tv adaptin fingy its sik! lol bought a 1gb memory card last nyt off ebay lol should be here tomoro hopefully and we can see how tht goes great fone recomend it
- c
- carloud
- vpY
- 04 May 2007
elos sirs,
I would like to ask if there is a firmware which offers the ability to silence the camera sound
cause my d600, when taking, pics, is kinda slow and when camera shutter sound clicks without the fone being able to save yet thus resulting to people moving already thinking that the picture was actually taken already when it is not yet which results to blurry images
pls help any reply regarding this matter would be greatly apreicated cheers^_^
- k
- kloe
- mp3
- 03 May 2007
if you go into the sent messages folder, and click on the message you want to knoe when was sent, then at the very bottem of the message, it will say a time and date it was sent x
- N
- Noks
- NaD
- 02 May 2007
I have an sms in my sent box and want to see the date that it was sent, how do I that?
- d
- d600
- wu4
- 02 May 2007
man this fone well....
actually I already found my answer to my question why my fone records only at 7fps
because there's low light
the fone seems to have a hard time capturing video
I tried it in the morning just a little while ago
dang it the video fps and clarity boosted up to OH MY GOODNESS its tooooo gooood!!!!!!!
- d
- d600
- wu4
- 02 May 2007
what the??? what I poted didnt make any sense
my video capture framerate is only 7 fps as compared to what the video reviews here in gsm arena and mobile review
is there a way to make my video capture capture more frames?
- d
- d600
- wu4
- 02 May 2007
elo the video capture of your d600 fone?
mine isnt as good as what the reviewers in gsm arena and mobile review presented
it doesnt run at 15 fps
its more like 7 fps
video recording capture more frames per second? it run higher
- m
- missy
- n5Y
- 01 May 2007
i am new to the whole moble thing
i was wondering were do you go if u
want to check how much credit u got?
can someone help me out
- d
- d600
- RN{
- 01 May 2007
i downloaded gmail onto my d600 but whenever i open the application the phone restarts itself. does anyone have this problem as well?
- c
- carloud
- vpd
- 30 Apr 2007
whoa using the smartmovie converter it indicates that d600 actually 25 fps of video capture
that's too good!!!!!!
- a
- ally
- mpu
- 30 Apr 2007
havent had any problems with my mobile, in the eve i put it on charge although it wasnt flat, the fone lit up and went off, when it is connected to thecharger it lights on and of, but its not actually on and when i pull it from charging it lights up then goes off