Samsung D600
- K
- K
- S0@
- 12 Sep 2005
What I mean is that Vodafone were due to release today, and O2 yesterday, and Voda are now saying delayed till 26th, and some O2 customer services are also saying 26th.
So, my question was whether P4U was still releasing on 15th, or it was hit by the same delays (possibly a delay at Samsung or with the supplying networks). If P4U are selling on contract still from 15th, then great. I'll be the first in line. I just wanted some confirmation given the disappointing news from the other retail stores.
- u
- uzi
- MkX
- 12 Sep 2005
does anyone know if the fone will have the ability to ring and vibrate at the same time?
- m
- me
- myj
- 12 Sep 2005
samsung are hooot phoness..
- ?
- Anonymous
- Se8
- 12 Sep 2005
wot are u on about, they will be sim free by end of this month mate, should be on contract by 15th hopefully.
- K
- K
- S0@
- 12 Sep 2005
ok p_b, thanks.
Are they still on for sale on 15th? or are they also delayed like everyone else?
- p
- p_b
- myu
- 12 Sep 2005
P4u are goin to start sellin them on contract 1st, it will probably take a few months for them to start sellin sim free.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ib1
- 12 Sep 2005
nice attempt by samsung... still it's very pricey. check out nokia 6280... much cheaper and greater functionalities!
- S
- Spiritualized
- nue
- 12 Sep 2005
I said the camera is better on the K750, everything else on the D600 is superior.
- S
- SE Supporter
- 12 Sep 2005
Spiritualized .. this phone no need to slide to take photo is 1 thing.. 2mp alrite maybe the same as k/d750 & w800 but.. it dun have auto focus =] if any of ur friend got k750 or w800 compare it with ur phone n u will c the difference.. w800 or k750 would be a better choice.. thank you
- K
- K
- S0@
- 12 Sep 2005
Voda are now saying delayed until 26th Sep...
- A
- Ali
- NaC
- 12 Sep 2005
It is the best phone
- K
- K
- S0@
- 12 Sep 2005
Is P4U selling it sim-free or only on contract at first?
- S
- Spiritualized
- nue
- 12 Sep 2005
Only the camera is better on the K750, every other feature on the Samsung is superior. Oh and no, the camera shouldn't be hidden on the D600, because now you can use it without sliding open the keypad.
- A
- Alex
- Scm
- 12 Sep 2005
This is not as good as the Sony Ericsson K750i or W800!The camera are not as good as the sony's!The slide look is very good!But it can't do the Walkman(R) function like the W800 do!Samsung should work harder to produce a better phone!And also want to mention that the back of the D600 is not as good as D500!The carema should kept hidden in the back of the front!
- p
- p_b
- myu
- 12 Sep 2005
I work for Phones 4u and we r starting selling it on the 15th of september!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mKC
- 11 Sep 2005
I'm absolutely stunned. Samsung has done great progresses in recent years and they overcame Nokia on the market. I think that if you want a exceptional phone, Samsung should be your first choice.
- S
- Ste
- mXA
- 11 Sep 2005
OK, get over it whatever you're on about
- M
- Mobilo
- mKB
- 11 Sep 2005
The price in the netherlands will be € 465,00 for the D600 when you only buy the phone. (so without subscription/monthly fee/abonnement)
- ?
- Anonymous
- Se8
- 11 Sep 2005
we dont care bout your legend, cos its out soemtime between 15th and 27th, okay.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mKC
- 11 Sep 2005
the legend has it that this phone will be out on 20 september