Samsung D600

Samsung D600

User opinions and reviews

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  • r
  • radu
  • Mve
  • 14 Jul 2006

The phone is really baf, i was very happy with it when i baught it but now my battery life is 9 hours without mp3 listening and much talking, so it;s really BAD and i can't find anywhere even at samsung shop the battery to buy ! samsung dissapointed me with this phone, D500 was 2 times better !!

    • B
    • Belen
    • Lxt
    • 14 Jul 2006

    hi ! i wanna ask you guys something ... how many accesories have the phone when you buy it ??thanks !! i'll be waiting for your answer !

      • w
      • wojto
      • pY{
      • 14 Jul 2006

      I must to recharge battery every 3th day???
      Can I write sms when I am listening mp3 player??
      When I am listening mp3 player my battery live only 3hours.
      I HAVE MORE NUMBERS ON ONE CONTACT IN PHONE BOOK.but when I am sending sms i cant send sms to fax or home number just to mobile number.How can I choose numbers in contact????

        • o
        • omeng
        • RKn
        • 14 Jul 2006

        So far im ok with D600, but im looking forward to having the P850, its like having a digicam with you all the time...nice work. With a 3.2 megapixel, i think thats the only difference with a D600, right?

          • o
          • omeng
          • RKn
          • 14 Jul 2006

          I had my D-600 for almost 2 months now, no problem ever since...although im a Samsung lover, im definitely impressed with this phone. Words of advice, please do not buy casing that has magnets in it, it will affect your phone, it happened to me. So the people from Samsung told me not to use casings with magnets, and so i did, it went well eversince. Im from the Philippines btw, so i know what im saying here, especially when it comes to cellphones...

            • S
            • Sel
            • TiZ
            • 14 Jul 2006

            I’ve copied a bunch of games (in .jad format) onto my card. Is there any way of getting them to run without installing them with software? I have a Mac G4 Desktop computer and I have no idea which software I can use to install it.

              • L
              • Ly
              • k1V
              • 14 Jul 2006

              It is true that you do not have to manually copy the files into the phone, and that if you use "Set As", the phone will ask for confirmation to copy to phone. Nevertheless, you still need to copy it to the phone... right? The files must be used from the phone's internal memory.

              Ivo, I don't mind exchanging info. Please email me and I will respond. As for your phone crashing, I don't know what could be wrong with it. My firmware was a Feb 2006 one so it might have something to do with the one month difference. I also bought a factory unlocked phone and I recall that it's from an Australian manufacturer as oppose to China or Europe. Not all the phones were made in the same place and at the same time. All I can say is that my phone is still in perfect condition. I've not experienced any crashing or any problems that occurs often. Not to say that I haven't had any problems (i.e. freezing once in a blue moon)... which are natural to cell phones since there are electronics, right? But again, if or when it does, I will update.

              41$T, it's a bit tricky ~ I learned this while I read the forums. First off, in order to set an image for a contact, you need to copy the contact from your sim to your phone. The phone will automatically do this for you when you edit the contact and try to set an image for that contact. Second, you need to make sure that there is a "1" in front of the contact number. For instance, a contact's number is ##########... in order for his or her image to show up, the number must be saved as 1##########.

              Hope that was what you're looking for. Otherwise, I'm open for more questions.


                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • PU2
                • 14 Jul 2006

                to Ly,

                I think you do not have to copy manually or step by step the wallpaper, picture or music from your memory card to phone in order to set them as caller id or caller ringtone because the memory card has the option of "SET AS" but you are prompt by a message that it would be copied automatically to phone internal memory once you save it as costumization that mentioned above.

                I have the D820 and i can set any content from the memory card directly for customizing my phone but these contents are "AUTOMATICALLY" saved to the phone internal memory. I do not have to transfer it manually from memory card to phone memory before setting these contents as wallpaper, caller id and ringtone. I hope this is true to D600.

                  • I
                  • Ivo
                  • m{4
                  • 13 Jul 2006

                  Hello Ly.
                  I wrote here a month ago. I enjoyed this.
                  This phone has very good features, but I am disappointed at all. I have too much problems with it, nevertheless I am using one of the latest firmware versions (11 Jan 2006).
                  I can complain, because I don't think that I am overloading it, or something like this. I take care of it very strictly. It restarts, crashes, hangs very often.
                  I have read a lot of things about its hardware, firmware, features and so on. I also found hardware plans of this device.
                  I want to know whether you have the same problems (or something similar), because I see that you know what you are talking about and you know a lot of things about the phone.
                  I will be glad if we exchange some information!

                    • J
                    • Jul
                    • 41$
                    • 13 Jul 2006

                    I have had my Samsung d600 for about a month. I really like it a lot. Can anyone tell me how to make it so the picture shows for the caller ID? I can't seem to figure it out.

                      • L
                      • Ly
                      • k1V
                      • 13 Jul 2006

                      Correction: For a 50kbs image, it takes about 4 seconds.

                        • L
                        • Ly
                        • k1V
                        • 13 Jul 2006

                        Limit on text messages in the phone is 200. There is a "My Folder" folder and a "Draft" folder. You can not create new folders. I've never left my phone on for days with minimum usage before so I wouldn't know. But like I said earlier, I can use my phone for two hours and leave it on standby for two days.

                        I will CONFIRM this: You CANNOT USE music or images out of the memory card; it must be copied into the phone. For instance, I have to copy an image into the phone to set it as a wallpaper or someone's call image. I have to copy the music to set it as a ringtone.

                        If you want to know how to mod, do a search in the search engine and start READING. I used HowardForums; be considerate there or no one will help you. (Note: Make sure you get the right cable. The original USB cable that comes with the phone can not be used for modding.)

                        It takes a bit to transfer images from the phone into your computer. Hm.. about 45 seconds for each image. To put images into your phone (NOT the memory card), it takes about 50kb, it takes about 4 seconds (drag and drop style). There.. hope that helps everyone.

                          • j
                          • joergen
                          • m7v
                          • 13 Jul 2006

                          OK, the phone is not a camera. One just have to know the limitations and get the best snapshots from the phone. Just too bad the phone also display long heads, when Qcif clips are played on the phone.

                            • j
                            • joergen
                            • m7v
                            • 13 Jul 2006

                            I talked to a guy at the Samsung support, and he was very helpfull:

                            Recorded video in 352x288 is deformed, stretched vertically. Yes, it is because the Qcif is ment for TV. On a TV it looks fine, but the Qcif is really not for playing on a pc.

                            Connected to TV, the images does not display full screen. Yes, this is a limitation on the phone.

                            Very slow USB transfer. Yes, when transfering from phone memory USB 1, and when transfering from card USB 2.

                            Phone cant save or play directly from card. As the internal memory is filled, things can be moved to the card.

                              • h
                              • homer
                              • PSw
                              • 13 Jul 2006

                              hey guys!good day to everyone.this question is to all d600.i hope you can help me with many text messages can you save in the phone?does it have a limit...say 150-200 msgs only?or as long as there is available memory on the phone i can continue saving my msgs?is it possible to create a new folder and then store or move my msgs in there?how long does the battery last on minimal usage?thanks.

                                • j
                                • joergen
                                • mfc
                                • 12 Jul 2006

                                Thanks to LY for the tips. Though theres still a lot of unanswered questions.
                                This lovely D600E also starts to irritate me. Bought a memory card today and I cant even get it to work on the card instead of the internal memory. I have to copy the recorded clips manually to the card.
                                Any ideas are welcome...

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Mw%
                                  • 12 Jul 2006

                                  how did you modded your phone then when listening to music how can you writing sms. help plz

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Mw%
                                    • 12 Jul 2006

                                    plz help about modification about minimize mp3 player and by this way i can write sms when i listen to music.
                                    additional i can not see any deficiency except this.
                                    cell phone is a different taste if you pretend not to see this its specifications never predict you because productors never produce a phone which has all features. a phone's image is important compare the other ones with d600.which one has got d600's image

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • nEA
                                      • 12 Jul 2006

                                      Thanks joergen for that mp3 converter site.

                                        • L
                                        • Ly
                                        • k1V
                                        • 12 Jul 2006

                                        First off, I don't think it's necessary to post TWO comments about how this phone will irritate you like mad. I have had this phone for FIVE months already and there's NOTHING wrong with it. It's a beautifully designed phone with excellent features. I even MODDED the phone and now it's even better than ever.

                                        1. The camera is as good as a 2mp camera PHONE could get. Please do NOT get confuse this to be a replacement for a camera. It does VERY well in good lighting (i.e. outside in the sun), but just like most camera phones, it takes distorted images when you are moving with it. As least it doesn't come out in a blur. If you want to see some examples, there are PLENTY of "test" pictures online if only you (the person interested in purchasing this phone) would use a search engine to look for it. For instance:

                                        2. The battery life starts off short, but it will gradually increase as you "break into" it. I admit that it's not as long as some mobile phone users would want, but it's still good. It's been five months and I can talk on the phone for about 2 hours and still have it on standby for two days.

                                        3. As for signal reception -- it's average. If you live in a place that has bad reception, then it's gonna get bad reception. Simple as that. I must live in an area that has good reception because I have full bars ALL the time no matter where I go in my house or in my neighborhood.

                                        4. USB transfer is NOT slow - not if you're putting it into your phone memory. It's pretty average. Seriously, why do people think that transferring images and phones out of and into phone should take a very short period of time. It doesn't. HOWEVER, if you're using USB transfer to get pics/music into your t-flash card while it's in your phone... then it WILL be slow. The best way to transfer into a t-flash card is to use a card reader.

                                        5. The cheap version of this phone is the one with the "samsung" label on it? Truthfully, my phone is in excellent working condition. I don't understand why I have the "cheap" version.

                                        6. Listening to music while writing an SMS is NOT possible with the original firmware that it comes with. Since I modded mine, I can.

                                        7. There are no THEMES that comes with the D600 if you purchase it in its original firmware, but a few of the modders on the net have already created some. There are two colors that originally came with my phone... red and blue.

                                        8. Someone wrote that the screen always went blank after a few seconds even when on the phone. Well it's just like when you set your computer to shut off the monitor when you are idle. It saves battery life for the phone. If you don't want it to go off in a few seconds, go through your phone settings and set your "backlight" to stay on for a longer period of time... like half an hour. Seriously, if you're not using your phone, why leave your screen on? Just like.. if you're not using your computer, why leave your monitor on? If your display goes blank while your phone is shut down, and you want to see the time, hold on to the "up" key on the side for 2 to 3 seconds and the time and date will show.

                                        9. If you don't like the games on your phone... start reading forums and LEARN how to put java games in cuz that's what I did and I LOVE it.

                                        10. This is the type of phone that you can drag and drop music into. Just like the camera feature, please don't complain about the short time period that you can play music. This phone has mp3 player capabilities. It is NOT a replacement mp3 player. This phone was not advertised as an mp3 player like the some of the sony ericsson phones that plays up to 8 or 9 hours of music.

                                        11. I have no experienced any problems with my t-flash cards, yet. If I do, I will post about it.

                                        If you're so picky about what you want in a phone then wait a million years for some company to come out with a perfect phone. Otherwise, stop complaining about the itsy bitsy tiny flaws that it has. Nothing in life is perfect.. this isn't a perfect phone, but it sure hell is an excellent one.

                                        Maybe you're having problems because you dropped the phone so many times. As for me, I have a polycarbonated clear case on it and I've never dropped it any distance over 1 foot. There are no scratches on my phone whatsoever and there's nothing wrong with my phone.

                                        Oh yeah... mobile users, please remember to restart your phone every so often. I know some people have a tendency to leave their phone on all the time and charge it while it's on and just never ever turn it off to restart it until their phone starts freezing. Your phone, your choice.

                                        I'm not a professional reviewer -- I'm just expressing my observations and my opinions. Questions, concerns? Feel free to email me.