Samsung D600
- A
- Acheront
- ijC
- 19 May 2006
I got the phone today, and it is awesome! However, one big downside to it is that the camera has crappy colours :< It always has a annoying yellowish tint when taking photos. I would prefer the W800i or Nokia 6280 camera-wise. Is there anyway to fix this as the camera is quite important.
- a
- amy
- Tky
- 19 May 2006
Hey, is this phone tri band can anyone tell me? want it but need to know f can use in the States
- I
- Pxp
- 19 May 2006
To --> Reza
Thanx a lot for ur help. opera mini starts but the problem still persist. When I enter a word for search, after a while it says that "You do not have a working network connection". Anyway thanx once again.
To --> Ivo
I install opera mini simply from the site
To --> Fizzy
1) Unfortunately u can't select any mp3,midi or polyphonic tone for messages.
2) No, there is no way to keep the light on while in idle mode. I think it's good b.coz it saves battery charge.
3) I bought my D600 just a few days ago & I charge it about 5 hours. No serious problem with the battery. A few simple things can make the battery life longer. off the slider tone, kill the keypad, select dual band instead of quad band, use ear phones while watching videos as much as possible. Then see the battery life.
Hope it will help u.
To --> goodBABE
Yeah u r right that u can't see the photos at very fullscreen like videos, but it is not a small size. It is very fair enough.
And as for as I'm concerned, I'm very much happy with this great phone. I highly recommend this phone to everyone.
To --> Hameja
Of cource it record videos in continuous. Any doubt???
Have a NICE DAY to all of U !!!
- H
- Hameja
- mjM
- 19 May 2006
does it record video in continuous ???
or it stops after a few seconds??
- D
- Divooneh
- mjM
- 19 May 2006
Is there any difference between firmware versions???
- g
- goodBABE
- mjM
- 19 May 2006
i wanna buy a phone but i don't know what to buy !!!
i love D600 so much for its design and colour, but the Nokia and SonyEricsson owners say some problems in D600 such "it can't display images in fullscreen or zoom-in" ... and other..
in your opinion (D600 owners) is these important ?? are you ok with this phone??
- F
- Fizzy
- 19 May 2006
Hi guys, i hv just got this phone a couple of days ago and im still trying to explore its functions.
May i know if there is a way we can set other midi files or sound files as our sms alert tone, other than the 15 preset ones? Becos i tried setting for the ringtones, we can choose from a list. But for the sms alert tone, i cant seem to access my other downloaded sounds.
I understand that we cant set mp3s as our sms alert but wat abt midi or polyphonic tones?
N is there a way we can keep the screen dimmed or something, instead of switching it off completely in idle mode?
N though i first charged my batteries for 10 hrs, they seem to hv a v short life. I seem to need to charge them everyday. Is there a way we can keep the batt life longer?
Please kindly advise.
Thank you.
- I
- Ivo
- nUV
- 18 May 2006
Sorry for the tripple posting, but I experience some technical difficulties. INAM if you tell me how do you install this opera browser I will try to help.
- I
- Ivo
- nUV
- 18 May 2006
Again to INAM :)
There are different firmware versions. Maybe you own a D600E version (with EDGE suppord) or your firmware differs from mine.
- I
- Ivo
- nUV
- 18 May 2006
I understand what you are talking about. This is a kind of telephone secretary. When you don't want to talk or you have are busy, enable this to let the phone answers instead of you. The person who is calling will leave a message. I think this is it.
About charging the battery. Review some post behind. I wrote about it. I also wrote about using usb. It is far behind.
Take care to all!
- R
- Reza
- PB9
- 17 May 2006
Dear INAM,
I also download opera mini & using it nicely. This is what u’ll do before using it. Press the option key in ur mobile. From there select the permission. Change all to “Yes, always”. Save it. Now use ur opera mini.
Don’t type anything in “APN”, “Login name” & “Password”. Leave it as it is.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ihm
- 17 May 2006
had this phone a month, no problems really, batterys not too impressive, usb doesnt work unless im doing it wrong
- I
- Pxp
- 17 May 2006
To=> Harzeh
On ur phone & use it untill the battery goes off. Then plug the charger & charge it about 4-5 hours. I've got my D600 on 13th May & I charge it about 5 hours. It is working good.
No problem at all.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pYG
- 17 May 2006
I got this phone today, and overall it is fantastic im like all of the features, the only major downfall i have come across is that on a £200 phone samsung have not made it possible to use mp3 songs as a message alert tone. A paert from that the phone looks and sounds great!
- H
- Harzeh
- mjM
- 17 May 2006
what's the right way of charching a new battery ??
i bought a D600 but i didn't turn it on because i heard a bad-charche for first time causes the battery to be bad life.
- I
- Pxp
- 17 May 2006
I install opera mini just a few minutes ago. When I try to start it , it says " You do not have a working network connection". PLZ somebody tell me what to do in "Network settings"??? What I have to type in "APN", "Login ID" & "password". Login ID & Password means my E-mail ID & Password or what??? PLZ help b.coz I really don't know how to fix this problem.
"Ivo" if u r there, then PLZ help me.
Bundle of thanx...
- k
- khakzo
- Ghc
- 17 May 2006
I am able to sendout via, bluetooth, but are unable to receive. I also have bought a ringtone and was requested to go to my homepage and alwaws I get a GPRS failure reply. Am i doing something wrong or what?
- K
- Khakzo
- Ghc
- 17 May 2006
To copy all your contacts from sim to phone, simply go to phonebook, then file manager, and then copy then Walla?
- ?
- Anonymous
- n9J
- 17 May 2006
Yes it can
- z
- zena
- nE2
- 17 May 2006
can the flash be used as a torch thank you