Samsung E730

Samsung E730

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Anthony
  • 4vL
  • 01 Aug 2005

Its best if you just buy a bluetooth USB port and than connect your phone to your computer via bluetooth. Using this i was able to transfer mp3s videos pictures and wallpapers back and forth. I would recommend using a bluetooth connection over the USB cable.

    • .
    • ...
    • P%u
    • 01 Aug 2005

    im just wondering if the camera of this phone is like the nokia 6630 which have a clear and sharp pictures when taking a pic? im having some doubts whether to buy this or just buy the 6630... HELP!

      • p
      • phill
      • AMI
      • 01 Aug 2005

      yay, only 2 months to go until i can get my Samsung e730!

        • J
        • Jimmy
        • 41y
        • 01 Aug 2005

        I am also having a hard time transferring music as well pictures to my e730. can someone please help me out with this.

          • r
          • ren
          • Pxu
          • 01 Aug 2005

          i have resently bought the e730 (very cute) but am having trouble getting the mp3 songs on it i installed the software and connected the usb but it still will not work does anyone have a solution? plus it also refers to a users guide for the usb is it spose to come with one?

            • t
            • to4i
            • YcM
            • 01 Aug 2005

            great phone!
            only CONS is the memory but everything else is great,works fast,and has a nice display.
            now i'm not using it as a phone,only radio, mp3s,pics but when i get home i'll mostly use it as a phone and the memory wont boder me so much :)
            good work Samsung!

              • E
              • Elliot
              • jKt
              • 31 Jul 2005

              Pros: The E730 replaces my D500 which had abrubtly failed. Similar software but seems to be much faster. Ergonomics are great, easily fits into front pocket, belt holster not needed. Nice to not have an external antenna. Voice quality very good. Glad to have it. Samsung, you've mostly "nailed" it with this one.

              Cons: Puzzled as to why Samsung did not include "loud-speaker" function?

              Summary: Like all new editions, availability of additional batteries would be welcomed. Phone performance is awesome and has exceeded my expectations. Thank you, Samsung.

                • A
                • A.
                • iA%
                • 31 Jul 2005

                Thanks for the answer. Can you put animated wallpapers outside the external screen?

                  • J
                  • JoJJo
                  • S3e
                  • 31 Jul 2005

                  I have a d500,, i want to know witch one is best,, d500 or e730, i want to know if will buy the e730

                    • T
                    • The Dark Lord
                    • n1k
                    • 31 Jul 2005

                    Look, i wish folks would read the messages before posting questions, im repeating myself again but here goes, ready? The E730 CAN CAN CAN CAN - vibrate and ring at the same time, BUT only if you are using an MMF ring tone with vibrate built in, same with the D500. It wont do it for mp3 ring tones.

                    And to answer the other question about the led, it's only for flash, it doesnt blink with a call or sms.

                      • A
                      • A
                      • iA%
                      • 31 Jul 2005

                      Hi. Does anyone knows, if the LED outside the cover flashes in different colors when the phone rings? (like on the E600)
                      Or is it just used for Cameraflash?

                        • s
                        • surferguy
                        • i2c
                        • 31 Jul 2005

                        hey reubs.. U can make this phone ring and vibrate at the same time.. all u need is what they call an MMF ring tone.. I think all ringtones are encoded.. So its not that the phone that makes it ring a vibrate at the same time but the type of ring tone.. Just gotta find em!! Happy hunting!

                          • r
                          • reubs
                          • PFM
                          • 31 Jul 2005

                          oops, something went wrong... anyway, just bought this phone,

                          was previously using a nokia 6670, this phone is pretty good - stylish, compact and has sufficient features, main disadvantage compared to nokia is when you're receiving a call...

                          believe it or not, this phone CAN'T ring and vibrate at the same time, either it only vibrates or rings or vibrates then rings, kinda frustrating, i get a lot of missed calls these days... and one more thing, can't use mp3 as your sms tone, the software is also pretty messed up, nokia is far more user friendly - those are the few negative points about this phone, however, if you don't mind those 'flaws' i'd recommend this phone

                            • C
                            • Carlos
                            • PFM
                            • 31 Jul 2005

                            Nokia doesn't even hold a candle to Samsung. I think Nokia should be taking its hat off to it. Samsung is like a king among the Nokia mortals.

                              • X
                              • Xiara
                              • PFM
                              • 31 Jul 2005

                              What type of ringtones are in it? 30 preset, right? Are there already mp3 stuff inside?

                                • D
                                • DODO
                                • PWb
                                • 31 Jul 2005

                                Impressive phone, lots of features and surprisingly cheap. Samsung is getting closer and closer to Nokia. Would like to buy this phone, but won't because you can't add games to the phone from your PC. Very easy to do with Nokia PC suite, but impossible with Samsung software. Don't know why.

                                  • F
                                  • Faye
                                  • PFM
                                  • 31 Jul 2005

                                  Its so cool! I cnt wait... I can only get it after my exams, which is in October. In Singapore it costs $480 (Approx £960)...

                                    • O
                                    • Ourdia
                                    • yKB
                                    • 31 Jul 2005

                                    omg i totally love this phone and im so gonna get it for my birthday which is on the 25th of august so yeah i cant wait. this phone is better than the e620. Am i right? well if it is then i get this one. i love the idea of having the buttons on the outside of the phone so that if you lisen to music then you can change the song without opening the phone which is so kool. you should make a pink version. it would sell so much better, i would no. everyone likes a bit of colour cause it looks better and newer which is good. the only thing is that as soon as i get this phone there will be a 10x's better one which sux cause i want a phone that stays good for a while and that as soon as i c another one i dont want it cause i luv my phone too much to give it up. about the friend has a phone wit a flash but when she takes a photo u cant c the flash go off so i asked her if it was on and she said it was so i dont get the point of having a flash if you cant c it and if you still cant take pictures in the dark and stuff. my digital camera got stolen not long ago so i saw this other phone wit a flash and i figured that i wouldnt need a camera if this one had a flash but then maybe i do. plz answer me cause i need to no if i really do want this phone or not. also when you want to compare phone i think that you should just have a written description of the both and which one is better cause i find it too complicated to compare. also use english on the features cause not that many people no what T9, WAP and all the rest. sorry bout the trouble. thanx for listenin. Ourdia!!!

                                      • L
                                      • Lucas
                                      • PjW
                                      • 31 Jul 2005

                                      I'd really like to buy this phone, but does anybody know which is better: D500 or E730?? Please gimme your opinions.

                                        • t
                                        • tracy
                                        • jIe
                                        • 30 Jul 2005

                                        pls i will like to know the video recording time.if it is up to an hour.thanks