Samsung E900
- ?
- Anonymous
- iIZ
- 23 Jan 2007
Can anyone tell me if you can get a clock screensaver on this phone? It really puts me off that when you close it, its goes dark and looks like its off!
- T
- Tony
- m7b
- 22 Jan 2007
REGARDING "to tony
get your facts right! The D900 has a 3.15 megapixel camera not 2!"
Ok so i read review wrong shoot me.
Anyway E900 has auto key lock when phone is in closed position so you don't knock the heat sensitive buttons (this also applies when you phone someone, key lock is activated so that you don't hang up with your cheek or anythin' :-)
My mate has LG chocolate both v.similar just choose which you like based on looks is my opinion thats what i did.
- a
- aidan
- mXJ
- 22 Jan 2007
hi imm getin this phone soon and was just wonderin if thers anythin i should know? everythin welcome tanks!!
- J
- Jin
- jCq
- 22 Jan 2007
oh about about minimizing the mp3, just go on music player, open up the options, then go to setting. scroll down to "music player override other sounds" and turn it on... it should work ^_^
- J
- Jin
- jCq
- 22 Jan 2007
can the e900 handle a 2gb microSD?
- l
- lil.riceboi
- YbA
- 21 Jan 2007
while plugged into the computer via USB, will the phone begin to charge off of the computer, or must it be charged with the actual battery charger?
- d
- digital_legend
- kDp
- 21 Jan 2007
hey i got this phone and i'm trying to access the internet but i don't know how to work the browser options. can someone please help me with this?
- m
- muneeb
- mpr
- 21 Jan 2007
ive heard that the e900 does not have a key lock. could someone please tell me if this is true? thanks.
- j
- jake
- nEc
- 21 Jan 2007
can u minimize mp3?
- j
- jake
- nEc
- 21 Jan 2007
can you minimize mp3?
- d
- djp
- Nxs
- 21 Jan 2007
I think the samsung e900 rokes it's so cool
- ?
- Anonymous
- 20 Jan 2007
to tony
get your facts right! The D900 has a 3.15 megapixel camera not 2!
- T
- Tony
- m7b
- 20 Jan 2007
Had this phone for nearly a month now, Touch screen is awkward at first but pretty cool when you get used. camera is 2mp same as D900 It's small light and overall a top quality phone... mp3's without headphones do sound like a band playin in a empty barn using broken instruments buy hey! no phone has it all?? I'm keepin it till my contract expires and i do not keep phones long usually :-) 8/10 and for person that asked about microSD memory card size, samsung don't specify so what ever you throw in it should work.
- D
- DiO
- pds
- 20 Jan 2007
To anyone who is wandering between e900 and d900:
I suggest d900, since it has a better camera, is also slimmer, doesn't catch as many fingerprints than e900... And if you think that touchpad is cool, i can tell it's nothing special, it's not as cool in winter, you can't use it while wearing gloves, and i heard people say that the stop working... So i'd take d900...
- M
- Maxima
- m9I
- 20 Jan 2007
RONALD. Backlight during charging. On the D900 this can be adjusted. Maybe it's the same on this E900. Go MENU 9 - 5 - 1 and scroll down . Can be turned off during charging.
- g
- gabrielm
- ibj
- 20 Jan 2007
I agree with all the comments. Having this phone is like tagging with a brainless beauty. Batt-life is crap. When in vibration mode, only the wake-up alarm works. It's so intelligent that it stores typos. Forget creating appointment with reminders, you're better off with pen and papers. You'll need step-by-step instructions to send MMS. The cancel option doesn't function if you feel like changing your mind before a message is fully sent. Forget sending contacts to others, no one will see your number anyway. Last but not least, this phone is annoyingly over-sensitive that it should be suited only for primadonnas.
- k
- kyle m-n
- 20 Jan 2007
hey people
2 of my friends have got this phone and another 2 of my friends have got the D900. I'm really confused....the battery life on E900 is supposedly very bad but i must say the E900 looks way better. I currently have an SE K750. can someone please tell me which one you would go for or tell me what this phone is like to live with.
replies apreciated
- T
- Tara
- nFe
- 20 Jan 2007
This phones a pain in the ass i'm getting a replacement. firstly, the picture quality is quite crap & way too sensitive to AnY lighting, secondly yeah i knew it would be touch sensitive but I didn't know how annoyin that would turn out 2 be, i cant send texts, i end up ringing people by mistake. Sure it looks good but its completely unpractical.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tkm
- 19 Jan 2007
*Poor battery life - 2 and a half days on full charge without using the camera or MP3 player.
*When battery is low and on silent (eg night time) it vibrates, and you can't stop this.
*The cancel button is terrible. It's cancelled no end of phone calls I've made, and text messages - well, forget it. You'll end up cancelling more than you send, and if you do manage to send one, it'll take you 5 minutes.
I've put mine on Ebay and I shall be looking for an alternative. Yes, it looks good, but take it from me, on this phone, look are very deceiving.
- j
- j.p
- nEc
- 19 Jan 2007
can you use mp3 tones for message tones as jo has asked?