Samsung E900
- H
- HELP ME!!!!
- 26 Jan 2007
I just bought Sandisk MicroSD 2GB with SAMSUNG E900. When I insert the card , it says "Unrecognised, Format?" and if I select
"yes" then it says "failed" Whats wrong with this?!!! Is Sandisk MicroSD 2GB compatible with E900? PLEASE SOME1 SOLVE THIS PROBLEM !!!
- M
- MsK
- MEm
- 25 Jan 2007
You can transfer mp3 songs on ur phone thanks to the samsung software, the one u got when u bought ur samsung.
- J
- Jin
- jCq
- 25 Jan 2007
can someone tell me if the e900 can handle a 2gb microSD?
- E
- Ellie
- 25 Jan 2007
what is flight mode? and what does it do ? pls help
- a
- amra
- pXf
- 25 Jan 2007
I think he is great.Samsung E900 is the best!
- T
- Tamar
- mnD
- 25 Jan 2007
I have Samsung E900 for already 2 months. It is great. The sound is great when you listen to music by earphones. The camera is good for a mobile phone.
For Sara: In order to get MP3 tracks into your phone, you must install a program of it in your PC. The program must be given with the Phone with a CD. When you install it, and connect your phone via USB you'll be able to see all the content of your PC and phone in one window. and there you'll get to understand what to do.
For Debi: Onceit happened to me, I restarted the computer and everything was ok.
For prm: In my home area it is also low coverage. This phone is almost as good as Nokias. I'm satisfied.
For gulla: What brand phone you used before? It is normal when the display is on when charging. if you turn off the adapter the display is again off untill you swich on your phone. But during charging the display is always on.
For Lee E: You can mute your phone, if you go to Menu--Settings--Sound settings, Silent mode and put the option on Mute. Than press # button and hold the phone will be in a mute mode.
For Lauren: This phone is very good. Everything is good, and the sensor buttons are very good too. you just need some time to get used to it.
- L
- Lee E
- 25 Jan 2007
To put music onto your E900 you need to click on edit sounds application & not play multimedia files it is really straight forward from there. Not sure about your other issue try changing your sound settings. I dont surpose you know how to mute the anoying tune when you turn the phone off silent & onto loud using the hash key? like you can on the D600. Also do you know how to set a music track as an alarm tone?
- S
- Sara
- ShJ
- 25 Jan 2007
will somebody PLEASE tell me how to get mp3 tracks onto this phone off my computer? I have got as far as opening the "play multimedia files" application but cannot actually see any way of getting tracks already saved on my computer onto the phone via the USB connection.
Also, can anyone tell me if it's possible to turn off the tone you get when you send a message, without having to put the whole phone on silent, because it's annoying me!
- D
- Debi
- ka8
- 25 Jan 2007
Hey, jus wonderin if anyone can help me out here..i inserted a memory card in my phone n for some reason i cant save anything on it even though the phone recognize the memory card....any idea wats happenin?
- n
- nicole
- myq
- 24 Jan 2007
I have been using this phone for 2 months and I'am impress of the camera it is very clear.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pY8
- 24 Jan 2007
This phone does take a bit of getting used to but it is brilliant.
- S
- i2G
- 24 Jan 2007
the e900 is a great little phone. its not supper powerfull, for excample it is not 3g and is not as loud as a nokia when it comes to ringtones and mp3's. but it looks sexy as hell its nice to use it doesnt lock up like a nokia. it has a sufficient 2mp camera all in all its a practical little phone.
- E
- Elena
- 23 Jan 2007
Hi, i'm thinking of buying this phone, at the moment i have the samsung d820 it's quite good but i wish something more stylish. I have some questions about this phone: is it a multitasking phone?, do masseges save in your sent box without having to choose save and send? Does this phone contain the tv out wire? How many manu types does this phone have?
Pls answer my questions as fast as you can. Thanks. my email is
Pls help mE out!!1 i really really need to know these!
- p
- prm
- MsN
- 23 Jan 2007
hey guys/gals
anyone of your facing signall problem in a area with low coverage and closed areas from this model. i appreciate if someone of you write honest comment. i like the size and planning to buy one. thanx in advance.
- ?
- Anonymous
- iLR
- 23 Jan 2007
it's a reely nice looking phone, touch pad can be very annoying at times.
finger marks are extremely hard to avoid
battery life ent great but not a massive problem
im gettin on ok with it, memory good, camera quite fiddly but qualtity
much better than my last fne
100 times better than lg chocolate do not get that fone!!!!
- g
- gulla
- PxR
- 23 Jan 2007
hi im using e900 anybody tells me when i start to charge my phone batary a display comes on my cell phone secrene charging but my cell is switch off is this happened in any e900 phone ? i think this display took more batterey power is it any obtion that this charging display could not come during charging ............
- L
- Lee E
- 23 Jan 2007
Hi does anyone know on the E900 when you turn the phone off silent & onto loud using the hash key if you can mute the sound? like you can on the D600.
- ?
- Anonymous
- S1N
- 23 Jan 2007
I own this mobile..
good look - Voice mail and i love this - small sive and I love this too - Good setting
But the Battrey is CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP less then 48 stand by its really bad bad i own it since Septamber and now i think i will change it :S
any thing else is Good and Fine
- j
- joann
- I6$
- 23 Jan 2007
hi can anyone help me please, iv just got the e900, and when i open to make a call the keypad locks, is thaere away of stopping this please?
- L
- Lauren
- Nxs
- 23 Jan 2007
ok so i'm really comtinplating getting this phone but i've heard so many bad things about this touch sensitive kepads are they really that bad?? HELP before i make a very bad mistake, what else do you think i should get?