Samsung E900

Samsung E900

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • PVd
  • 16 Jan 2007

Cograts Bob. A well written piece.

    • B
    • Bob
    • iLT
    • 15 Jan 2007

    I had this phone for a week. I wanted something small and stylish to replace my 8850 and this was the closest thing to hit the market in a long time. It looks discreet yet smart and stylish, and, like the 8850, never annoyed me when clipped on my belt. *However*, it's nowhere near as usable as I'd hoped. You can't text with it one-handed because the keypad is too near the bottom, eg., you can't reach xyz without dropping it ( a flaw with sliders), and the buttons aren't tactile enough to feel where they are (no I'm not blind). The menu system, is a pain; as other people have mentioned, the phone remembers what you used in the menu last time and defaults to those selections, which means you can't do for example 'menu down down select' (and get the same thing every time) like on a nokia, no, you have to *read* what's on the screen to see if you have to go up or down to get what you want and you'll never remember what options you selected half an hour ago. As I said, a complete pain.
    Onto the 'touch' buttons. 1) you can't use the phone in a case as the heat takes time to pass through, impractical. 2) as someone else already mentioned, it's too easy to cancel what you were doing, in my case because my hot fingers were too close to the button. Again, like the menu system, great idea, but a complete pain.
    Onto the camera, again, already said, looks great while on the screen, but transferred to PC, doesn't look good. Having said that, using the flash as a torch was quite handy sometimes.
    If I remember rightly, the phone only has one external socket for charge/headphone/cable link, which means you can't charge it and use the headset on a call at the same time, and additionally, plugging it in was always fiddly.
    Nice choice of colours for the menu's and dialling, but barely customisable. As for the sound it makes when opening it up, if you're sitting in a public place you're just gonna have 'pretentious' written all over you. Would be nice to change it to something more subtle, but (if I remember rightly) can't! It's either on or off, no other choice.

    Physically, this was a really well designed phone for looks and appeal, but unfortunately very let down by lack of foresight on practicality and even more so by software design and lack of customisation. Shame, so near yet so far.

      • s
      • shanique
      • nEF
      • 15 Jan 2007

      hey its me again, just wondering what games does the e900 have? x

        • s
        • shanique
        • nEF
        • 15 Jan 2007

        hi can u minimize the mp3 player, txt bck asap x

          • c
          • cici
          • 4FM
          • 15 Jan 2007

          blah this sucks

          all the bad reviews

          but since i see that it comes in pink and orange those are cool colors

          im still deciding

            • L
            • Loves her samsung
            • BC3
            • 15 Jan 2007

            I jus bought a samsung E908 - Hong Kong distributable version of 900, its awesome, you get used to it, then everything is smooth running.

              • j
              • jillybean
              • pYx
              • 15 Jan 2007

              Just got this phone. I'm impressed overall - here's some comments:

              I love the shiny black look and it's nice and small with a loop to hang a charm from.

              You can add your own call and message tones and you can make the phone make a noise (if you want) when you slide it open, press a key, etc (you can silence these too!)

              The heat sensitive buttons look funky, but they can be a little slow and a little too easy to knock - I haven't lost text messages but I have accidentally tried to exit a game - but it's ok coz you're asked if you really wanna quite so you can just cancel that.

              I like to personalise my menu colours but you can only choose from white or black on this one. You can alter the font, size and colour of the text when you're dialling a number, but I'd rather be able to change the menus coz I spend far more time looking at those than dialling numbers that aren't in my phonebook! I was quite disappointed with this feature, but the other features are impressive.

              I'm with Virgin and at the mo I can't download pics or tunes from them or order some games, but you can add your own edited tunes and pics from your computer.

              I asked for a reliable phone and this one (and the D800) were recommended - after having a very dodgy Motorola A1000 reliability was everything!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • ms6
                • 14 Jan 2007

                Angelo, thank you for the most useful review i have ever read, it had made me certain as to buying this phone

                  • a
                  • aNgelo
                  • QXt
                  • 14 Jan 2007

                  Hi, I will write a mini review on this e900. I had this phone for 5 months now. Before actually buying this phone, I read almost everything I could find on the web. Many people complain about this phone, but I will make some things clear to all of you.

                  This phone is really stylish and the finish is really nice. The touch keys have a bright white light and are really well designed. The overall phone is pretty small and thin. It stays perfectly in your pants and must say it is pretty durable. Don’t take it and throw it on the wall, but let’s just say if it falls once or twice it’s not going to blow a part.

                  For the display, the screen is really impressive. The colors are rich and the image is really nicely displayed. So far, one of the best displays I have seen. You can customize the fonts and size.

                  Now for the camera, it’s on the back of the phone with a small flash (that can also be used as a flash light). The 2mp Camera is pretty good. The quality is superb on the display of the phone, but when showing on a computer screen, it doesn’t look that good. Seems as if it was optimized for the phone display, or maybe I am too picky because my friend is a photographer. The good thing about the camera is that what you see when you are about to take the picture and when you capture the picture is not the same thing. It actually adjusts the brightness and contrast on the final result; witch makes the image of better quality. A bad thing about the camera is that it does not have auto focus and it may take up to 5 sec without moving to actually capture the picture, so you have to be patient. For the video, it’s pretty good with ok sound, but if you are so much picky on recording, get yourself a real camera!!!

                  About the touch pad, I repeat…touch pad and not touch screen (some people make this mistake) is not that sensitive. In my case, the end button is really sensitive, but other then that it’s ok. After 1 or 2h of playing around you will get use to it.

                  The navigation is pretty simple and the phone actually saves the path of your last sub menu. In other words, if you go into settings/sound/ring tones, well when you go back in the menu, settings will be highlighted, and if you selected, sound will be highlighted and so on. It’s a good feature to actually test your phone really fast (change screensaver :D)

                  The batteries are ok, around 3h, but you can buy a seconde one on eBay and then you are good to go

                  In conclusion, this has been one of my best phones. Really nice looking phone with great features! Easy synchronisation with pc! The sound on the speaker is so so (there is no bass), and the sound on ear phones is ok (if you buy a converter to put your ear buds instead of the cheap ear phones it comes with). I don’t recommend this phone to people that don’t take care of there things and that don’t like new technologies. Also, if you have football player fingers, it might be a lil small for you.

                  I actually hope that this will help you guys to take a decision. My advice: get the phone; it is well worth the price.

                    • G
                    • Gaynor
                    • TkI
                    • 14 Jan 2007

                    Ive had this phone for about 5 months now. The only problems I have with it is that i dont get de,ivery reports when ive got it set to receive them, and also when i receive picture messages and videos and stuff like that, the pictur and video is tiny. Does anyone know how to make them bigger? please help

                      • n
                      • nicky
                      • mXG
                      • 14 Jan 2007

                      hey ppl, i need some help
                      1. can you use your own tones for text messages
                      2. does the mp3 player minimize
                      3. and does this phone have a slide tone?
                      i really need your help as im buying this phone soon thankyou x

                        • G
                        • GoColts
                        • Y1w
                        • 14 Jan 2007

                        First of all, Laura your english is horrible and your typing skills need some help. Anyways I got this phone about a month ago and I love it. The battery life isnt that good, but I heard the chocolate phones battery isnt that good either. Does anybody know if you can set your own tones for text messages?

                          • a
                          • alex
                          • ka8
                          • 14 Jan 2007

                          ive had tha fone for 3 months now...sometimes the touch-sensitive keys work but most of the time they dont show up on the fone

                          i cant send it back cuz i threw away the box

                          so how do i fix it??

                            • l
                            • laura
                            • nFY
                            • 14 Jan 2007

                            absolutely brilliant fone, iv had it for 4 months now. hueva sed b4 about not been able to browse files while listening to music, they ovo dont no much about the fone and they dont no how to use it properly. as i sed, i gt the fone in sep, the battery life is quite short tho looking at other phones, some are even shorter and afterall this is a touhscreen so wat dya expect! i dont think the nattry life is a prob. it hold about10 songs, loadsa vids, endless pics.. and if memory was a prob ther is a memory card slot which is fab. it has loud peaker andcomes with headset, it has flash and the camera is great, really clear. i no ppl hav sd bout the touschreen that it i annoyin but i dnt think it i, u get used ta it and its less effort wit a touchscreen!! wel i wud strongly recommened buyin ths fone, no faults watsoever 10/10

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • myf
                              • 14 Jan 2007

                              this fone is reli bad! & im not jus sayin that, the camera is rubbish like a VGA (i fink sumone's mentioned that in their opinion as well), the touch sensitive feature..crap..sort it out samsung very is so easy to go bak wen reachin ove it which gets annoyin..i fink ther shud b a button to turn the touch sensitive off..(dunna if there is)...erm overall very bad fone..don't waste you money

                                • V
                                • Victoria
                                • I7%
                                • 14 Jan 2007

                                I have had this phone since Friday, and it is starting to annoy me a tad akready. The main, and really only complaint, is the cancel button. It is so sensitive that it will cancel almost everything, texts, the main menu, etc.

                                HELP IS REQUIRED THOUGH! Please! Is there a way of stopping the menu from going back to the last thing you looked at? Like if I read a message in my inbox, next time I go onto !Messages" it goes back to Inbox rather than new SMS which is starting to annoy me.

                                Any help appreciated! x

                                  • s
                                  • speh
                                  • kC1
                                  • 14 Jan 2007

                                  i have this fone and i ve had it for a month...theres nothing wrong with it its perfectly fine, gets me my music all its other options, im 100% satisfied, maybe ppl disregarding it cannot afford it?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • kDj
                                    • 14 Jan 2007

                                    this phone is a real mess to be honest.
                                    i jus bought one last month, the battery life is totaly dissapointing, i thoguht this was souppsd to be an mp3 phone, yet it does not allow me to do other stuff while lissing to music. the touch keypad is a mistake, and the phone is slow as well.

                                    to fix this problem i just went and bought my self a sony ericcson w810i. the headphones u get with it are excellent fits properely into all ears. w810i allows me to even take pictures while lissing to music, the mega bass feature is the best, and it has VERY VERY good sound quilty.

                                    so for those who are wondering if they should buy this phone, honestly don't.

                                      • R
                                      • Ritika Sanghi
                                      • YHs
                                      • 14 Jan 2007

                                      Is there a way to configure this phone (Samsung E900) so that all incoming text messages directly go to phone memory instead of sim memory?

                                        • P
                                        • Pajeb
                                        • ms6
                                        • 14 Jan 2007

                                        i but phone, phone is great