Samsung E900
- D
- Davy
- Aet
- 17 Dec 2006
I am quite happy about this phone. Mp3 ringtones are quite loud, midi ones not so much so. It's balance of design and functionality is quite good
- m
- michael
- M}N
- 16 Dec 2006
i want to buy this phone...i'm just vorried about the mp3 player. is it good enough??please answer
- S
- Sawyl
- mpr
- 16 Dec 2006
walt: You should contact your network provider, it sounds like your internet hasn't been set up yet. The settings probably need to be sent to your phone or something.
Jillery Bunt: I believe the phone stores 200 texts, not 20.
- l
- loz
- m9{
- 16 Dec 2006
im getting this phone for christmas but i really dont know if i should now because of the touch screen.....should i get the samsung d900 instead?
- J
- Jillery Bunt
- 15 Dec 2006
Please can someone reaply asap! I was wondering how many txts this phone holds as I have heard it only stores 20!? :(
- j
- jay
- mpT
- 15 Dec 2006
you probebly got the wrong bluetooth head set 4 the phone, can't u take it back to were u got it from!! try putting the visability on, on the phone and then try to pair!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4vt
- 15 Dec 2006
hi is any having any problems pairing there bluetooth headset to the samsung e900...i just bought a samsung wep200 and i cant seem to get it to pair with my phone...anyone have any solutions???
- g
- gtek
- 464
- 15 Dec 2006
anyone know where online i can order high quality samsung earphones/headset for this phone?..toobad samsung dont use regular headphone jacks for mp3's like Sony erricson.. if there was a converter that would be great too. my factory ones sound crappy=(
- n
- nikki
- 4Vn
- 15 Dec 2006
yes very lloud~
- w
- walt
- YHp
- 14 Dec 2006
I cannot access the internet. Is there a setting on the phone that I am Missing? All I get is the "service not available" screen
Thanks, walt
- a
- alex
- M}N
- 14 Dec 2006
- M
- ME
- myx
- 14 Dec 2006
am sik aye aww these comments the phone is brilliant it has all the things u could want im getting 1 for christmas and i cant wait
- d
- dani
- nU1
- 14 Dec 2006
I hope it answered your questions, By the way its a great phone!!!
- d
- dani
- nU1
- 14 Dec 2006
The keys on the phone are not annoying because you get used to them. Mp3 tones cannot be used for the alarm,(big deal), the speker is louder than the motorola razr(so its quite loud). the flash can be changed to when you want it on. The battery life is quite long.It has a very good camera and picture editor. It has world time. it also has a converter for like everything you need to convert. The speciel software you need to download on your phone from your pc comes in the box(warning :it takes a long time to put on your computer from a Disc) , if not download from the website.
- ?
- Anonymous
- M}N
- 14 Dec 2006
Hi!can somebody tell me whats the big deal about the sens. keys??are they so annoying or what? I really want to buy this phone,but some comments about the keys are scearing me...please help!!!
- a
- alex
- M}N
- 14 Dec 2006
Hi!can somebody tell me whats the big deal about the sens. keys??are they so annoying or what? I really want to buy this phone,but some comments about the keys are scearing me...please help!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- myh
- 14 Dec 2006
i am thinking of getting this 4 a relative 4 xmas this year. can sum1 plz list the good and bad points about this fone. will this fone b reeli old in a year do u think?? could sum1 ansa me plz as i am in a rush incase they all get sold out!!
thnx xxx
- m
- master
- mpT
- 14 Dec 2006
there is no differece betwwen the d900 and the e900 except the d900 has a better camera, but the e900 looks alot better than the d900!!
- B
- Bizzy D
- wYI
- 14 Dec 2006
Is it true that mp3 songs cannot be chosen for alarm tones?
Is the speaker loud enough to hear mp3 files (some people say it's "too" loud while others say it is "too" soft...i'm confused)?
Also, can the flash be used as a standby-light or only works upon taking the actual picture? Wondering if the flash is the same as Sony Ericsson K750 and K800?
please reply
- s
- shahrabi
- TuG
- 14 Dec 2006
Great phone.It has beautiful design.
I use it comfortably.It has loud sound.