Samsung E900
- B
- Baby
- ijv
- 14 Dec 2006
Are the ringtones loud enough ?
- B
- Baby
- ijv
- 14 Dec 2006
Are the ringtones loud enough ?
- R
- Rob
- YiJ
- 14 Dec 2006
Great Phone! One question though. How can I send text messages while on the phone with someone? Everytime I try, I lose the call. Can someone help?
- m
- mikeya88
- nxT
- 14 Dec 2006
the D900 hasnt got the touch screen keys, but has a 3 megapixel camera, only makjor difference but i personally would say the E900 looks better
- C
- Chequita
- PHd
- 14 Dec 2006
What the diffrent between D900 & E900, it's a x-mas gift
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2Gy
- 14 Dec 2006
ok then, so what aboutt he touch screen??
is it as bad as the chocolate or have they pasted that glictch coz im worried that if i get it its gonna f**k up on me, so does anyone know the answer?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 14 Dec 2006
this fone is great i love the touch sensitive key pad that is one of the best things bout this fone do u agree?? i also like the sleek shape of the fone, and the 2mp camera it has great speakers so you can listen to ur musuic!!
- K
- Kez
- 13 Dec 2006
hey ppz can sum1 plz tel me if the handsfree that u gt wit the fone iz the 1 u listen 2 music through?
- J
- nEJ
- 13 Dec 2006
i wanted to know the bad a good points of this phone. And i was also wondering if the battery life lasted for very long? And to anyone who has the phone the disk you get with the phones does it let you put music from the computer to the phones using the USB cable? Email:
- j
- jay
- mpT
- 13 Dec 2006
teeri ur right there the best on the market!!
- t
- terri
- 13 Dec 2006
im gettin this fone 4 xmas no absalutly no1 is guna put me off gettin it these fones are top of the market the best fones on the market they are just soooo buzzin
- j
- jay
- mpT
- 12 Dec 2006
i think there r no bad things bout this fone!!
- F
- Flylice
- TR$
- 12 Dec 2006
The touch sensitive buttons are annoying...i keep hitting the right button with the edge of my thumb while using the middle control buttons. get this phone only if u have tiny tumbs!
- J
- Jin
- 478
- 12 Dec 2006
which type of microSD card should i buy for my samsung e900... right now i have the PNY and i dont know if its good or not... plz tell me asap..
- m
- megan
- 11 Dec 2006
i thinkin of gettin diz fne 4 xmas and hav heard sum bad fingz bout diz fne and woz wonderin if dey r true? plz can sum1 make a list of da good and bad fingz bout diz fne? fnx!
- o
- opalakia
- nmB
- 11 Dec 2006
anyone having problem with his signal?cause my signal is gay...
- k
- kelly
- 11 Dec 2006
hiya i bought the pink samsung e900 4 xmas n i was wonderin if u ave 2 get the headphones for music separate coz all i got was the handsfree.
- L
- Lindsay !
- 11 Dec 2006
When taking a photo on theSamsung E900 can you change the colour to black and white/sepia ect ??
- j
- jay
- mpT
- 11 Dec 2006
i am gettin this fone 4 xmas and i am not letting ne 1 put me off!!
- c
- carly
- iIR
- 11 Dec 2006
i got this phoneand was very excited
couldnt belve wen itturnedup in red!!! notpink
also had to charge it nearly every night n tht wasnt using the mp3 or camera alot
also head phones 4 music too big
sorry guys to anyone whos gettikng itbut just beware
i was sad to have to send it bk- but defnot getting another
n i normally much prefer samsungs