Samsung E900

Samsung E900

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • sinner
  • nmB
  • 11 Dec 2006

well dont let the others to change ur mind with their opinions before u buy this mobile just go and try it in a local store or something.i bought this mobile and im glad to have it but first i tried it:D

    • A
    • Abdul
    • myE
    • 11 Dec 2006

    Is the Samasung E900 better for memory than the Motorola V3?

    I'm thinking about getting this mobile on Vodafone Pay as you talk before Christmas, whould it be worth it?

      • z
      • zohra
      • nEk
      • 10 Dec 2006

      Hya well my birthdays coming soon ! and im finkin 2 get phone iz samsung e900 a gd fone?!?!

        • H
        • HoT ShOt
        • PSd
        • 10 Dec 2006

        plz plz plz take some time out and e mail me that what is good n wat is badd about this phone coz i dint get a lot of chances to change n i like this fone n i can afford it also sp plz e mail me at plz

          • z
          • zanee
          • Pxp
          • 10 Dec 2006

          is anyones e900 hangin in bw? mine hangs..the please wait sign comes n then it powers off n then turns on again....????

            • w
            • winnie
            • P%u
            • 10 Dec 2006

            to sinner, you wrote:
            "well the battery sucks..but thats not a problem u can buy a better one i did and now im happy:P"
            ...what do u mean "u can buy a better one?" can i buy a higher capacity battery for this fone? is it an original samsung battery or a replacement? and where can i buy it?

              • C
              • Cheese Grater
              • iIR
              • 10 Dec 2006

              this phone is useless if you get this phone you need your eyes and brain testing the touch screen is so annoying..navagating through the phone is too slow...and the music which you can download onto the phone is too quiet so you miss when someone is trying to call ya..this phone needs binning and if you get do YOU!!!!

                • H
                • Harsha
                • iLM
                • 10 Dec 2006

                i hv this phn too... isn it jus great! is there a way to put the volume really up? or does it not stay too high?
                it's maximum '14' isn high enough. if there r like 2 ppl speakin n the music is switched in the background, u hardly can hear it.

                how long does it record videos for? i can only take like 15-30 secs or sumin=( =S

                any advice ppl?

                  • s
                  • sinner
                  • nm8
                  • 10 Dec 2006

                  well the battery sucks..but thats not a problem u can buy a better one i did and now im happy:P

                    • a
                    • aurélien
                    • n79
                    • 10 Dec 2006

                    i would like to buy 1 but first i'd like to know
                    1 how is the batterie life
                    2can u use the phone functions when he's closed
                    he seems great

                      • A
                      • Amaan Kayani
                      • PTp
                      • 09 Dec 2006

                      i hav a fon E900.
                      this fon iz great i lik it

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • pJf
                        • 09 Dec 2006

                        I've been having a bitta trouble playing songs on the phone that have been downloaded from my pc. Any advice people?!

                        Mills x

                          • J
                          • Jillery Bunt
                          • n14
                          • 09 Dec 2006

                          How many texts does this phone hold? We'd love to have a Pud in the oven!

                            • J
                            • Jess
                            • I7C
                            • 09 Dec 2006

                            is this phone good? my sister has the mg chocolate which is also the touch screen. it tht any good? Jess x

                              • M
                              • Mikey
                              • nxT
                              • 08 Dec 2006

                              Brought the phone today for my girlfriend. Its back in the box now shes now having it till christmas but they let me have a play on it in the shop (Phones4u) and its looks superb. Camera looked mint, easy to get around the menus and well i got used to the touch screen buttons after about a minuite!! might get myself one :)

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • mqD
                                • 08 Dec 2006

                                Boyfriend bought me this phone in pink, can't have it till christmas though! :( gutted

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • C50
                                  • 08 Dec 2006

                                  This phone is overall a better phone than the KG800 / LG Chocolate.

                                  The camera has a higher megapixelage, and has a flash.

                                  The screen is MUCH more crisp and has a substantially higher resolution.

                                  The nav-pad is NOT a touch pad which is much faster, more tactile, and less irritating to use when navigating menus.

                                  It's a lot smaller than the LG when you hold it in your hands.

                                  Looks nicer. not as much like a rectangle, but has some simple curves.

                                  Has a transflash card slot, unlike some versions of the LG.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • jyr
                                    • 07 Dec 2006

                                    I've had an E900 for about 4 months now, since summer. The only regret I have about this phone is that I paid so much for it because I wanted it at launch.

                                    Other than that, I love it. I make fun of my friends who have LG Chocolates because 1. their camera is worse. 2. Their screen has substantially less resolution 3. It has all touch keys which are annoying, on the E900 it's nice to have an actual dpad in the center and 4. CHOCOLATE IS HUGE!

                                    I thought that by the dimensions they would be same volume and chocolate would be thinner. No. it feels way bigger in your hand, and looks much too rectangular.

                                    The touch pad you get used to in a couple days. At the start, you may accidently press the cancel button to exit things, but your thumbs will naturally avoid it later on.

                                    The camera is pretty good quality, I use it a lot. My gripe with it is that you have to hold it really still to take a good picture. The video camera resolution is excellent, and it uses quicktime and no additional codecs are needed. VERY handy.

                                    The fact that the phone only has 2 default themes is also annoying. I'd like to see something other than the black and orange or white and orange menus, even though the black and orange is done quite well. The interface is also quite well done, and the menu system is intuitive and I don't need to look at a manual or play around with settings to do what I want to. An example, the other day I made a phone call to my friend's new cell phone number, and I never wrote it down, so I wanted to replace his old cell phone number in the phonebook with the new one. I just pressed the call button, which goes into call logs, scrolled over it, selected it, and it gave me 3 options, one of which was add new contact and another was "replace existing number." Great features like that.

                                    It's also irritating that I can't plug in real headphones into the headphone jack for a music player. I'd recommend using something else as your music player. The playlists are limited to 4 lists of 30 songs, and the amp isn't very strong.

                                    The ring is substantially loud though, and loading mp3 rings is great.

                                    The built in memory also serves as very useful for saving videos and pictures, so you probably don't even need a transflash card.

                                    Hope this has helped in your decisions guys.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • iIR
                                      • 07 Dec 2006

                                      This fone is no good!

                                        • s
                                        • smith
                                        • i5Z
                                        • 07 Dec 2006

                                        Should I buy this phone? is it acually any good? any advice most welcome, send me an email with 're' as 'to mark'