Samsung Galaxy A10

Samsung Galaxy A10

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • ML90
  • 0R@
  • 20 Jun 2021

2GB of ram just doesn't cut the grade nowadays.

    • A
    • A10 user
    • uCp
    • 19 Jun 2021

    Just go with project sakura 5.1 ROM, I've rooted it and now this phone are truely smooth like butter, everything's stable, camera are nice, gaming are smooth(for gaming I suggest you to try havoc os), battery backup are good(last for 1 day).. That's it, just go with custom ROM cuz stock ROM are sucks.

      • R
      • Reality
      • d%$
      • 02 Jun 2021

      This phone, is the worst i had and the only one i am bound to use. The biggest concern i have with this phone is the compatibility, see with the j7 pro and htc one m8s i had before the a10 were perfect on compatibility meaning you could download any app from google play and use every feature there is as long as it is listed compatible, but here on the a10? Whatsapp shuts itself off when the screen turns off whatever your settings are, lets say that is ok but just read the next line and you will know what i am talking about. Due to a hardware issue, in some apps like pubg mobile you cannot change some settings! And it gets to become a lot more obvious when your phone gets drops to 1 fps every 20 seconds, and it is not like the fps thing just started happening, no this has been around since the start.
      My second complaint about this phone is the camera, now dont get me wrong the selfie camera is ok on this phone but the front camera, dont even get me started on that now. It is a camera that i am sure most reviews of this phone are faking the quality of because it is so bad that you cannot even call anything you take on it a photo, litterally most photos you take with this are going to look like a phone from 2014 set aside 2019.
      Oh god dont even ask me about the build quality, the plastic used on this phone is so cheap that with the same force you use to close a door, you can push the back plastic part inside and feel the battery, and the phone gets h o t no, not as hot as my old htc one m8s which i think had a problem with since it mostly saw 80°C, but still enough to get your hand warm on a cold winter night, and if you have noticed the heat difference in a cold nation between winter and summer you will know exactly what i am talking about.
      Now lastly the performance, as you read about the drops on pubg mobile on my first complaint, the performance of the phone rivals a budget phone from 2018, wanna play some clash royale? Oh good prepare for fps drops on really low rank arenas whilst not much is going on, and with mcaffe installed and running in the background collecting all your data whilst giving a bit of virus protection, no wonder the phone takes 9 seconds just to get the keyboard open. Overall, the a10 is a piece of trash with probably a bit of paid reviews in the end.
      (I have taken the price to consideration on all my words, do not even get me started on that)

        • d
        • dumb user
        • IrH
        • 31 May 2021

        A10 is like a high maintenance relationship. The video quality fast & crisp but that is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything else is so bad, just runs slow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the worsy POS phone in the word. I found a way around the problem. I smashed it!. Best decision I ever made next to convincing my girlfriend to get rid of the baby!!!!!

          • K
          • Kellos
          • XDe
          • 29 May 2021

          Noluthando Majola, 07 Jan 2021The best phone in the world. Amazing!!!It's OK when you wanna ay for example pubg or codm it has terrible performance and nowadays I think 32gb of rom is insufficient as if debts full easily and gets slow . The a31 is much more worth it . Trust me

            • a
            • arie
            • mV9
            • 16 May 2021

            Na software update van de A10 vraag het systeem om een inlogcode met minimaal 1 letter.
            maar ik heb nooit een inlogcode gebruikt.
            Hoe start het weer?

              • s
              • sabicao
              • s0d
              • 10 May 2021

              I'm using the A10, the 2GB RAM version.

              HORRID, keep away at all costs.
              It is a pitty they even launched a 2GB RAM version, I'm guessing the 4GB is much smoother, but the 2GB just doesn't cut it.

                • A
                • Amsicomputers
                • sxr
                • 10 May 2021

                Ben, 17 Feb 2021I love the big screen, long lasting battery life, and the p... moreHad for 2 years. Tough phone! Now battery got tired so had a new one installed.
                Wife just got an A02s. 64gb, 4GB Ram, version 3 fast charging, 3 cameras, bigger battery. Everything is faster, bigger n better in every way. Bought on Lazada for 6295 pesos n free shipping. Great deal!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • NXN
                  • 07 May 2021

                  MK, 06 May 2021It has too much RAM and the processor is too efficient. I w... morewhat?! ur a good comdian

                    • M
                    • MK
                    • Iw3
                    • 06 May 2021

                    It has too much RAM and the processor is too efficient. I wish they made a 1GB of RAM. The phone charges too fast and lasts one month on a charge. It would be better if the phone would charge more slowly. The laser eradicator only has two modes, stun and melt. A third mode would be much appreciated

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • YPe
                      • 22 Apr 2021

                      When will it get android 11 update?

                        • J
                        • Jojo
                        • tx3
                        • 20 Apr 2021

                        I hate this takes more than 4 hours to charge the battery full,..everything's ok with this phone except the charging

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • mt0
                          • 14 Apr 2021

                          Nicty, 02 Mar 2021I'm using a Samsung Galaxy A10 SM-A105FN since Novembe... morethats because u have A105F"N" N is for NFC

                            • R
                            • Rolyjoe
                            • pYR
                            • 21 Mar 2021

                            I've booked myself ,had a pattern changed it,n can't remember new . What do I do?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Jaf
                              • 15 Mar 2021

                              Samsung galaxcy A10 low quality than I was have J5.

                                • N
                                • Nicty
                                • nDx
                                • 02 Mar 2021

                                I'm using a Samsung Galaxy A10 SM-A105FN since November 2019. Based in Romania. What is strange, comparing with GSMArena specifications, my phone has NFC. This is for sure. I enrolled a virtual card via my bank app and paying with the phone using NFC to POS. Works perfect. Another strange thing, CPU info reports Exynos 7885 processor instead 7884, the other specs match. Not rooted. Android 9 Pie A105FNXXS3ATD2 - security patch level April 1, 2020. At that time, I was using some open source APKs which are not fast updated, so I declined the offered upgrade to Android 10. In 2021 phone runs fairly fast with battery lasting for about 1 day. Now, most of the important apps I'm using are available as optimized for higher Android versions too. But I'm afraid of messing up or slowing down my phone with an Android update. A factory reset is excluded for speeding up after Android update. No banking or shopping app warned me about any security issue. Some 3D flight simulators or 3D Human Atlas run fine. I have the tendency to apply this idea - do not change what it works.
                                Still, should I update, any more experiences with updated A10?
                                Many thanks for your patience, please excuse my bad English.

                                  ahajsghshshs, 13 Dec 2020The phone is not good. I recently bought my samsung a10s an... morePal this is an A10, not A10s otherwise it would have a fingerprint scanner in the back.

                                    • Y
                                    • Yash
                                    • DkF
                                    • 22 Feb 2021

                                    Today, a update came to my phone and after updating my phone it's profomance become good but the games are still lagging.earlier when the software update was not come that time the phone was working very well and giving very excellent results but after software updates the phone become very slow I request you to please bring a update again and make the phone like it was earlier... sorry for my poor English
                                    Your customer yash.

                                      • J
                                      • J
                                      • Xya
                                      • 21 Feb 2021

                                      ahajsghshshs, 13 Dec 2020The phone is not good. I recently bought my samsung a10s an... moreGo to settings, App, click one app, battery, then switch off "allow battery activity". Unfortunately you have to do this one App at a time. This phone is 100% perfect unless you compare it with S20, then you are welcome to buy S20.

                                        • B
                                        • Ben
                                        • ibb
                                        • 17 Feb 2021

                                        I love the big screen, long lasting battery life, and the portability. I wouldnt mind the slow charging but the 2GB RAM and the mediocre camera is just not okay for me. Perhaps I have to spend more on a phone to get these features, but im happy with my A10