Samsung Galaxy A50

Samsung Galaxy A50

User opinions and reviews

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  • 06 Nov 2019

Anonymous, 05 Nov 2019november update already released (121.16 MB).No update my phone

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 8IM
    • 06 Nov 2019

    After the last update, my A50 goes smoothly, finger recognition is much better, and the camera improved even more. Very satisfied with my Samsung Galaxy A50 ..

      PartTimePhoner, 05 Nov 2019Weird... I get 8 hours with semi-heavy. Playing Cod or Mine... moreYeah, its up to 8 hours , but im playing too much games,

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • Ghh
        • 05 Nov 2019

        A50 Fan, 04 Nov 2019If you want a real user review than I would say ** finger ... moreMy A50 is working fine like no issues in the fingerprint scanner and if you're having issues just register your finger again and it'll work flawlessly although there's a bit delay of about a second maximum

          Mss, 05 Nov 2019finger print scanner of A50 is not good. i get problem when... moreTry scanning in more angles. When registering your finger, Leave the phone to the table and without thinking grab the phone and put your finger to the scanner. This will have you register rather more usable angles instead of the straight ones we use. Do the same with "resting on the table" "taking outta the pocket" and other scenerios

            oscar76, 05 Nov 2019Guys its a great phone, probably midrange phone of the year... moreWeird... I get 8 hours with semi-heavy. Playing Cod or Minecraft from %100 to %0 has me go for 5 hours at max tho

              Guys its a great phone, probably midrange phone of the year, great display, great multi cameras, but issues:
              1. Fingerprint scanner is not good, face unlock is better
              2. Battery life is good but not great, i get 4 to 5 hours on semi heavy usage.

                I don't know why peoples are spreading false news regarding wifi or signal issues..after update..finger print scanner is fast..Camera is Good in day and night...even i have compared with iphone7 plus and picture quality is almost similar...smooth experience..display is as same as S10plus...quicker sharper UI...if you want to switch from Samsung to any other brand than i d suggest Xiaomi and if you want to switch from A50 than go for redmi Mi 9t...peace

                  Sam799, 05 Nov 2019Dude "Mine is working fine" is your opinion but there are p... moreDude, you should read my previous comments. Besides, I clearly stated that "Mine" and by using that I am not generalizing that "A 50 doesn't have any wifi issue".
                  Mine does have network issue and battery drainage problem but wifi works flawlessly. Fingerprint scanner works ok (not great though).

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • P$I
                    • 05 Nov 2019

                    nethym, 02 Nov 2019hello all, those who have purchased A50 . does the phone/ba... moreBro, this is a 1000$ flagship feature and it's useless. 'Cuz you would need to connect the charger with electricity line.

                      A50 Fan, 05 Nov 2019I don't have any wifi issue though. Mine wifi works flawlessly.Dude "Mine is working fine" is your opinion but there are people who're facing Wi-Fi issues, if yours is working fine that doesn't mean others can't have any issues. I also own the A50 & I struggle to connect mine to Wi-Fi at my workplace but I'm still happy with my phone although that wifi issue sucks big-time, I'm waiting for future updates to fix this freaking issue.

                        • M
                        • Mss
                        • 9xV
                        • 05 Nov 2019

                        finger print scanner of A50 is not good. i get problem when i try to unlock with my finger. many times i re-inserted my thumb but every time i got problem. after 5 to 6 try i get one success. face scanning is little bit better but doesn't work in dark.

                          a50rn8pro, 04 Nov 2019damn bad network/wifi are a deal breaker, becuase what's a ... moreI don't have any wifi issue though. Mine wifi works flawlessly.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-875092
                            • 8pc
                            • 05 Nov 2019

                            a50rn8pro, 04 Nov 2019damn bad network/wifi are a deal breaker, becuase what's a ... moreThey aren't bad bro, I said only wifi takes a bit more to connect if signal is weak, like 1 bar. But mobile networks work as intended, so does the fp scanner.

                              Amirboli, 04 Nov 2019Any information of november update ??????? Wait 100% coming ...update

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 04S
                                • 05 Nov 2019

                                Amirboli, 04 Nov 2019Any information of november update ??????? november update already released (121.16 MB).

                                  damn bad network/wifi are a deal breaker, becuase what's a phone without 'em
                                  i'd rather take shitty screen of the note 8 pro tbh.. i wish i could choose the a50

                                    a50rn8pro, 03 Nov 2019Are Wifi/network/fingerprint issues fixed or not yet...But overall it is a decent phone. It is just not as great as some people are saying.

                                      a50rn8pro, 03 Nov 2019Are Wifi/network/fingerprint issues fixed or not yet...If you want a real user review than I would say
                                      ** finger print scanner does improve a lot but it is still not very good or great, it is just good. It takes a second or two to unlock the screen, sometimes (not very often) it will say " No match" and sometimes you have to click power button to use finger print scanner to visible (it is kind of weird)
                                      ** it is still have network issue

                                        New A50 Owner, 04 Nov 2019i own A50 so why would i lie ? i'm just telling me experien... moreGet ready for acrimonious comments, dude !!!
                                        You have to remember one thing, Galaxy A50 is the best of the best. It doesn't have any negative sides!!

                                        If you are facing any problems like network issue or battery draining issue or fingerprint scanner problem than you are lying and you are here only to bash this exquisite beauty..