Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime
- l
- lola
- fuv
- 07 Jul 2016
Y is it dat I cnt screenshot???
- i
- imran
- guE
- 07 Jul 2016
i can nor share my videos full with frienda on whatsapp. it only goes maximal 16 seconds en it cuts it in pieces. please help me with my pronlem.
i allready tried in whatsapp to change my install
- s
- shalisto
- NuU
- 06 Jul 2016
Is fm installable
- ?
- Anonymous
- yZe
- 06 Jul 2016
KAMETI, 04 Jul 2016I have bee3n using my SAMSUNG GALAX GRAND Prime for a year... moreYou can boot it into recovery mood and you can reset the settings. WARNING!!! All data will be romove and cannot be restore. Please make sure to back up data before you proceed.
- a
- aaaaa
- X{s
- 06 Jul 2016
Lots of hanging problems worse than my solo one
- W
- Wasantha
- v{u
- 05 Jul 2016
How and where do I get updates for gallaxy grand prime
- R
- Rajj
- uut
- 05 Jul 2016
I purchased this phone 2 years later at 15000...i am using this phone but its not getting upgrade at all....i tried many times..the software gets downloaded and while upgrade it shows an error (upgrade your phone with the help of samsung kies) ....what to do now...plz help!!!!!
- g
- gpa
- X{L
- 05 Jul 2016
can I use 32 or 64 GB ram as external memory?
- K
- CAq
- 04 Jul 2016
I have bee3n using my SAMSUNG GALAX GRAND Prime for a year. now it has stopped accepting my password, every trial responds with- incorrect password and I can't use it now. what has gone wrong?.
- M
- Mumtaz
- uZa
- 04 Jul 2016
i bought this phone about one year ago. its really good phone . cheaper price. it gave me no any type of problem like other users have mentioned.
- A
- Aakash
- 73@
- 03 Jul 2016
I have a samaung galaxy grand prime Gt 530FZ. and i had rooted the phone then My mobile switching on...when it opened. i opened super user but unfortunately It had switched off then about thats time my mobile does not swith on.if it opens all mobile apps shows me that (Like unfortunately All apps stopped) i have tension.what should i do about my samsung galaxy grand prime 530FZ.please tell me fast....sry for the weak english
- k
- kiles
- xyJ
- 03 Jul 2016
hossain, 30 Jun 2016my g530h doesn't connect with laptop! samsung kies also use... moredownload Samsung Kies 3
- D
- AnonD-556051
- Xut
- 03 Jul 2016
Anonymous, 29 Jun 2016S. Grans prime has SM5301 u has 5.0.2verzion.. im useing itYou can only get 5.0.2 lollypop for your SM-G530H
- D
- AnonD-556051
- Xut
- 03 Jul 2016
nike, 28 Jun 2016Its only 8 months past that my grandprime is giving many pr... moreYou must remove unwanted apps and keep your internal memory about 2gb availible by transferring things to memory card. If it doesn't work try full data wipe i.e factory reset...
- A
- Ank
- Xut
- 03 Jul 2016
Kitkat, 01 Jul 2016I'm using a grey grand prime and I have an issue about upgr... moreIf you ve not rooted your phone then you must get the 5.0.2 version over ota. But if rooted then it's difficult.
- D
- AnonD-555991
- xCD
- 03 Jul 2016
Good evening, why is it that my J7 purchased less than a year at Robinson Forum is always out of setting on ALWAYS ASK setting on ongoing calls.. will appreciate to email me for the reply ay thank you.
- M
- Masterks
- LBk
- 03 Jul 2016
Kitkat, 01 Jul 2016I'm using a grey grand prime and I have an issue about upgr... moreYou can do a simple thing; many times the actualization depends on operator or vendor of your sim... try inserting your brother's sim on your phone and check for actualizations.... Or, your phone isn't the same version of your brothers.
- D
- AnonD-555863
- tht
- 03 Jul 2016
AnonD-555863, 03 Jul 2016This is a smartphone that is pretty good with the price , t... moreAnd than very small ROM just 8GB,so you must crying to download more apk from playstore,
And last this screen just use TFT not super amoled same with more samsung product.
- D
- AnonD-555863
- tht
- 03 Jul 2016
This is a smartphone that is pretty good with the price , the barriers are just bazel hand smarthphone chipped or faded , home button quickly broken up so as to use it I have to press the home button of her with a little more into or strong , to update os require via Samsung Kies , ram slightly make playing games sometimes while typing on his keyboard eject we had to wait a long time , in order to better advise buying a smartphone similar to the prices of different branded
- o
- optimus prime
- 6Pb
- 03 Jul 2016
hey. can anyone plz tell me how to install update manually? thanks