Samsung Galaxy Note10 Lite
- A
- Anonymous
- JBv
- 13 Apr 2020
Anonymous, 11 Apr 2020Man I am really disappointed by Samsung
The telephoto came... moreI am the person who commented this comment and I just realised that the camera is not fake but during normal mode it's not functional. It only functions when taking live focus photos.
- A
- A
- 0qB
- 11 Apr 2020
everything is super . Just one mistake by samsung .
It should have called this phone by a letter/s, like note 10 A or somthing .
because lite just sounds horrible .... Like a lacking phone .
Imagine yourself driving a car and behind it is written " lite " for the sub model name .
- a
- allendanes
- wdG
- 11 Apr 2020
Wow, this commen section is really helpful! I almost buy this phone. You saved me guys.
- ?
- Anonymous
- JBv
- 11 Apr 2020
Man I am really disappointed by Samsung
The telephoto camera in my note 10 lite is fake
There is only digital zoom because I covered up the telephoto camera and it still was taking pictures with the main camera
- v
- v
- uth
- 10 Apr 2020
A 1080p screen of samsung is a 720p screen of a Xiaomi
A Quad Hd screen of samsung is a 1080p screen of Xiaomi
Xiaomi is much sharper than samsung. Buy a NOTE 9 instead of NOTE 10 lite if you want a sharp screen. 1080p on samsung is aweful
- J
- John
- 06 Apr 2020
Really dislike the note 10 lite, why is a newer phone using the CPU of the S9? It's specs are all even lower than the cheaper S10e and as soon as people realize this, they stop producing the S10e.
Sure you get a pen and a bigger screen but at what cost?
Compared to their S10e, the Note 10 lite looses on build quality, CPU, Camera, Bluetooth aptx, waterproof, wireless charging and more.
Even the Zenfone 6 Camera photos were better than this note 10 lite. You can find comparisons video on YouTube.
Honestly overall you only get this if you only care how it looks and that pen or you got a couple extra hundred bucks to burn.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxb
- 05 Apr 2020
body is glastic? today samsung still joking his consumers
- ktL
- 04 Apr 2020
Tricia, 01 Apr 2020I wanted to buy this phone but the body build discouraged m... moreG'morning, YES, the Note10 Lite is a A71 with an S-Pen. Plastic and light.
While this may sound a bit harsh, IF one does not want to pay the Note 10/Note 10+ price tag, (which I did not), you're not big on Craftsmanship (which I AM), and you really want to pay an economical price for a NOTE10 Series Smartphone (New)(which I did), then this phone is for YOU!
Given the good price I paid, I'll keep this phone as a backup.
I must say, the Camera is very good....
Last, I've found a limited selection of cases, mostly soft type cases, I have not ran across an Otterbox type case just yet. I suppose it's early as the Note10 Lite was released at the end of January 2020.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7k
- 03 Apr 2020
If you want to play games please dont buy note 10 lite worst phone for gaming
- T
- Tricia
- Nu7
- 01 Apr 2020
I wanted to buy this phone but the body build discouraged me, the phone is so ugly, it looks like an A71. I can't go for a note 9 cos I like a full screen phone, I'll just have to wait for the note 10plus price to drop, that phone is a beast.
- c
- croatia
- SXm
- 31 Mar 2020
My model is N770f, 6/128GB. Battery life is 1day, it use more RAM.
S-pen has more nice features. Camera is better than on wife's S10.
The speaker is strong and of high quality sound. And headphones has strong level.
Fingerprint is better than on S10.
- T
- Terminator
- rKQ
- 26 Mar 2020
mootez, 25 Mar 2020which one is better the s10 lite or the note 10 liteS10 lite for performance and camera. Note 10 lite for s-pen
- m
- mootez
- N2I
- 25 Mar 2020
which one is better the s10 lite or the note 10 lite
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6v{
- 25 Mar 2020
If you really need the stylus buy the note 9 its better than the note 10 lite in every department and also you can find it cheaper
- ?
- Anonymous
- n55
- 24 Mar 2020
How do I get my s10 lite working with my gear vr ??
- N
- NoteUser
- 0n1
- 23 Mar 2020
The note 10lite can record 2160p 60fps. I own this divice.
- M
- Matagalpa
- sm9
- 22 Mar 2020
Anonymous, 07 Mar 2020Every phone can withstand water like that. And typically wa... moreThey updated the review a week later and reported that everything works perfectly.
- u
- uraverageintrovert
- uKi
- 21 Mar 2020
Anonymous, 19 Mar 2020battery lifespan low selfie camera totally cannot compare ... moreyou're funny
- P
- Prabhu
- L2P
- 21 Mar 2020
Note 10 lite support gear vr or not.
- d
- doki
- 7Xc
- 21 Mar 2020
so this variant of the note10 is not waterproof/dustproof?