Samsung Galaxy Note5

Samsung Galaxy Note5

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Andrew
  • xeT
  • 08 Dec 2015

Not removable battery -> not Note5

    • D
    • AnonD-183089
    • Nqu
    • 08 Dec 2015

    AnonD-100398, 08 Dec 2015Dude its no longer limited to haters now few ppl here went... moreSure i know the note 5 is a nightmare for him :D

      • D
      • AnonD-100398
      • g33
      • 08 Dec 2015

      TheNeighbor, 08 Dec too but in All caps "YAWN..." ROFL

        • D
        • AnonD-100398
        • g33
        • 08 Dec 2015

        AnonD-183089, 07 Dec 2015sure it will be nice upgrade from note 2 & note 3 but n... moreDude its no longer limited to haters now few ppl here went completly & Ps.yc.ho the best example is " " Lol u know who that is lol

          AnonD-100398, 08 Dec 2015Chill out man! that comment was not for you it for our Mr T... moreYawn...

            • D
            • AnonD-100398
            • g33
            • 08 Dec 2015

            Anonymous, 08 Dec 2015Samsung puts a lot of bloatware in their touchwiz os Sna... morealmost all of ur points are a matter of choice,but ur fact that Super amoled screen does not support waterproofing was commendable Lol.
            moreover u were telling me that my facts are not clear lol u r just amazing man! Always remember one thing " its easy to act smart but its very hard to become one " & I know the same applies to me .

              • D
              • AnonD-100398
              • g33
              • 08 Dec 2015

              AnonD-307967, 08 Dec 2015huge success? DONT LIE samsung hasn't released sales figues... moreChill out man! that comment was not for you it for our Mr The NeighBour .That comment was esp disigned for him to make him realise that how does it feel to read same thing again and again& again & again.Lol

                • D
                • AnonD-100398
                • g33
                • 08 Dec 2015

                TheNeighbor, 08 Dec 2015Yup, Parag B doesn't know how to back up anything he posts ... moreWhat do you do with all that expandable storage? I'll tell you ....All you do is post comments in every 2 to 3 mins here and that does not need 200gb of space for sure lol.

                you can even work with only 500 mb internal memory only as the whole purpose of ur life is to post ur repeatative and Carp comments here ROFL.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-100398
                  • g33
                  • 08 Dec 2015

                  Khawaja, 08 Dec 2015Upgraded to Note 5 from Note 4 around 2 weeks back. Followi... moreHow much did you buy it for ?.& is it 32gb or 64gb?

                    AnonD-307967, 08 Dec 2015huge success? DONT LIE samsung hasn't released sales figues... moreYup, Parag B doesn't know how to back up anything he posts with hard evidence. Hearsay is a terrible thing.

                    He thinks "98-99%" make up people who DON'T need memory expansion or who would appreciate removable battery, and that 16/32/64 GB is all we need.

                    Only barely 22% are in agreement that Samsung nailed it totally, majority of 46%, and about almost 32% day it's just Ok:

                    And a more popular Samsung dedicated site made a poll of markets in Europe:
                    "We pose this question to all those Galaxy Note lovers that haven’t been turned away by the removable of some traditional features and aren’t living in the Note 5′s launch markets: What route are you taking in order to get your hands on the device? Will you be importing it from a country where the phone will be officially available, opting for the S6 edge+, or simply skipping an upgrade from your current device?"

                    Of course the result was a staggering 52% will just stick to what they have than "upgrade", which would mean either Note 3 or 4:


                    There are no polls that will actually say Note.5 is a huge success. Nada!

                    Even more direct poll is this with 72% telling us that it isn't an upgrade at all, while 7% say it is...


                    That's why it's laughable that some people are defending this as the "best ever" Galaxy Note. This is probably because they spent $1000 for a downgrade.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • M{3
                      • 08 Dec 2015

                      Anonymous, 08 Dec 2015What if someone with no wifi or 4g or 3g or a pc and has to... moreWhat if there is no phone as well?

                        • K
                        • Khawaja
                        • M{3
                        • 08 Dec 2015

                        Upgraded to Note 5 from Note 4 around 2 weeks back. Following are my observations about Note 5:
                        a. This phone is significantly faster
                        b. It is slippery in cold hands, but has a great grip otherwise.
                        c. Finally a perfect screen with no yellow tinge!
                        d. The speaker is soo good!
                        e. The camera is notably better
                        f. Can charge using wireless FAST charger which is great. Though it doesn't seem to charge wirelessly if battery is less than 3%.
                        g. No IR blaster is surprising but I rarely used it anyway.
                        h. No SD is fine since my data is mostly on cloud
                        i. No removable battery is fine since I rarely took out the battery on previous phone.
                        j. Dimensions are just perfect way better than before.
                        k. SPen functionality has improved.
                        l. Is a fingerprint magnet, but just one swipe cleans it.
                        m. Fingerprint recognition now actually works. In note 4 I always had to swipe multiple times to unlock the phone.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-307967
                          • r2V
                          • 08 Dec 2015

                          [deleted post]huge success? DONT LIE samsung hasn't released sales figues on the note 5 for 3 months instead they have cut staff and expenditure because of poor sales

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • r3H
                            • 08 Dec 2015

                            [deleted post]What if someone with no wifi or 4g or 3g or a pc and has to backup their data, but they have an sdcard but no sdcard card slot to use it and his phone gets formatted

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • r3H
                              • 08 Dec 2015

                              AnonD-100398, 07 Dec 20151) I am not saying that sd810 is dirt cheap but in compaire... moreSamsung puts a lot of bloatware in their touchwiz os

                              Snap810 is still boss, just around 2000 points behind Exynos 74**, so it's not cheap compared

                              I would rather get the note 4 32GB 3GB ram with sd card slot than note 5 64GB 4GB ram WITHOUT sd card. There are 128-200GB sd cards

                              I am not "blindly supporting sony, I am using the moto x style

                                AnonD-77443, 08 Dec 2015I'm thinking the "haters" wouldn't be hating if the GN5 sto... moreI'm still at a loss at what was Samsung (designers and executives) were thinking when they decided to put this half-baked thing with 32GB being sold to most regions, and NOT launch in Europe this year.

                                And we have these people who are underpowered users only satisfied with such 25GB user storage spaces, and be telling us how it's enough. I guess they don't have much to do with a Galaxy Note other than to flaunt how they got a rare 64GB version for $1000, on special order. That's still nothing without being able to use your current 128GB microSD card.

                                Now with Note.5 features being on Note 4 after an update, Note.5 has become even more LESS significant. I'm just laughing at some people regarding the Note 4 as some budget phone. Clearly these are some who like some distorted sense of status with an object, rather using them as tools.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-77443
                                  • PPx
                                  • 08 Dec 2015

                                  AnonD-183089, 07 Dec 2015sure it will be nice upgrade from note 2 & note 3 but n... moreI'm thinking the "haters" wouldn't be hating if the GN5 storage space wasn't such a downgrade. The fact that a 3 year old Note 2 can have 4 TIMES the storage space of a 64GB GN5 is poor form and Samsung shouldn't be surprised by the "hate".

                                  I don't hate the GN5 i'm just really disappointed that the largest amount of storage space i can get in a GN5 is 25GB after the OS is installed.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • PPx
                                    • 08 Dec 2015

                                    TheNeighbor, 08 Dec 2015Note 2 - 16GB with MEMORY EXPANSION of up to 200GB Note 3 ... moreNote 2 and Note 3 are actually available with 64GB internal storage.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Rx9
                                      • 08 Dec 2015

                                      TheNeighbor, 08 Dec 2015The only thing I really like with the upgrade is the Off Sc... moreIt is actually a fact they fired the old designer. Not sure the new designer work for apple though.

                                        AnonD-183089, 07 Dec 2015sure it will be nice upgrade from note 2 & note 3 but n... moreNote 2 - 16GB with MEMORY EXPANSION of up to 200GB
                                        Note 3 - 32GB with MEMORY EXPANSION of up to 200GB

                                        Note.5 - 32GB with NO MEMORY EXPANSION - zilcth, nada, non-existent, not happening.