Samsung Galaxy Note5

Samsung Galaxy Note5

User opinions and reviews

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  • Brandoc
  • 8Es
  • 05 Dec 2015

Note 5 its better then Note 4

    Anonymous, 05 Dec 2015To be honest to you that also apply when comparing Note3 to... moreSome people actually spent over $1000 for a downgrade of this half-baked thing. It's just funny how putting fragile curved glass would make people spend for a DOWNGRADE.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • tue
      • 05 Dec 2015

      AnonD-183089, 05 Dec 2015I'm planning to upgrade my current note 4 to note 5 but I r... moreTo be honest to you that also apply when comparing Note3 to Note4. Honestly, Note3 have better call quality and speakers. Samsung had been neglecting 'phone' department since ever. The focus these day is only on the 'smart' features. No one make calls that much anymore anyway unless you are the conservative type. Thats why they are planning to improve the speaker quality in the Galaxy S7 next year because many had complaint about it.

        • D
        • AnonD-183089
        • rte
        • 05 Dec 2015

        kevintt, 04 Dec 2015I recently purchased the Galaxy Note 5, and I am going to b... moreI'm planning to upgrade my current note 4 to note 5 but I recently checked the phonearena review they mentioned two issues about low call quality & little bit low speakers comparing to the note 4... Is that true after using it ?

          kevintt, 04 Dec 2015I recently purchased the Galaxy Note 5, and I am going to b... moreIt's great for those who weren't using microSD cards, or those who have limited access to internet.

          Wait a couple more days, and see a frequency of a hang once a week, as what's my colleague has been complaining. 32 GB is the only version my region is having - that's 26 GB or so of storage.

            • D
            • AnonD-307967
            • r2S
            • 04 Dec 2015

            32gb? are we in 2009 samsung?

              • k
              • kevintt
              • 8yT
              • 04 Dec 2015

              I recently purchased the Galaxy Note 5, and I am going to be honest... Being a previous owner of both the Note 3 and Note 4, this new device have yet to show any signs of lag, poor battery life and and performance issues. While I still have great respect for the previous versions, I must admit that the Note 5 is by far the best phone Samsung have ever made in this series. With all the negative comments about removable battery, lack of Micro SD card etc. Its a compromise I am willing to make. This phone is perfect in every single aspect from design to flawless performance, and I intent to keep it as my daily driver for a very long time.

                mrlapa, 04 Dec 2015Owned all previous models of the note. LOVE IT. WILL NOT G... moreIf the new Galaxy Note is perceived as lower than previous models, there's something wrong, right there.

                Heavy users with 64 or 128 GB microSD card with previous Galaxy Notes will not settle for the pitiful 32 GB version being sold in MOST countries.

                64 GB version is like just adding only a 32 GB of microSD card on top of the 32 GB internal memory for another $150. What did Samsung thought of them to do with their 128 GB microSD card? Utter silliness.

                Another missed market is removable battery system, where they could have sold OEM DOUBLE or even TRIPLE extended battery instead of "portable power packs". It's going to thicken the body, but you'll not charge for DAYS for sure, instead of carrying a powerbank all the time.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-100398
                  • bJ7
                  • 04 Dec 2015

                  AnonD-183089, 03 Dec 201595% of the persons who are commenting here don't have this ... more100% agree to that!

                    • D
                    • AnonD-100398
                    • bJ7
                    • 04 Dec 2015

                    AnonD-183089, 03 Dec 2015Does samsung returned the water sound of screen lock of not... moreThere are two entirely new lockscreen animations i guess one is transparent liqued & other is colorfull liqued bubbles but they work only in swipe unlock option not in fingerprint mode. But both of them are really cool.

                      • K
                      • Khal'z
                      • fuZ
                      • 04 Dec 2015

                      GsmArena is the best place. I bought Galaxy tab 4 and i witnessed the good battery life as reviewed in this site.
                      pleaseusers, kindly review on the device that you own

                        • m
                        • mrlapa
                        • r6k
                        • 04 Dec 2015

                        Owned all previous models of the note. LOVE IT.
                        WILL NOT GET THIS ONE no microsd.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-77443
                          • v6J
                          • 04 Dec 2015

                          AnonD-183089, 03 Dec 201595% of the persons who are commenting here don't have this ... moreNo one is denying the positives of the GN5.
                          Looks greats, great performance, great screen, good camera and battery life.

                          The only reason i don't have one is that Samsung crippled it by only releasing a 32GB version.... it could be twice as quick, have a pop out SLR camera and 1 week battery life... I (and many others) simply won't get a device that requires constant data and cache management to free up storage.

                          Will you admit this failing of the GN5 is the question?

                            AnonD-183089, 03 Dec 201595% of the persons who are commenting here don't have this ... morePositive sides:

                            It comes in platinum gold - yes, you need to be that person in the room.
                            It has UFS 2.0 internal memory that's mostly only 32 GB in most countries.
                            You can brag it has 4gb RAM.

                            Nothing follows.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-183089
                              • gpi
                              • 03 Dec 2015

                              Anonymous, 03 Dec 2015This site is the worst place to get any help...the comments... more95% of the persons who are commenting here don't have this phone at all only attacking the owners of the device & focusing on the negative sides only & become blind towards the positive sides!!! this is the conclusion here!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • pK9
                                • 03 Dec 2015

                                jbatista, 03 Dec 2015I personally would rate the note 5 based on users' preferen... moreThis site is the worst place to get any help...the comments are full of silly fanboys...just talking utter crap most of the time about devices they dont even own,or you have people who likewise dont own the device and just praise it...if you want to make a decision I strongly suggest going to multiple unbiased sites and seeing the devices for yourself

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-218710
                                  • 6PF
                                  • 03 Dec 2015

                                  Barking dogs seldom bite, most of us have stopped insisted sd card slot or fixed battery complaints. This is maximum we can agitate. Now everybody will never ever talk about it again. 32gb is more than enough, keeping in view to change within a year, loss of 50% and add another 50% for new model, we lose our total investment. All going to their Kitty!

                                    • j
                                    • jbatista
                                    • xFM
                                    • 03 Dec 2015

                                    I personally would rate the note 5 based on users' preference. I personally would consider the note 4 no different from the note 5 unless we compare and contrast the chip set. However, the note 4 is more adjustable than the note 5 considering the memory expansion for those who do heavy activities with their handset. That being said, the note 5 reminds us of an iphone form but with a greater engine running it. Although the note 5 has few treats a little more marketable than the note 4, but to me it is no different from each. The note 4 wins in my view since it is more adjustable than the 5. I am a heavy tech user and the note 5 wouldn't be a fit for me since the memo expansion is limited. Pixel wise, a slight difference. Camera, there is couple of differences. I expected the note 5 to have a superior material, and a waterproof and scratch proof feature. I am surprised that Samsung has not included waterproof, dust, etc features to this brutal beast. If you're going for the note 5, just consider also getting the Iphone 6S Plus.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-218710
                                      • 6PF
                                      • 03 Dec 2015

                                      Marshmallow will bring vanilla android, it will enhance it's ram management and beauty. 80% of Sammy's product s Note plus S series are sold out at 500$ price, this is a perfect strategy to rip customer of earnings, rest if they buy cheaper it becomes outdated, intro of sd card slot and eliminate head phone Jack will revolutionise mobile technology. We can hear with Bluetooth. Its pity in Finland people still using symbian Nokia sets, perfect as fist performance. Only Asian middle eastern are spend thrift. My E72 still in immaculate performance.

                                        Atool35, 03 Dec 2015Powerful device... ignore the troll called TheNeighbor and ... more- Excellent screen - yeah, same resolution as the Note 4.
                                        - Most efficient Exynos SoC, - Nope, colleague complains of hanging, and even Absolute-Allen keeps writing about it.
                                        - Great battery life - Not for long, and actually Note 4 has even a longer battery stamina by 5 hours.
                                        - Way better design than Note 4 - Fragile glass back? S Pen storage flaw with pen getting stuck when wrongly inserted?
                                        - No heating whatsoever - Hahaha, Parag just admitted it had some heating. And no, you can't expect it working without heat happening. It's thermodynamics.