Samsung Galaxy Note5
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 02 Dec 2015
AnonD-77443, 02 Dec 2015I had iphones for a few years before Samsung... over priced... moreThe last time I found out, you have to do some acrobatics just to download torrents on iPhones. And that iTunes with no file explorer just keeps me away other than the poor sealed battery - which means I'd have to carry around a powerbank/charger, and have to plug in some 2 to 4 hours while out of the house.
iPhones have the worst antenna reception around, according to reports. My colleague's teenaged daughter wants an iPhone just because her friends only use that.
- D
- AnonD-100398
- g33
- 02 Dec 2015
AnonD-77443, 01 Dec 2015Samsung haven't released any note 5 sales figures for 4 mon... moreDude its the best smartphone money can buy rightnow!
i.e Its being selling like crazy in my city initialy u needed to really wait for atleast a week to get the 64gb gold platinum on samsung estore as well it went out of stock several times.
There were few news abt this however it was a combined news for s6 edge plus and note5 .Check the actual and online market ppl are buying it like crazy..Moreover "U can take ur example only i know U so WANT to buy NOTE5" but i also understand that u do not have 64gb option available in ur country.
- r
- raj
- vbB
- 02 Dec 2015
AnonD-100398, 01 Dec 2015U have not bought it that does not mean that ppl around the... moreWhere did I said that I bought one lol?
I am merely talking about facts while you are taking it to your heart.
It seems since you possess this device does not mean that "it is huge success ".
Shows your ego friend.
Anyway you enjoy your device.
- D
- AnonD-77443
- PPx
- 02 Dec 2015
samm, 02 Dec 2015If u want to invest your money long term so simply buy an I... moreI had iphones for a few years before Samsung... over priced, under spec'd and too restricted.
If they get rid of iTunes, stop restricting apps and actually get a full file explorer i may consider they. Iphones are overpriced toys for mums and teens who care more about the bling than performance... THAT SAID, iphones do offer 128GB, the GN5 only offers 32GB in many countries which is why i am still on the GN4.
- s
- samm
- 02 Dec 2015
If u want to invest your money long term so simply buy an IPhone 6s plus or if you use only one year so you buy Samsung ...
- ?
- Anonymous
- EYb
- 02 Dec 2015
AnonD-100398, 01 Dec 2015Note5 is such a huge sucess even without the removeable bat... moreLooks can be deceived.
And this is what actually happens to Note 5.
If u are heavy usage or gamer than try not to buy this at the moment until they have solve the problem of hanging
- ?
- Anonymous
- tue
- 02 Dec 2015
AnonD-2504, 01 Dec 2015Mobile store in Macedonia sales SM N920c versionAre you sure the phone support your country bandwidths? Don't just buy randomly or you might not even able to make phone call with it. Each model of Note5 is made for specific country and only work with the area service provider. Not sure about international version though. Many people who bought smartphone overseas thinking it cheaper, end up with junk after returning home to their own country.
- T
- TheNeighbor
- uSZ
- 01 Dec 2015
AnonD-77443, 01 Dec 2015Samsung haven't released any note 5 sales figures for 4 mon... moreThe first news of or being successful in South Korea was short lived. This thing is only great with countries with staggering high-speed advanced LTE - I wouldn't mind if that was the case. I've experienced that while in Japan where 20mbps was possible, where 4 GB was finished within 10 minutes.
It's only a fiftieth of that speed where I live. Waiting for Telstra to actually come and serve better services than our local telcos who cap our internet speeds.
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 01 Dec 2015
AnonD-100398, 01 Dec 2015U have not bought it that does not mean that ppl around the... moreAs usual, no factual evidence to support your claims it being "successful". With the change of CEO recently, things should turn around.
Now we hear of reports of this half-baked Galaxy Note with restarts, hanging, the problem of getting the S Pen stuck the other way into the storage silo, and fast wireless charging stopping after a few minutes. And the very factual things that this has LESS functionalities than its older models. For $800 to over $1000 price, you expect it it not having these problems, a perceivably better device, or at least matches the features of older versions like my Galaxy Note 3.
- D
- AnonD-77443
- PPx
- 01 Dec 2015
AnonD-100398, 01 Dec 2015U have not bought it that does not mean that ppl around the... moreSamsung haven't released any note 5 sales figures for 4 months... I'm guessing that means that sales aren't that brilliant.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 5MH
- 01 Dec 2015
AnonD-100398, 30 Nov 2015The answer to ur question is very simple actualy. "Cause Go... moreI don't think so, it must have some features missing in Note 5 because many friends of mine who use Galaxy Note like Note 4 more than Note 5, and many of them prefer to select iPhone 6s Plus because Note 5 or S6 edge+ is the same as iPhone with no card slot and no removable battery.
- D
- AnonD-100398
- g33
- 01 Dec 2015
raj, 01 Dec 2015What is the source of your information that note5 is huge s... moreU have not bought it that does not mean that ppl around the glode is not buying it.
- p
- painterman
- mpA
- 01 Dec 2015
couple of things let the phone down. NO slot for expandable memory. its a must have. I think Samsung have done this on purpose so you have to buy more expensive models. and it is about time the ringtones were updated. same ringtones on my S4 when I bought that brand new 3 years ago. I have had Samsung since the beginning of time..
- r
- raj
- vbB
- 01 Dec 2015
TheNeighbor, 01 Dec 2015Galaxy Note 4 - that's what's better than a half-baked Note.5.Absouletly agree. Price to performance and features.
- r
- raj
- vbB
- 01 Dec 2015
AnonD-100398, 01 Dec 2015Note5 is such a huge sucess even without the removeable bat... moreWhat is the source of your information that note5 is huge sucess.? Pls put facts with supporting source of information buddy.
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 01 Dec 2015
AnonD-100398, 01 Dec 2015Note5 is such a huge sucess even without the removeable bat... moreGalaxy Note 4 - that's what's better than a half-baked Note.5.
- D
- AnonD-2504
- 04P
- 01 Dec 2015
Anonymous, 01 Dec 2015Europe? I don't think they have Note5 in Europe yet.Mobile store in Macedonia sales SM N920c version
- ?
- Anonymous
- tue
- 01 Dec 2015
AnonD-2504, 01 Dec 2015Is n920c international version? I want to buy in europe, pl... moreEurope? I don't think they have Note5 in Europe yet.
- D
- AnonD-100398
- bJ7
- 01 Dec 2015
Note5 is such a huge sucess even without the removeable battery and a card slot :) There is just no better smartphone available rightnow.
- D
- AnonD-2504
- 04P
- 01 Dec 2015
Is n920c international version? I want to buy in europe, pls advise, thanks.