Samsung Galaxy Note5

Samsung Galaxy Note5

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-100398
  • g33
  • 19 Nov 2015

Tony Stark, 18 Nov 2015You could even tell it in a polite manner, people are here ... moreAnd i did not a.b.u.s e him or did not throw any personal attack at him, like few ppl just like u, Who often throw personal attacks at ppl when they do not have anything to counter there agrument.or do it just to show off.

I just made a funny statement for everyone to laugh and make ppl realise that note5 is just a smartphone,expecting everything from Note5 is just a plain stupidity, it is not everything in life .Surely Note5 is not totaly perfect just like any other smartphone in the market is not perfect, but Note5 is just best amongst them IMO.

So don't b my mom and don't give me gyaan abt politeness again.LOL.

    • D
    • AnonD-100398
    • g33
    • 19 Nov 2015

    TheNeighbor, 18 Nov 2015And again, you have nothing to counter my points.What! R u for real?
    i have already posted loads of counters in my previous posts.
    U r seriously living under a Big Rock man.

      • D
      • AnonD-100398
      • g33
      • 19 Nov 2015

      Tony Stark, 18 Nov 2015You could even tell it in a polite manner, people are here ... moreDude he was just asking the same question endlessly even after getting the answer and he was not giving full info abt his requirement just the same question again and again .just like our the neighboUr same thing again and again Lol
      read his previous posts if u have time but i guess many of his same comments were deleted.Anyways i have given him the answer for his questions.but then again he is still asking the same question .LOL

        • l
        • lele
        • g4W
        • 19 Nov 2015

        Im sorry I had the note 4 and that was a great phone so the note 5 should be way better but I wanted to know the full price of the galaxy note 5...does anyone know ?

          AnonD-100398, 18 Nov 2015U again thought that ppl here are going to read all that no... moreAnd again, you have nothing to counter my points.

            • T
            • Tony Stark
            • t}m
            • 18 Nov 2015

            AnonD-100398, 17 Nov 2015Yes, Note5 even supports teleporting, it can become a tooth... moreYou could even tell it in a polite manner, people are here for suggestions and opinions not for some childish typo

              • D
              • AnonD-100398
              • g33
              • 18 Nov 2015

              TheNeighbor, 18 Nov 2015You said it, not me. Uncritical thinking is the worst. Y... moreU again thought that ppl here are going to read all that nonsense over and over again .Lol.

                AnonD-100398, 18 Nov 2015Says a self appointed Genius! Lol . Sorry but most ppl in ... moreYou said it, not me. Uncritical thinking is the worst.

                Yes, yes, you spent over $1000 for a special pre-order for the 64GB - very much in contradiction to your 32GB would have been enough statement you telling us before. I too have running Android 5.0 on the Note 3 (you have NOTHING to boast about) - practically does the very same things your half-baked Note.5 could. Even has dual download booster and S Note text OCR. Except for a few things like fast camera launching, pen jotter while locked, my Note 3 can practically does more with infrared remote, swappable battery, microSD card slot, temperature sensor, AirView, and USB 3.0. Rooted, I've installed Tasker for making thing automated, and customized UI.

                And you advise me to buy a pitiful Note.5 that practically is LESS in features, and in LESS versatile? Fast charging is the gimmick you want me for buying it so that my battery get deteriorated faster? A glass back that breaks with one drop? $250 more so I can upgrade to something that only gives me 32GB more storage space than a 32GB version?

                Bottom line, Samsung should get their shit straight for the next Galaxy Note.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-183089
                  • fqe
                  • 18 Nov 2015

                  Just negative comments now from the note 5 users :S
                  Then to keep the note 4 till note 6?!

                    • R
                    • Rahul jadeja
                    • HsG
                    • 18 Nov 2015

                    TheNeighbor, 17 Nov 2015Yeah, bring a router everywhere - power it up in your bag c... morehow we connect external power supply to hard disc for connecting segate 2tb hard disc to note 5??.....please tell me

                      • D
                      • AnonD-100398
                      • g33
                      • 18 Nov 2015

                      TheNeighbor, 18 Nov 2015And you have nothing to defend my points except "its t... moreSays a self appointed Genius! Lol .
                      Sorry but most ppl in the world are not thinking ur way ! LOL.
                      U r still living under a rock man!
                      Do u even know how nice is the lollipop on note5 ?
                      Note5 just changes everything compaired to the previous note series.

                      One can Install lots of apps without any worry, as there is 64gb INTERNAL MEMORY.not like 16 or 32gb models.
                      At last samsung made a true Android smartphone.
                      U r just missing all that big time .
                      Get one soon b4 its too late.

                        AnonD-100398, 18 Nov 2015Omg did u reallly think that ppl here are going to read all... moreAnd you have nothing to defend my points except "its the smartest phone rit nw", or "64 GB is enough for everyone".

                        Yet you carry a powerbank, wireless HDD and encase it with plastic just to endure how "premium" it is.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-100398
                          • g33
                          • 18 Nov 2015

                          TheNeighbor, 18 Nov 2015You talk as if the 64GB version is EVERYWHERE to be bought.... moreOmg did u reallly think that ppl here are going to read all that nonsense over and over again .Lol.

                            AnonD-100398, 18 Nov 2015Boohoo it doesn't have mircoSD and a removeable battery w... moreYou talk as if the 64GB version is EVERYWHERE to be bought. The truth is, almost all countries are only having the 32GB with only some 26GB of free storage. So STOP telling us “64GB is enough”.

                            ThatÂ’s the thing – people with removable battery-devices can too use “portable USB chargers”. We also have a CHOICE of small extra batteries thatÂ’s 1/5th of the volume of a powerbank. While you boast you can have a full charge in “under 120 minutes”, I can have full power in 80 seconds by swapping batteries. Quick charging puts more stress onto the battery, wearing it off faster. So short-term.

                            I can’t shut up. Lots of Samsung users up to Note 4 are not impressed with the iPhone direction Samsung is trying to emulate. And what do you like boasting now – the gold fragile glass back that breaks in one impact, having to endure carrying so many accessories – powerbank, cables, putting on heavy protection case, wireless HDD: All so you can forcibly tell everyone how cool your Note is. This is a poorly executed device, focused on people with people to spend more data service, forcing cloud, and making sure it breaks after some 12 months later for uncritical, and easily impressed buyers to buy the latest glass-backed version.

                            Looks over function, "64GB is enough" - this isn’t a future I want for devices.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-466802
                              • akH
                              • 18 Nov 2015

                              Battery very bad . hardly 6 hours browsing & 8 hours video playing , camera is very good

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • fuN
                                • 18 Nov 2015

                                Assure, 17 Nov 2015N5 is a failure, with it's price. Now guys want innovative ... moreI'm sure you haven't seen Lumia 950, it has 3gb ram and that shows that 2gb ram on Windows phone 10 is not as responsive as you think. And for those crying over non removable batteries, unless you're gonna stuck on old phones, non removable batteries seem to be the way forward, you all have to brace up and follow the trend or keep complaining to Samsung or other oems that won't listen.

                                  • B
                                  • Bhabani
                                  • uvi
                                  • 18 Nov 2015

                                  TheNeighbor, 17 Nov 2015I do the same thing - cycle through 3 different batteries t... moreI am feeling nostalgic. And weeping

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-100398
                                    • g33
                                    • 18 Nov 2015

                                    Boohoo it doesn't have mircoSD and a removeable battery
                                    who still swaps batteries?
                                    What year is it 2005?
                                    Haven't you ppl discovered portable USB chargers?
                                    Quick charge 2.0 compatible ones at that?
                                    and microSD would have slowed the device down and was not compatible with UFS 2.0 at the time.
                                    64gb is more than enough for most ppl but i agree that it sud have been available in every region.
                                    But some ppl needs to Shut up & grow up and take there lame trolling elsewhere . I'm bored of it. You ppl sound like 12 year old. LOL

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • v6K
                                      • 18 Nov 2015

                                      james, 17 Nov 2015ive never seen a perfect phone for almost 6 years now. Abs... moreDUH! That's the problem with the GN5. There is no 128GB version and 64GB isn't available in most countries.

                                        AnonD-100078, 17 Nov 2015i went back to note 4 (actually note edge). that bad i'm u... moreI do the same thing - cycle through 3 different batteries to help reduce deterioration of them. A step further is to set an auto power timer when I plug in my device at night to charge and discharge so that out doesn't stay 100% constantly. Spent battery is charged through the cradle charger connected to a power bank that turns off after a full charge.

                                        A 9000mAh Zerolemon extended battery for the Note Edge is now available for some $75.

                                        This is the advantage of a removable battery system - more efficient, more versatile, more options.

                                        And about the storage - an EXTRA 120 GB is way better than just having 26GB of free space. I wouldn't give up that option, if I could help it. More value than bragging the internal memory is 3.5 times faster - not even percievable.