Samsung Galaxy Note5

Samsung Galaxy Note5

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • HsG
  • 17 Nov 2015

AnonD-100398, 17 Nov 2015Yes, Note5 even supports teleporting, it can become a tooth... moreBut in note 3 segate is supported then why not on note 5???

    • D
    • AnonD-465782
    • HsG
    • 17 Nov 2015

    I connected my 2tb seagate hdd through
    otg cable but it did not recognise.
    can note 5 read some newer hdds or not please
    tell me......does hard disc support note 5????

      • D
      • AnonD-100398
      • g33
      • 17 Nov 2015

      [deleted post]I agree, i know that I am NO "rocket science engineer" .
      but that does not mean that i have to agree to everything U post here over and over since this comment page started.Lol.

        • D
        • AnonD-100398
        • g33
        • 17 Nov 2015

        AnonD-465782, 16 Nov 2015is segate hard disc support note 5 or not please tell?????Yes, Note5 even supports teleporting, it can become a tooth brush, it can wash ur car, it can leave ur children to school, it can make ur breakfast, etc etc ..
        Lol its a smartphone for god sake.

        V have already informed u that the note5 cannot power the huge segate hardisk by itself so NO, It does not support the segate hardisk all by itself.

        Tip- Use Google sometimes.

          • c
          • chocobo
          • tZ4
          • 17 Nov 2015

          1.Guy share something with you about my note 5 duos, did everyone here having keyboard issues (really lag) not smoothy enought compare with note4, you may TRY BY YOURSELF.

          2. Try this, during typing sms & scroll up your upper massage & the keyboard wil dissapare. How come this happen to note5, even my note3 & note4 wont have such of issues. This is really not convinence. you may TRY BY YOURSELF.

          3. Very dissapoint of what i brought!!

            AnonD-100398, 16 Nov 2015I have no bad ram management issue what so ever and i think... moreAnd you forgot and just to put things right:
            *Less useful with fixed battery and no more memory slot
            *Less features by omitting infrared blaster
            *Flawed pen storage design with pen inserted the other way destroys the pen sensor
            *More fragile with glass back that breaks in one drop
            *Limited to only 32GB to almost all other regions except US and *special" $1000+ pre-orders of the 64GB version

            And what a boring kiss-@$s write up you just did. What a hypocrite for telling off people how too long their opinions are.

              • D
              • AnonD-325037
              • pK3
              • 16 Nov 2015

              For me.... i always select ANDROID over ios android there is no better phone than Note series ...but its my choice. iphone 6s pluse is also v good phone if r apple lover.

                • D
                • AnonD-100398
                • g33
                • 16 Nov 2015

                Jassi, 16 Nov 2015Having migrating from iPhone to android to iPhone to Androi... moreI have no bad ram management issue what so ever and i think almost every android user is aware that they do not really need to keep checking ram or clearing the ram on any android smartphone ( btw do u do that on ur ip 6s+?) the android is smart enough to take care of it all by itself, but using a task switcher and removing the apps u do not need is a good practice but i expected u to b aware of this .

                and updates on any phone does not normaly stay valid after 4 to 5 years b it apple or android. But NOTE5 wud b supported IMO for at least 4 to 5 years as it is flagship grade device. 

                Android has many advantages over ios u also know that .

                At least u agree that the camera is just awesome on the note5 .

                On note5 only if u need great battery life instead of performance use the power saving mode.

                Sound quality from wired or wireless music output quality is also loud and excellent on NOTE5.

                Note5 has wireless charging.

                Note5 has SAMOLED screen great for battery backup and comes with customizable screen modes also has great outdoor visibility and viewing angles which is way better than the 1080p lcd on 6s+ .

                6s+ is indeed a good device but overall it is not so price worthy compaired to NOTE5 .But i agree that its a little more robust ( just as galaxy A8) as it has all metal back cover but it does not have wireless charging and note5 makes up for that with its gorilla glass at the back but i know its not that better than having the all metal back cover but it takes normal drops easily as i already have experience .

                6s+ is the exact copy of there previous flagship line up means same like iphone 6plus it still comes with those same huge bezels and over repeated design language.

                U just can't use the IP 6s+ the way u can use the NOTE5 .

                Note5 is all new and it is very compact ,light weighted and very pocketable. & it comes with a overall new design than its previous note design line up.

                Note5 is also more affordable than the Ip 6s+ for the 64 gb model.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-465782
                  • HsG
                  • 16 Nov 2015

                  is segate hard disc support note 5 or not please tell?????

                    • J
                    • Jassi
                    • XHE
                    • 16 Nov 2015

                    Having migrating from iPhone to android to iPhone to Android for several years, my experience will help a few to make up their mind if to go with ios or android!

                    Had Note 5 for 2 months, flawless peformance with battery and everything. The downside was available ram! i only use basic apps like facebook, instagram, twitter and pinterest. After closing all apps and clearing everything it used to show 1.6GB available ram, and just after 30 mins again the damn thing goes back to 600mb available ram from 4GB total ram? Are they serious? Huge pile up of ram used to drain battery faster and sometimes make the phone hot.
                    The second problem was that we as android user accept the fact that we will not be getting the updates on time, and dont even know till when our phone would be given support and updated. Apples iphone 4s shows how they can support their several years ago phone aswell, thats acheiving customers satisfaction in a big way.

                    Now i shifted to iPhone 6s plus, knowing that i will be supported till when i would want to keep my phone. Its just a kind of reassurance for the money you throw on the things you buy. I am happy and content now, no stress whatsoever.

                    I always saw that android is to mobiles what windows is to computers. Both arent optimised to run the hardware which is insanely increased day by day. Just look at Note 5 and Iphone 6s+ specs, and iphone mostly beats it except the camera department.

                    I am a android and apple guy, i own both. but Sensible decision is to invest in Apple, not android. You should value the money you spend so much.

                      • s
                      • sailor
                      • cN9
                      • 16 Nov 2015

                      No card slot???

                      No sale!!!!!

                        • b
                        • bhabani
                        • 2Te
                        • 16 Nov 2015

                        AnonD-100398, 16 Nov 2015Forget abt 32gb! DUDE! There are lots of ppl in the world... moreI agree with you. Some people are satisfied with 128 gb microsd card and think they can carry allthe world in this. So its pointless for me to check whether its 32 gb or 128gb, it can not just store ur terrabytes of data. i went straight for note 5.

                        But a phone with a removable battery is useful for scribbling on gsmarena whole life. lol lol

                          • D
                          • AnonD-465782
                          • HsG
                          • 16 Nov 2015

                          I connected my 2tb seagate hdd through
                          otg cable but it did not recognise.
                          can note 5 read some newer hdds or not please tell me......does hard disc support note 5????

                            • t
                            • tumi
                            • rjF
                            • 16 Nov 2015

                            MSB, 16 Nov 2015Which phone is a better option Samsung Note 5 or Iphone 6s ... moreyou should go for note 5. its the best. even IPhone 6S but I prefer note

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • X{2
                              • 16 Nov 2015

                              Note 5 is very good
                              it has very good processor and it is lighting fast
                              the camera also very good

                                • n
                                • note 5 user
                                • ij4
                                • 16 Nov 2015

                                I have note 5 and i am not satisfied with its battery and performance.
                                i bought note 5 bcuz of tech site reviews that always praise samsung.
                                i regret for not buying z5 or iph 6plus.
                                This is my 1st and last samsung.
                                I think Iph and sony are the best

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-100398
                                  • g33
                                  • 16 Nov 2015

                                  MSB, 16 Nov 2015Which phone is a better option Samsung Note 5 or Iphone 6s ... moreIf u want ios iphone if u want android Note5 simple. But if u want best camera go for NOTE5.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-100398
                                    • g33
                                    • 16 Nov 2015

                                    TheNeighbor, 16 Nov 2015Assumptions? That's your middle name with your "90-98-99... moreAnother Assumption :p

                                      • M
                                      • MSB
                                      • wuc
                                      • 16 Nov 2015

                                      Which phone is a better option Samsung Note 5 or Iphone 6s Plus. i have seen alot of reviews of both the phone but somehow cant seem to decide.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 6PF
                                        • 16 Nov 2015

                                        Sammy has lost its senses, it cannot follow the elite iPhone as they have had never card slot nor Batt changeable, still they manage to maintain price and sales throughout the years. Sammy knows and proved from S6 till N5 it's sales have dwindled and prices fallen rock bottom. One model a year Iphone against hundreds of Sammy can't coupe!