Samsung Galaxy Note5
- ?
- Anonymous
- u}w
- 22 Aug 2015
No matter what Samsung do all Samsung phone lags after a month of usage, what the use of above spec. Shame still can't fix this minor problem. After using note 1,2,3, s3, s4,s5 & mega 6.3 I stop using Samsung boring ui and lags super expensive when compared to nowadays phones no point to pay twice to three times price.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ixw
- 22 Aug 2015
1) HEAVIER (metal and glass) (Note 3 is lighter)
2) LIMITED BATTERY (infinite replaceable battery with Note 3)
3) VERY LIMITED STORAGE (Infinite storage with Note 3, currently 160GB a time)
Surely if a person wants a HEAVY, LIMITED, LOW-TECH useless brick product they could have always bought a useless iphone product?
- N
- Not 5
- 6vu
- 22 Aug 2015
Say no to slots, 21 Aug 2015Damn that SLOT. ITs because of that slot, Samsung have ... moreAnd when they remove that slot and install 10+ GB of blot ware we`re only left with 15-18 GB, I laugh at apple that they still release 16GB version of their phone which is absolutely useless, yet Samsung follow path by not Releasing the 64 GB version in some regions, what a move congratulations Samsung you guys are marvelous even in stupidity :1
- T
- Talha7474
- HsE
- 22 Aug 2015
Anonymous, 22 Aug 2015You end up getting old if you keep waiting. Stop waiting an... moreU r absolutely ri8 samsung is worst
- ?
- Anonymous
- tue
- 22 Aug 2015
Villalobos, 21 Aug 2015I'll remain having my Note 4 until new Note 6 releases, the... moreYou end up getting old if you keep waiting. Stop waiting and buy other brand.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 22 Aug 2015
[deleted post]Don' waste your hard earned money. Get a Note 5 for only $1. Yes, thats right. Samsung launched The Ultimate Test Drive that allows you to own it for a month with only $1 payment. Then, keep it for a full price later or simply returned it if you hate it. No worry about damages either. A little scratches or scuff, they let it go. Plus, you don't need to returned the accessories too.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3bu
- 22 Aug 2015
abq9211, 21 Aug 2015I think Samsung is not interested in taking care of its loy... more4
- n
- note d
- 3bu
- 22 Aug 2015
AnonD-111968, 22 Aug 2015Note5 could have an upgrade to Note4 if they increased the ... moreBye slot no removable battery..note 4 is the last samsung ..
- D
- AnonD-111968
- Kec
- 22 Aug 2015
Those Note 4 owners don't upgrade yet, u will save money, u have a better device than this Note 5 experiment
- D
- AnonD-111968
- Kec
- 22 Aug 2015
AnonD-412137, 22 Aug 2015What is Samsung smoking really . They take out black and wh... moreQuick advice, don't Buy Note 5, and Samsung will know real customers are disappointed, Note 4 is better in terms of battery, durability and storage and cheaper.
- D
- AnonD-111968
- Kec
- 22 Aug 2015
Jarret, 22 Aug 2015Note 5 - best in design phablet to date... S6 Edge Plus - ... moreIt could have been better if battery is 3500mah and keep the card slot.
- J
- Jarret
- 25G
- 22 Aug 2015
Note 5 - best in design phablet to date...
S6 Edge Plus - best in design smartphone to date...
Don't mind about memory-card slot & removable battery if you are iPhone or Xiaomi users
- D
- AnonD-412137
- 3JQ
- 22 Aug 2015
And what's the point of 4 K video and shooting high resolution pictures etc when u only selling 32 gb as of now in the market and on top of that no sd card . Like what's is this 2005 ?
A layman like me even wouldn't have done this if I was at Samsung . At least give a high infernal memory . Idiots
On top of that no replacement battery .fine u do it for s series fair enough .what's the point in note series .
Battery within a year will never perform the same .and then what pay hundreds of dollars again for a new phone .
Pathetichness. And design OK good but fingerprint problem .gets dirty so so easily . Like come on ....
What an excellent product and a legendary phone this would have been and had so much potential .
- D
- AnonD-111968
- Kec
- 22 Aug 2015
abq9211, 21 Aug 2015I think Samsung is not interested in taking care of its loy... moreNote 4. A wise buyer, even if he's alone will not be attracted to this Note 5 downgrade
- D
- AnonD-412137
- 3JQ
- 22 Aug 2015
What is Samsung smoking really . They take out black and white for north American market .Europe don't sell. Asian market gold and black .
How do I get the silver one .
On top of that as of now in Dubai where I reside only selling 32 gb. What thrill do they get on having such negative tactics . They I believe ll release more colours and more internal storage when probably I phone comes out
What losers . I just really don't understand what's the point making different colours and variation in internal memory when u not selling at launch .
Pissing of is an understatement. Losers .
- D
- AnonD-111968
- Ui%
- 22 Aug 2015
[deleted post]Note5 could have an upgrade to Note4 if they increased the battery to 3,500mah even if sealed is ok, Also if they kept the micro sd slot.
- d
- dcompany
- nTU
- 22 Aug 2015
Nice fone really fast and plz dont comment false abt the note 5 wht u expect do u guyz need a car in it a microwave or a laptop in it its a good sophisticated cellphone guys enjoy it
- E
- Ethan
- aps
- 22 Aug 2015
It doesn't have an FM radio. Sounds weird? It may. But still, it's a deal-breaker for me.
I'll go with the M9.
- A
- Andy
- B{2
- 22 Aug 2015
Why is the note 5 not available in the uk