Samsung Galaxy Note5

Samsung Galaxy Note5

User opinions and reviews

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Aw yeah, news of Microsoft Surface phone scheduled for early 2016 release, with a digitizer pen! Finally, a worthy competition against the Galaxy Note... Hoping that having a removable battery, out at least a likely memory expansion!

Samsung needs to be reminded that it will lose loyal Note customers with the way it's lessening features.

    Meanwhile, some serious things to consider before getting this smartphone...

    Having only a sealed battery is like driving without a spare tire. I'm talking about the time when your battery's capacity diminishes. I usually see around just having 40% to 50% loss of power hold onto the battery. You may likely not see this as you only see the percentile being 100%. Also consider that as the battery get old, some of the battery will blimp up, pushing that precious screen out. This was never a problem with a removable battery.

    It's screwed sandwhich to the screen:

    Critical thinking would warn you what happens with this construction. Yes, folks, Samsung wants us to go as renters of their machines, instead of owners.

      • B
      • Buzz,,,
      • 2mC
      • 18 Aug 2015

      Exynos7420 - Mali t760 mp8 was only reach at max 190.0Gflops and this wont
      Beat the snapdragon 810 or next 820.

      Apple a8x -powervr 6850 was 240.0Gflops and more more more powerful than exynos7420.

      In term of graphic performance....note5/s6 still lagging behind...

      1440p screen will slowdown the phone for high demanding intensive graphical content..

        • D
        • AnonD-6295
        • M2J
        • 18 Aug 2015

        I've had every Note that Samsung has released. They seemed like they were made for my taste: Big, Heavy, Stylus and on and on. There are a few things that in my opinion make a Note A Note and the S-Pen is first among equals; but the loss of the removable battery is a bitter pill to swallow. Regardless of how fast the Note 5 charges it won't help when it's down to 10 percent and i have to on a site visit (in construction) and there is no option to charge it. Yes some may say keep an eye on the charge level, but I buy phones for use not to oogle the level of charge remaining. Taking the SD card slot and NOT giving a 128gb option is also a slap in the face. I love the ir blaster as well, but that's gone too. Samsung has screwed me as far as I'm concerned and I won't buy the Note 5. I honestly hope that sales are terrible and the Note 6 will address the legitimate concerns of loyal Note buyers.

          • D
          • AnonD-22824
          • KSt
          • 18 Aug 2015

          Anonymous, 18 Aug 2015He must be British or Indian. Don't start an argument here.... moreI just wanted him to know that there cud b ppl with diffrent views,thinking and not everybody is the same , i know its very simple to understand for anyone but our Mr The NeighboUr does not understand this simple thing thatswhy i suggested him a Psychiatrist ..but his Ego is hurting him to visit

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • L8E
            • 18 Aug 2015

            hello, does anyone know if the note 5 n920i come in spanish language from factory

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • tue
              • 18 Aug 2015

              TheNeighbor, 18 Aug 2015Yes, the ridiculous QWERTY keyboard cover that makes everyo... moreI heard they made that keyboard to win Blackberry users. Some Nokia user also like the keyboard. Except for most Samsung user.

                Anonymous, 18 Aug 2015He must be British or Indian. Don't start an argument here.... moreYes, the ridiculous QWERTY keyboard cover that makes everyone say "WTF, Samsung". I wonder who was the numb nut team member and all who signed off on that being actually implemented. Such a waste of energy producing it. Pointless in usage, as the swipe typing is so ridiculously fast that going back to even point tapping is slow.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • tue
                  • 18 Aug 2015

                  [deleted post]He must be British or Indian. Don't start an argument here. Lets talk about the ridiculous 'keyboard cover' by Samsung. Who own one? How is it?

                    • D
                    • AnonD-22824
                    • KSt
                    • 18 Aug 2015

                    AnonD-429669, 18 Aug 2015No IR blaster: i can't see a reason to remove it. Productio... moreYa man even i need the IR remote control .I also thought that samsung will give IR remote control on note5 but still do not know the reason for removing it.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • tue
                      • 18 Aug 2015

                      Gogo, 17 Aug 2015I read the comments here and i can see that here we have ap... moreWell said. You take the word out of my mouth.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-100780
                        • 8kE
                        • 18 Aug 2015

                        yes results are therefore excellent !

                          • m
                          • medhat
                          • fsb
                          • 18 Aug 2015

                          All of us talking about the battery 3000 mah li-po not enough what ever iphone 6 plus had 2915 mah li-po and screen size 5.5 inch but no one complain

                            • D
                            • AnonD-429669
                            • Jqy
                            • 18 Aug 2015

                            No IR blaster: i can't see a reason to remove it. Production cost? Wtf! I don't expect a flagship phone to have features removed just to cut cost.

                            I can swallow sealed battery and no SD (if base storage is 64GB - not the case).

                            ALL that features removed at once i just can't swallow.

                              AnonD-48911, 17 Aug 2015Galaxy Note5 battery life benchmark: Outperforms the Note 4... moreYeah, by roughly 5%, or just 28 minutes in the more than 9 hours of use. Not a significant increase in efficiency. What's more is removable versus non-removable battery. Removable battery can give you zero charging waiting time.

                              I rather Samsung put in another 400mAh, and made it removable.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • L8E
                                • 17 Aug 2015

                                hello, does anyone know if the note 5 n920i come in spanish language from factory

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-48911
                                  • 2@c
                                  • 17 Aug 2015

                                  Galaxy Note5 battery life benchmark: Outperforms the Note 4 despite smaller battery.
                                  Charging time of Note 5 less than Note 4 also.

                                    It's only available up to 64GB version. No 128GB version. 64GB version is like having a 32GB version with an extra 32GB. If it HAD memory expansion, you'd get another 100+GB of extra space, even with a 64GB version. That would have been cool!

                                    Why not have so much space? Because cloud services are still terrible with terrible service speeds.

                                    Mean time, let us consider the Note 4. Competitively, NotePOINTfive has only about 5% more battery stamina than a Note 4, N.5 has slightly bumped up processor, RAM shouldn't be such an issue, and all the goodness of that textured back, memory expansion, infrared remote, and changeable battery. N4 is now only $500 now, compared to an $800 that's mostly something shiny to show off.

                                    That's right, Samsung. You aren't getting love from me this year!

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-183089
                                      • rti
                                      • 17 Aug 2015

                                      The phone announced on 13-8-2015 & it's available in stores 17-8-2015 in Egypt now with almost the same 1st price of note 4 last year in November 2014 !!! the fastest released phone :D !!

                                      But the question guys now,,, Does it really deserve to shift from Note 4 to Note 5 ?!

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-426652
                                        • KIF
                                        • 17 Aug 2015

                                        I m a galaxy note lover but with note 5, no sd card shorter battery life i never ever buy note 5 its been failure start of samsung if these kind of Android will introduce,