Samsung Galaxy Note5

Samsung Galaxy Note5

User opinions and reviews

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Anonymous, 17 Aug 2015Those critique doesn't sound very motivating as it should b... moreWhy? Am I not allowed to comment negatively, if that is indeed my sentiment?

I held the NotePOINTfive this afternoon, and the number one positive thing I could say is the S Pen is really good! Very improved from my Note 3's S Pen with responsiveness and acuracy. I did the eye-drawing test I usually do and the thing just was a wonderful experience.

Sure, it's a dual SIM 32GB at $855, with PROBABLY can accomodate a micro SD card (since the sales people can't assure me, and their training didn't cover that). I'm sure the both cameras are fantastic. The screen is surely brilliant as ever.

Everything is there, only that:
Glass back will be a nightmare that will slide out from side pants pockets without some texture and protection- glass very useless design direction of trying to be a PAST iPhone.
Fast charging and wireless charging will really ruin the battery faster - marketing people like you are OBLIGATED to actualy follow what the clients want to sell more that doesn't kill anyone, but critical thinking gets the better of some of us about how batteries work.

So, I hope Samsung can get feedback like this to do a better job for the next Note.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • tue
    • 17 Aug 2015

    AnonD-389805, 17 Aug 2015He never said anything like that, but you desperately tryin... moreAnd I also have nothing to prove either. I am just entertaining you guys who kept replying to everything I post needlessly. Stop replying if you want me to stop posting. Easy.

      • S
      • Samsung diehard fan
      • tue
      • 17 Aug 2015

      AnonD-389805, 17 Aug 2015He never said anything like that, but you desperately tryin... moreFine. Suit yourself. Everyone, go trust Alan Parker. He knows it all. Im a hired-Samsung fan. I know nothing. Just a guy sincerely expressing opinion and defending my beloved Samsung. Whatever. I have nothing to lose. World full of geek don't suit me. They labeled every defense on Samsung as not trustworthy and hired comments or even trolls. I will keep posting but there is no need to reply to me. Just treat me as invinsible. Why is it so hard to ignore everything I post? Just me being me. You being you.

        • J
        • Jam
        • vpb
        • 17 Aug 2015

        I hope i can get this fon this year or better yet the edge plus. Whew! I have iphone6 but .... Whew!

          • M
          • Mad Driver
          • Tr@
          • 17 Aug 2015

          God, man, ha ha ha :)))

            • D
            • AnonD-389805
            • pKJ
            • 17 Aug 2015

            Anonymous, 17 Aug 2015Oh, you must be his friend or you are him with a different ... moreHe never said anything like that, but you desperately trying to twist everything sounds just like you're a professional working for Samsung, and I have nothing to prove since my comments show I have this love/hate with Samsung currently.
            So it doesn't matter what you say from now on because we know exactly what you're doing.

              • M
              • Mad Driver
              • Tr@
              • 17 Aug 2015

              wooooow I like someone something reveales like that

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • tue
                • 17 Aug 2015

                SKYGUIDE, 17 Aug 2015We all are researchers, some do well, some do bad like youIs that so, Mr. Detective?

                  • S
                  • SKYGUIDE
                  • Tr@
                  • 17 Aug 2015

                  Anonymous, 17 Aug 2015Oh, you must be his friend or you are him with a different ... moreWe all are researchers, some do well, some do bad like you

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • tue
                    • 17 Aug 2015

                    SKYGUIDE, 17 Aug 2015Alan Parker do not hate note 5, he knows what is true..And ... moreOh, you must be his friend or you are him with a different account. How would you even know Alan Parker a researcher? He never mentioned that. Nice try.

                      • S
                      • SKYGUIDE
                      • Tr@
                      • 17 Aug 2015

                      Anonymous, 17 Aug 2015I don't work for Samsung but marketing research is part of ... moreAlan Parker do not hate note 5, he knows what is true..And he is genius researcher than you

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • tue
                        • 17 Aug 2015

                        TheNeighbor, 17 Aug 2015It is called critique.Those critique doesn't sound very motivating as it should be. Sound more like a complete hatred.

                          Anonymous, 17 Aug 2015I don't work for Samsung but marketing research is part of ... moreIt is called critique.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • tue
                            • 17 Aug 2015

                            AnonD-389805, 17 Aug 2015Like SKYGUIDE said I bet you do work for Samsung don't you?I don't work for Samsung but marketing research is part of my skills. I could assumed you are hired by Apple or Motorola or any other company too for hating this Note 5 so much.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-389805
                              • pKJ
                              • 17 Aug 2015

                              Anonymous, 17 Aug 2015Alan Parker. You are challenging the logic. Pointing out fl... moreLike SKYGUIDE said I bet you do work for Samsung don't you?

                                Anonymous, 17 Aug 2015Your motive? Im here to support Note5 not bash them. If you... moreNo, I really love it. In fact, I just came from a Samsung store and checked out the dual SIM version. And yes, the design is really to behold!


                                The sales people are taking in pre-orders, and confirm it accommodating a micro SD card. They don't even know if the front facing camera is actually 5MP.

                                One thing though, the demo says 15GB+ occupying the essential systems apps. That just means you're left with 16GB+ for users? Wow. That's fine. I don't want to carry much media, anyway. It's only available in 32GB, at $855. That is so affordable!

                                I just love the S Pen now! It's so much more responsive! I'll get the GOLD and be that guy in the room!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • tue
                                  • 17 Aug 2015

                                  AnonD-389805, 17 Aug 2015The worst kind of fans are the ones like you who thinks the... moreAlan Parker. You are challenging the logic. Pointing out flaws is like pointing fingers at people and you are the one who is pointing. You are just as bad. Do you point fingers at fat people and tell them to change and be skinny? Do you point finger at ugly people and tell them to wear makeup? Do you point out every flaws around you? You can come out as discriminating. You are indeed the worst kind and you prove it.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-389805
                                    • pKJ
                                    • 17 Aug 2015

                                    Anonymous, 17 Aug 2015Your motive? Im here to support Note5 not bash them. If you... moreThe worst kind of fans are the ones like you who thinks the best way to support Samsung is to try to be nice about everything they do and stand up for them when a true fan will point out every flaw and make sure everyone knows about it so hopefully Samsung doesn't repeat their mistakes as I fear Samsung are heading down the same path as Nokia.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-389805
                                      • pKJ
                                      • 17 Aug 2015

                                      Anonymous, 17 Aug 2015So, your attitude is to keep fighting blindly and selfishly... moreThe world doesn't have peace because the people in charge have too much power to do what they like and the majority of people act like sheep and refuse to stand up against it.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • tue
                                        • 17 Aug 2015

                                        TheNeighbor, 17 Aug 2015Commenting, like you.Your motive? Im here to support Note5 not bash them. If you have nothing better to say don't say it. Im trying to sell this phonr. If Samsung don't make profit this time it will be your fault. There will be no amazing S7 or better Note6. All your fault. I know you are a Note 3 user. I pity Samsung to have a hypocrite fan like you.