Samsung Galaxy Note5

Samsung Galaxy Note5

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-22824
  • KSt
  • 16 Aug 2015

TheNeighbor, 16 Aug 2015I think you meant, "Nobody HAVE(has, for single) TO K... moreGud going Sir,how smart u r.btw if ur so smart what r u doing here u sud've joined NASA. They r looking for ppl like

    AnonD-77443, 16 Aug 2015I do, as i posted on another article to you... I use a s... moreThat's still Paragb your answering.

      AnonD-22824, 16 Aug 2015Spot on dude.very true.most of the ppl here are trolls the ... moreStrange that both of you used the word "cribbing".

      It means a horse's injurious habit in which a horse bites its manger and as a result swallows air, or pieces of timber for lining a shaft, raise.

      As if you both are brothers or something. Hmmm.

        • D
        • AnonD-77443
        • 2G4
        • 16 Aug 2015

        AnonD-295037, 16 Aug 201599% of the people cribbing in this group for removable batt... moreI do, as i posted on another article to you...

        I use a spare battery about once a month on average. My typical situations using spare batteries include:

        - Long haul flights or train trips (I travel a lot with work and not all carriers have charging ports)
        - Long car trips (Again, i travel a lot, Australia is a big country and using a phone plugged into the cigarette lighter isn't fun)
        - Camping trips (no power points out there and power packs are too slow and inconvenient)
        - We had a storm power outage last year for 36 hours (The spare battery meant i still had internet and phone after the first 12 hours)
        - Mountain biking or hiking (with GPS and screen on a battery gets hammered pretty quick)

        Also, battery life tends to degrade after 6 months of heavy use, being able to replace a battery for about $20-$30 is great.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 7Xk
          • 16 Aug 2015

          the fudge???????? no removable battery and no card slot?????? the fudge???? i love the note series but wtf???? i need extra memory space for all my documents and music and i am pretty sure 128 gb wont cover all of them

            • D
            • AnonD-22824
            • KSt
            • 16 Aug 2015

            AnonD-295037, 16 Aug 201599% of the people cribbing in this group for removable batt... moreSpot on dude.very true.most of the ppl here are trolls the biggest one is the

              AnonD-430091, 16 Aug 2015So, no SD Card. Sucks eh'? At least they should have releas... moreWould have been nice to have 128GB more storage space for just $75. Instead, you get 32GB more space for $100 more.

                • D
                • AnonD-430091
                • GTp
                • 16 Aug 2015

                So, no SD Card. Sucks eh'? At least they should have released Note 5 with 128 GB. The only 2 types that are coming are either 32 or 64 GB (for now - hopefully.) I am so disappointed. I have been waiting to change my S5 to Note 5 instead of S6 Edge. Now, I gotta wait longer? Bleah!

                  AnonD-295037, 16 Aug 201599% of the people cribbing in this group for removable batt... moreI do.

                    AnonD-22824, 16 Aug 2015 1)The new powerbanks and new smartphones battreys now a da... moreWhat brand and model of an 11000mAh capacity power bank that charges in 30 to 40 minutes? Please give us links. I'd like to get one.

                      AnonD-22824, 16 Aug 2015Let me correct myself " Nobody HAVE TO KNOW or LEARN p... moreI think you meant, "Nobody HAVE(has, for single) TO KNOW or LEARN proper or perfect english (with a capital letter E) to comment here (comma) even if english (with a capital letter E) is their (not "there") 1st language". so (So (comma)) just STFUP (you meant STFU) if u (you) understand this shortcut english (with a capital letter E) lol (LOL - Laugh Out Loud).

                        • D
                        • AnonD-295037
                        • uCs
                        • 16 Aug 2015

                        99% of the people cribbing in this group for removable battery would have never used a spare battery themselves, simply trolling here.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-22824
                          • KSt
                          • 16 Aug 2015

                          TheNeighbor, 16 Aug 2015English happens to be my 2nd language too, however not an excuse.Let me correct myself " Nobody HAVE TO KNOW or LEARN proper or perfect english to comment here even if english is there 1st language".so just STFUP if u understand this shortcut english lol.

                            • H
                            • Harizal Pasa
                            • tDR
                            • 16 Aug 2015

                            I use samsung galaxy note2,note3,note4, but will not buy note 5 , i was disappointed with the specification , i really hope note 5 more developed ability office.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-22824
                              • KSt
                              • 16 Aug 2015

                              1)The new powerbanks and new smartphones battreys now a days are made for each other .
                              2) Even i have a two 11000 mah powerbanks it takes only 30 to 40 mins max to charge the smartphones battreys from like 5% to 100% that too 3 to 4 times a day from each.

                              3)Powerbanks r usefull to share the power as well with others .

                              4) Best part abt powerbanks that they r not very expensive like the OEM batterys and u get more capacity.and now a days they are not very heavy to carry and comes in stylish looks.

                              5) But some hypocrite ppl here still cribb abt removable battrey lol.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-22824
                                • KSt
                                • 16 Aug 2015

                                TheNeighbor, 16 Aug 2015English happens to be my 2nd language too, however not an excuse.But that does not mean that i have to b expert in english to comment here.i already know that english is not ur 1st language too.. so no use of telling me that.

                                All I am saying is u can not b a selfappointed teacher and ask ppl to learn this or that just because u do not like there
                                btw who is talking abt any excuses here?.stop making things

                                  AnonD-22824, 16 Aug 2015FYI gsma and most other websites allows shortcut language,s... moreEnglish happens to be my 2nd language too, however not an excuse.

                                    Anonymous, 16 Aug 2015It took 1seconds to put Note 5 on the charging pad. Nobody ... moreThat's if you stay put in an office. I move around worksites, meetings, classrooms, commuting. Zero charging is the way to go.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-22824
                                      • KSt
                                      • 16 Aug 2015

                                      Anonymous, 16 Aug 2015It took 1seconds to put Note 5 on the charging pad. Nobody ... moreYa man i also dont have any issues with my note2 and note3 with battery backup.i must say the new powerbanks and new smartphones battreys now a days are made for each other .
                                      even i have a two 11000 mah powerbanks it takes only 30 to 40 mins max to charge the smartphones battreys from like 5% to 100% that too 3 to 4 times a day from each. Powerbanks r usefull to share the power as well with others .
                                      Best part abt powerbanks that they r not very expensive like the OEM batterys and u get more capacity.and now a days they are not very heavy to carry and comes in stylish looks.
                                      But some hypocrite ppl here still cribb abt removable battrey lol.

                                        Tech writers/reviewers don't talk about battery enough. Since Samsung had embraced the seal battery route to smartphones, people should know better.

                                        1. Weaker and tinier battery.

                                        With the more power demanding hardware, and new OS features, you'd think they would increase the batteries. Instead, they have resorted to "it got 20% thinner". Is a shorter usage time what you want with a 1mm thinner device? Switching off features like LTE just to get by the day?

                                        2. Exorbitant prices for replacing built-in.

                                        It would happen long after your warranty expires. Warranty for my region is only 6 months to a year. Battery degradation happens after more than a year. It'd cost you more than twice the amount at the service center. For big OEM batteries like the Note series, it's only around $25.

                                        3. DAYS or even over a week to have them replaced.

                                        Fixed batteries aren't always stocked, and hence the ordering time needed to get them. You can imagine too the millions the manufacturer has sold and you'd be not the only one in waiting. In the meantime, what do you think you'll be using as a smartphone? How much time you'd think going to the center and coming back again to get your device back?

                                        4. Making us carry power banks, power jackets or plug in more, away from home.

                                        I thought the whole point of mobile devices is being wireless. What use is that thinner design form factor when you end up carrying extra stuff thicker than your device itself? Power jackets just can't give you an equivalent 100% charge, heats up every time and becomes dead weight.

                                        5. Fast charging, and wireless charging contribute heat. Heat is the number one enemy of batteries.

                                        6. To make a battery's life cycle even more is to keep the charge between 40% to 80%. Don't take my word for it: