Samsung Galaxy Note5
- D
- AnonD-429322
- PUh
- 14 Aug 2015
Battery less than 3000 .. Holi cow...
Everything same except few changes. Not worth
- T
- The great depression
- 7t5
- 14 Aug 2015
What a horrible end to an expectant wait......... Sorry Samsung you've let me down. I can live without the user replaceable battery, I'm doing that now with my Sony but no sd card?
I'm in India where coverage (3g) isn't always great and what little there is is subject to expensive plans so the no sd is a deal breaker. I'll be moving to the LG g4. I hope you guys realise what a mess you've made
- d
- doma
- 7IL
- 14 Aug 2015
without sd card 64 gb not enough for me . How much app memory free in 64 gb? note 4 and note 3 is the beat phone. nobody like without sd card at this time samsung note 5 bye bye
- s
- soma
- ID0
- 14 Aug 2015
Wow I was waiting to upgrade to the Note 5 for such a long time and now with no SD card or removable battery I've lost my interest. I'll pick up the Moto X Styles, at least it has an SD card slot with also a 5.7" display.
- M
- Majdi Saead
- LeL
- 14 Aug 2015
No gesture,uv sensors
No infrared port
No micro sd card with only 64 max storage available
only 3000 mAH (non removable) battery
Using old exynos 7420 chipset
If i Am going to pay 1000$ on this phone i am ready to pay 200 more to improve those things
I am a samsung fan but most of the things on this phone went bad and if samsung continue doing that i will change my mind and go to iphone
accually only thing i like on this phone is the 4gb ram
- c
- crizyfx
- rKb
- 14 Aug 2015
AnonD-387282, 14 Aug 2015Samsung Note 5 is released, Note 4 is discounted, Note 3 is... moreFact!!!😊😊😊
- j
- just me
- 3LA
- 14 Aug 2015
pretty disappointed
they think people liked the pen and bigger screen about the note ?
noo we liked it coz its have always was the best performing machine
no its just a bigger screen with a pen
same camera same cpu i mean u could have atleast changed the cpu guys so everything else will little smoother i mean u could have just released it at same time with the S6 if u didn't plan to add anything
- J
- Jeff87
- ibH
- 14 Aug 2015
Non-removeable battery still acceptable, NO SD CARD slot?!
then tell me why to buy Samsung over Apple?
What a stupid move Sammi.......
- s
- san67
- k@H
- 14 Aug 2015
So,before I begin - I have always been with android and Samsung all along, currently own Note 3.
I too was surprised by Sammy, not giving SD and removable battery , but wondered even Apple never had it ( ever) ,why still there is a huge fan base and they never complain and stores are lined up before release ?
Samy has 10 times better screen quality , amazing CPU /GPU and list goes on...yet today its a gloomy day for sammy . Oh and doesn't appy sell 16 GB ipad ...( a paper weight ) - yet no complains .
Point is , Note 5 still beats any phone out there ...and S6 edge + is engineering marvel ,yes SD card miss is a bummer -but 64gb may not be deal breaker.
- c
- colint3
- vmJ
- 14 Aug 2015
goodbye samsung. no sdcard no removable battery means no buy samsung they have lost the plot by trying to copy apple.
- F
- Frosty
- t4j
- 14 Aug 2015
I have owned every Galaxy Note to come out and now Samsung have taken away the removable battery and the expandable sd card slot, crazy! I left Apple after owning every iPhone because you had these features, unfortunately you have now lost me Samsung. Pissed off is an understatement
- S
- Shams Uddin
- nxd
- 14 Aug 2015
Samsung have now totally lost the plot. Well Samsung, it looks like you don't give a s**t about what your customers are crying out for!! YOUR LOSS!!! If you just put an sd card slot on the S6, I would have bought one, and now you have failed on the Note 5. Looks like your profits will be hit even harder this quarter. Apple will be laughing all the way to the bank as they don't have any competition now.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 14 Aug 2015
AnonD-425038, 14 Aug 2015....Note 3 is now,Note4 is next for me.Sony C4 and C5 Ultra is better than note 3 note 4 and note 5! with expansble SD card ; good price
If you find fashion :Bezeless C5 Ultra is the best:)
- A
- AlAmeri
- J7R
- 14 Aug 2015
very disappoint phone i dont see difference between to note 5 and 4, i think note 4 has more spec such movable battery , external memory slot!!!
- D
- AnonD-333440
- 3i1
- 14 Aug 2015
I am happy with my note4 bigger battery smooth like the note 5 sdcard slot and best of all removable battery thx Samsung i was excited now am disappointed by your wonder
- ?
- Anonymous
- PUj
- 14 Aug 2015
This is Samsung Galaxy Not 5.. sammy give us back our Samsung Galaxy Note 5...
- K
- Kajam
- qDB
- 14 Aug 2015
AnonD-387282, 14 Aug 2015Samsung Note 5 is released, Note 4 is discounted, Note 3 is... moreWhy don't you try galaxy s 1st gen
- K
- Kajam
- qDB
- 14 Aug 2015
for the last three decades samsung always has to come with a big mess and stupid decision making result in a big change on the management to fix their mess. and i think this is the time they need to get rid of all the mobile engineering and designer department.
making a phone 0.7mm thinner than the predecessor and loose 4 or 5 feature to compete with apple this is a very stupid decision a 10 year kid won't make that decision.
- S
- Sadsung
- r92
- 14 Aug 2015
Sorry Sadsung if you cant beat em copy em! Forget about your loyal customers they hag enough of your bs.
- D
- AnonD-343620
- 3AM
- 14 Aug 2015
Omg not even fast charging and look atvthe battery ....i m ok with my note 4 best of luck samsun...u are on feet mark of NOKIA R.I.P.SAMSUNG