Samsung Galaxy Note5
- D
- AnonD-213679
- iV%
- 14 Aug 2015
I think Samsung is totally forgetting power users and is going for the broader market who just want to make a fashion statement. But the price must be good
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- AnonD-183089
- gp7
- 14 Aug 2015
after the official release,,,,who owns note 4 will not even think about note 5 coz it will be a downgrade! And who plans to get a note will go for note 4 now! the only difference is 4GB RAM in addition of removing SD card & max. memory is 64GB & It's iphone design :S
This the 1st time to get disappointed from a note series device!
- D
- AnonD-1862
- j{q
- 14 Aug 2015
Features is what always set samsung devices apart from the rest, but samsung seems to be cutting back every year, I can strongly state I'll be sticking with my note 4..
- ?
- Anonymous
- u44
- 14 Aug 2015
very disdapointed becauce battery and No Card slot.
I stop thinking about Note5 then
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- AnonD-176799
- t7X
- 14 Aug 2015
super Disappointed ! no sd card.. no removable battery.. i'm very happy with my note 4. ill only buy samsung if it will bring back the sd card and removable battery. will this be the beginning of samsung slump? just look at nokia , they choose windows.. so now they are gone..
- o
- openeyes
- Kg{
- 14 Aug 2015
Hey guys don't panic with new features of this note5 , these "new" (to you) features were already enjoyed by the Meizu MX4 users the non removable battery the non slot for extra SD card that can alternate tru USB cards. MX4 users are really enjoying it long time ago the advantages of it. So functional. So if you're complaining about it I can tell you that your complaints are already old. So move on these new features of the note 5 is already old feature to some models and brand. Good luck
- D
- AnonD-77443
- XrV
- 14 Aug 2015
AnonD-48911, 14 Aug 201564 gb not enough for me . How much app memory free in 64 gb?Generally the OS takes about 9-10GB.
I still don't know what these guys are thinking with 32GB and 64GB internal storage. With larger and larger apps, higher quality music and videos, off line maps etc surely removing the SD cards means you would increase the internal storage not reduce it???
Staying with my Note 4, if the GN6 isn't better i will be jumping ship.
- B
- tRX
- 14 Aug 2015
have using samsung since Galaxy 2 , 3 , 4 , note 4 , note 2. and also use HTC and sony , LG .... also iphone . But overall samsung have some good features. Downside is NOTE 5 .....non removal battery ....... SAmsung battery only last 1 year ... so not much faith with the note 5 .... UNless samsung replace the phone on the spot like apple does ...other wise will have to CONSIDER before buying .
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- AnonD-48911
- 2@c
- 14 Aug 2015
64 gb not enough for me . How much app memory free in 64 gb?
- A
- Amazing
- nDU
- 14 Aug 2015
Up until today, Note series was a phone for real power, business and creative users, etc. Note5 now has transformed to just another phone for fashion-victims and shopalcholichs. I was prepared mentally to no SD, no remw. battery....but now with the lack of IR, no waterproof, no in built 128 GB, and really nothing new compared to previous version...this phone is just like a bad joke...
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- AnonD-387282
- 7Xg
- 14 Aug 2015
Samsung Note 5 is released, Note 4 is discounted, Note 3 is on sale, Note 2 is half-priced. Thank God now I can buy Note 1!
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- AnonD-425038
- 0Uc
- 14 Aug 2015
....Note 3 is now,Note4 is next for me.
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- AnonD-425038
- 0Uc
- 14 Aug 2015
I love silver phones,loved it on Htc One M7,now there is a silver note.....To bad is the note 5....What a cool feature the new s-pen with the eject sam,you'(we)re the best.Maybe the note 5 will be in a next Southpark episode,cause it's a laugh......
- D
- AnonD-77443
- XrV
- 14 Aug 2015
I have had Samsung's for 5 years but this is really disappointing. Why on earth would you remove the SD card and then limit the internal storage to 64GB?? I have drop box and sugarsync but no providers (in Australia) offer unlimited downloads, cheap mobile data or anywhere near 100% coverage.
Likewise, why would you get rid of the removable battery then make the internal battery smaller?
If seems like it is all to make a device more like the iPhone. I am pretty sure sales will be poor like the S6 is.
In the mean time, I will stick with my Note 4 and hope the Note 6 has a better battery and more storage or better still an SD card option.
- b
- boodyhegab
- Nkm
- 14 Aug 2015
AnonD-397882, 13 Aug 2015Disappointed ..... battery must be more than 3000 mAH !!!!!... moreyes but it's li-po and this device is efficent way more than note 4 ..
look at s6 edge with 2600 mah and has great battery use cause and it has the same cpu . ..
so this will be even better than note 4 on battery use ..
- T
- Tool81
- 0p3
- 14 Aug 2015
Non-removable battery? No card slot? Only 3000mAh strong battery? Waste of a new model of Samsung...So dissapointed. I rather prefer to take note 4 instead 5. Thank you very much Samsung...
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- AnonD-429280
- 0Un
- 13 Aug 2015
Fm radio because internet radio eats up alot of traffic that costs alot on money. Streaming kills the small battery. Fast? S6 is slower than an iPhone 6 and full of bloatware in the actuve services department. No SD Card means if you fill up the phone you must upgrade and pay once again hundreds of euros. If you buy a 64 G model, when you sell your phone you will lose, getting the same price as the 32 G version for it. I got the Note 4 1 month ago and I am glad. After disabling bloatware the phone is fantastic. No glass, premium metal and soft plastics, leather s-vuew cover, and options for wireless charging, 128 G micro sdxc. Stil no fm radio. Nite 4 is better.
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- AnonD-246216
- 7X2
- 13 Aug 2015
Samsung have completely lost their own plot... They used to one up the iphone in every way by providing a removal battery, sd card slot and a larger screen with higher resolution. They are gonna get smoked when the new iphones arrive.
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- AnonD-425038
- 0Uc
- 13 Aug 2015
Why the heck samsung care more about winning over apple customers,instead of trying to please their own and win over people that don't really care about the brand right now.This looks like sams. launched a glossy iphone.I wonder if apple will lanch a phone with i-Pen anytime soon and move the camera to the center.I understand that internal storage is faster,but only 32 and 64 GB isn't great.No IR blaster also fail.Still no radio.Feels premium,metal and glass,to bad the first thing you gonna buy is a case to protect it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7tt
- 13 Aug 2015
Why is Samsung copying iPhone?
They don't need to copy iPhone because they already made the world's best smartphone - the Note 4.
I hate they look of the Note 5 it's impractical to have a shiney glass backed phone.
It's now glass backed put it in a cover because it's fragile.
What is the point of pretty glass so called premium look I'd you must cover it with ugly cheap rubber because glass smashes too easily ?
A phone is not a Ming Vase it's a frigging phone - make it practical and durable.
Now I'll watch to see all those people who dropped their phones and have a smashed back - fkn stupid.
If phone crashes I Can't remove battery.
If I want to hand phone down I can't because not easy to buy new battery.
Battery won't last as long because fast charging.
Battery kit now obsolete. The best charging method now dead.
Battery dies on train I can't swap battery it over.
I now can't receive calls, texts, emails, fb, what's up,viber, Skype ...
A phone without removable battery is a disaster.
I'll be like my cousin with his phone attached to his car constantly.
One of the best features they had was the removable battery.
I can't believe they sealed it and made the battery smaller.
No SD card ?? Omg
How do I transfer my address book over?
less is not more.