Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0
- ?
- Anonymous
- s%{
- 05 Jun 2013
Guru, 01 Jun 2013very disappointed.. got lot and lot of features except LED... morecan't you install flash separately ?.because I did that to my motorola xoom. . .when it updated to jellybeans there was no flash available but I fouded flash instalation file outside the market place and installed it. .. I think this meathod works for you also. .
- ?
- Anonymous
- s%{
- 05 Jun 2013
kosmas, 01 Jun 2013Just go for note 10. If size didnt matter. Note 8 is newer,... moreok guys I have some question,I already own a motorola xoom since it was out and I must say it is a superb tab it gives me 8 hours contineous video play back even after two years of heavy use. .. Now I would really like to know about the battery life of this . . .I would like to buy this tab, my concern is the size . .. .I found it bit hard to deal with 10.1 inch motarola xoom do you guys found this tab hard to carry when you travel ? Or what could be the hassles I have to face when traveling with this any idea guys ?. . .I hope to buy this when it comes to sri lankan market.. .I'm not sure whether it is already there. .. thanks in advance.. ..
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 05 Jun 2013
Anonymous, 04 Jun 2013All who owns this device. Can you store files in your exte... moreNo, we don't know what the external micro SD slot is for...
- ?
- Anonymous
- wYA
- 04 Jun 2013
All who owns this device. Can you store files in your external SD?
- S
- Somic19
- IaH
- 04 Jun 2013
I just got my Note 8.0 at Glorietta and I completely love it... I forget to ask how long should the initial charging will be?
- X
- Xuton
- 9xH
- 03 Jun 2013
So I got mine on Saturday, and man. What a lovely device.
I was kinda iffy about it not having a flash, but I thought the large screen should give off enough light to act as a flashlight.
And it did. Put the brightness up to max and walked around shining it everywhere. Gives ample light to search for things in the dark.
Its snappy. Works real well. And the battery lasts surprisingly long. Used to my P1000's ageing battery.
Still fits my pocket. (Any of my pants) and makes an awesome albeit ginormous phone.
Now i just need a book cover. Just a shame the Samsung one doesn't stand properly. My P1000's original sammy book cover was really awesome. Was hoping for Samsung to bring out one like that again.
- ?
- Anonymous
- fD7
- 03 Jun 2013
450$ only
- U
- Trn
- 02 Jun 2013
I Just bought a Galaxy Note 8 now, not even opened it, but i tried it in a Mall, i loved it and my kid also love it...
- R
- Ravindra
- XM$
- 02 Jun 2013
Anonymous, 25 May 2013I just bought thi beautiful device last week... people say ... moreYes thats so true, I am using tab2 but want to upgrade to 8.0, yes it's all in one. No need of PC...
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7P
- 02 Jun 2013
kosmas, 01 Jun 2013Just go for note 10. If size didnt matter. Note 8 is newer,... moreHe said "price" not "size" did not matter. I suggest go for thr 8.0. Its soooo much lighter. :)
- k
- kosmas
- XMi
- 01 Jun 2013
Omar, 31 May 2013I am confused between: 1) Galaxy note 10.1 N8020 2) Gal... moreJust go for note 10. If size didnt matter. Note 8 is newer, might ge a little bit faster, but if u prefer 10, go for ten.
- G
- Guru
- 7tK
- 01 Jun 2013
very disappointed.. got lot and lot of features except LED FLash.. waste note without flash..
- O
- Omar
- mJR
- 31 May 2013
I am confused between:
1) Galaxy note 10.1 N8020
2) Galaxy note 8.0 N5100
i prefer (note 10.1) but i hear that (note 8.0) new and have more features..?
(price is not a matter)
thanks ..
- a
- affa
- IVx
- 31 May 2013
Just bought it today... so impressed with it
- A
- Amit
- i49
- 30 May 2013
I am using it now. Its amazing.
- X
- Xenon
- Qxp
- 30 May 2013
Which one is better? Galavy Note 8.0 or LG Nexus 4? Please reply! Thx :D
- D
- AnonD-20576
- nCe
- 30 May 2013
AnonD-41253, 29 May 2013Dear all, I had lost my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1" and ... moreI sold my note 10.1 and 7.7, and toke note 8.0.
and I am so happey that I did so, the function of the pin is very usful, good screen, magnatic screen off (like S4) and perfect bright controll.
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 30 May 2013
AnonD-41253, 29 May 2013Dear all, I had lost my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1" and ... moreI made a comparative of features, form factor, but not battery as I personally did not have the 10.1 to test with. The Note 10.1 and Note 8 had the same pricing, and I took my time deciding which benefited me most.
I came close to getting the 10.1 with its screen size but its weight was the major thing that bothered me.
I finally got the Note 8 in the end for its following features:
Weight - light at almost 350g versus 600g. If you're standing and using it for longer time, holding it with one hand.
Size - the outline of the 8 is the screen size of the 10.1. They both have the same screen pixel count making the 8's screen look less grainy. The Note 8 is as big as a medium notebook and quite more portable.
The physical and capacitive buttons - the S Pen can operate the two capacitive buttons, lessening a step in most operations. You can accidentally touch the back button sometimes, but that's a minor thing. The physical home button helpful too for pretty much as for a phone.
The regular micro USB - I just carry 1 cable for both my Note II and for the Note 8 for charging or data transfers. A USB OTG accessory works fine to connect to flash drives or HDDs (root needed).
I just suspected the Note 8's battery to be at par with the 10.1. Unless you do heavy gaming or lots of torrent downloading, the 8 can give you as much as 7 to 8 hours of staggered actual screen time over the entire day, with 30% screen brightness and updates kept to a minimum. The screen takes up 80% of the total power consumption.
- D
- AnonD-41253
- 29 May 2013
Dear all, I had lost my Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1" and i need to replace it as it is good for me when I am on the road. I am contemplating whether to get back a Note 10'1" or should I go for the new Note 8.0 ? I noticed the Note 8.0 does not comes with Adobe Photoshop and no LED Flash at the back. Perhaps I need some guidance from the users.
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 29 May 2013
Anonymous, 29 May 2013Hi, I heard that this tablet cannot charge while connected ... moreLaptop USB ports battery have only about .5 Ampere rating. Supplied USB charger has a 2 Ampere rating. The Note 8.0 has a big battery of 4600mAh and needs a higher Ampere charger rating to be charged faster. The Note II is applied the same charger 2 Ampere rate, but the Ampere rating of a pc can charge the Note II at at slower rate.
The Note 10.1 can't be charged with a lower than 2A rated charger for its 7000mAh battery as well and some 2A rated portable battery can't charge it.
Thankfully, my old 7000mAh portable charger can power up the Note 8. The problem of it not charging via the pc is a minor issue. You can always get a laptop power adaptor with a 2A USB charging port to work.