Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

User opinions and reviews

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Steve J, 12 Feb 2013It took 11 months between the release dates of Note1 & ... moreI'm inclined to believe that the Note III will be out October/November. My contract from the Note I will be up by then and will gladly be taking up that retention device for another 2-year contract. I'll need the same unlimited data internet service anyway.

I'm not in a hurry to get the Note III if it really does come out this month or the next. I just got the Note II last month.

16:10 ratio of the Note I was something I appreciated as it stood close to the A6 sized notebooks. I think this is where the design team came up with the concept and put in the Wacom pen as an enhancement to that concept of a Moleskine notebook - I mean this was where they started putting in the flip cover too, just like a notebook has. The marketing was cautious a bit when it started the launch for the Note I -they were giving out no downpayment subscriptions with the free flip cover, perhaps due to the unsuccessful Dell Streak 5". The Note I was ridiculed to be a strange big smartphone. I saw past that and got it immediately and I was immensely satisfied with what I was able to do with the device.

The S III carried over some of the concepts from the Note I. And then the concepts of the S III was carried over to the Note II like screen ratio.

Whatever the next Note is, I hope the S Pen gets better features and the screen resolution gets higher with the battery capacity becoming even more better. I'm curious about how the double quad-core processor will cut energy consumption by 70%. I just hope the weight isn't as heavy though.

    • S
    • Steve J
    • fuN
    • 12 Feb 2013

    It took 11 months between the release dates of Note1 & 2, so it is likely we won't see Note 3 till September 2013.

    Samsung changed the image aspect ratio from 8:5 in Note1 to 16:9 in Note2. The reason is that 16:9 gives a narrower (less wide) phone.

    So we can see that Samsung is conscious of size & would not want to stray beyond limits. The Note2 is a phone, not a caricature of one.

    Imagine how ridiculous it would look, holding a 6.3 inch phone to your ear to answer a call.

    Furthermore, pocket portability would be seriously compromised. A mobile phone has to be mobile ie pocket portable. 6.3 inches is too much.

    Wait a minute....don't tell me Samsung are slyly referencing phallic symbolism!

      • D
      • AnonD-67893
      • wiU
      • 12 Feb 2013

      arb, 12 Feb 2013hi everyone can you help on how to root my note 2 ,, t... moreThe easiest way to root and unroot note: just put it under the plant and pull it out slowly and slowly from the other side, but don't water the plant until its out, otherwise you'll brick the phone, now that is only the way to root without voiding warranty LOL

        • D
        • AnonD-67893
        • wiU
        • 12 Feb 2013

        Anonymous, 12 Feb 2013The Galaxy Note 4 in June 2014 will have a 7.5-inch screen.OK

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Kgv
          • 12 Feb 2013

          The Galaxy Note 4 in June 2014 will have a 7.5-inch screen.

            • D
            • AnonD-111983
            • tE%
            • 12 Feb 2013

            AnonD-61530, 12 Feb 2013The note 2 is an awesome phone but for the uses you mention... morethnkx..
            il buy note2...

              • a
              • arb
              • wHr
              • 12 Feb 2013

              hi everyone

              can you help on how to root my note 2 ,, the easiest way and safest way,, and also how can i unroot it if ever i want to use jelly bean again>,, and what are the advantages of it and disadvantage thnkss

                • h
                • helopilot
                • KP9
                • 12 Feb 2013

                TheNeighbor, 12 Feb 2013Finally, a security app that does more than locks, wipes da... moreThnks Neighbor great app just downlaoded and installed the trial period , really thnks

                  • h
                  • helopilot
                  • KP9
                  • 12 Feb 2013

                  Ali, 12 Feb 2013A great device, I have liked everything except the device q... morefor imformational purpose in how tough the note really is i work as comemcial heleicopter pilot couple months back my note du to my own carelesness dropped from my front flight suit pocket as i was about airborne the note dropped 175 feet free fall,hitting some tall grass and other vegetation ,i retrieved it thinking it was a loss,instead there were only some visible grass scuff marks .to be safe i powered it down and up again,no hill defects,using some cleaning agent to get rid of the grass scuff marks my note, is as good as b4 dropping it ,do that to the competion???? regardless of the glimsy appearance and feel its quality built to last

                    • i
                    • iNote2
                    • 3Ax
                    • 12 Feb 2013

                    by far the best mobile device out at the moment it is going to very hard for anything none samasung to beat this for a while. gaming quality is unreal. motion technology at its best. 5*

                      • h
                      • hotsauce
                      • Nas
                      • 12 Feb 2013

                      ashu, 11 Feb 2013one of the best phone I ever used. of the best fones in the market

                        • A
                        • Ali
                        • akI
                        • 12 Feb 2013

                        A great device, I have liked everything except the device quality materials. The device doesn't look so strong that it cannot resist all the shocks or falls.

                        Overall, smashing features and smooth OS.

                          • P
                          • Pi
                          • vpH
                          • 12 Feb 2013

                          Hi guys. How can i root note 2 easily?. Im not a techy person. And also how can i unroot if ever i want to use upgraded j.b ur help is highly appreciated .. . . Safest and easy way is very much welcome

                            • D
                            • AnonD-61530
                            • vuI
                            • 12 Feb 2013

                            AnonD-111983, 12 Feb 2013Hi... M planning to buy a new phn but confuse between SGN2... moreThe note 2 is an awesome phone but for the uses you mention you probably don't need a 5.5" screen.

                            Maybe look at the SGS3, other 4.5-5" android devices or even the iphone.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-61530
                              • vuI
                              • 12 Feb 2013

                              AnonD-79632, 12 Feb 2013A 6.3" note 3 would not sell. The note 2 just came out... moreGoogle note 3 and you will see.

                              It seems like samsung is leaking info because everyone is reporting the same info.

                              6.3" screen (350dpi), octocore (2xquad), 13mp camera, 3300mah battery.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-111983
                                • tE%
                                • 12 Feb 2013

                                M planning to buy a new phn but confuse between SGN2 & Iphone5..
                                or shoul i wait for s4 & note3..????
                                my uses is like some phn call's,sms browsing , watching youtube videos,n gtalk chatting..

                                currently m using nokia e72 its a good phn but not good as compared to other smart phons like androids..

                                so plz need opinion asap..

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-79632
                                  • jnQ
                                  • 12 Feb 2013

                                  AnonD-61530, 12 Feb 2013Actually, he's right... all the rumors are pointing to a 6.... moreA 6.3" note 3 would not sell. The note 2 just came out, how would anyone know about the note 3 anyway??? Samsung wouldn't do 6.3

                                    Steve J, 12 Feb 2013Come off it Neighbour! Don't get too carried away. There is... moreI know it would mean it'll be bigger if the 6.3" screen is true. Huawei came up with their 6"+ device.

                                    The main thing that's attracting me to the Note series is the active Wacom stylus system Samsung has integrated. Without it, I would have gotten a Motorola Razr HD Maxx for a smartphone and a full Windows tablet with an active stylus.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-61530
                                      • vuI
                                      • 12 Feb 2013

                                      Steve J, 12 Feb 2013Come off it Neighbour! Don't get too carried away. There is... moreActually, he's right... all the rumors are pointing to a 6.3" screen on the note 3.

                                      It is meant to be a few mm wider than the note and 10-12mm longer than the note 2. This would indicate really small bezels and no buttons on the bottom.

                                        • S
                                        • Steve J
                                        • ftV
                                        • 12 Feb 2013

                                        TheNeighbor, 10 Feb 2013I would get the Galaxy Note III with all the processing goo... moreCome off it Neighbour! Don't get too carried away. There is no way that SG Note 3 will have a 6.3 inch screen, for that would make it no longer a phone or even a phablet. Samsung know there is a limit to how large a phone screen can be, and at 5.5 inches they are very close to it.