Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 24 Jan 2013
Anonymous, 24 Jan 2013No no, the only problem he have is that the tip is dirty, s... moreMine isn't dirty. Nothing is stuck there.
- ?
- Anonymous
- m7K
- 24 Jan 2013
TheNeighbor, 24 Jan 2013If you are within 6 months of after purchase, i believe you... moreNo no, the only problem he have is that the tip is dirty, so the tip get stuck and it then registers as press as soon as the s-pen is within Airview distance. Keep the pen clean and it will not happen.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t}f
- 24 Jan 2013
hi frds while using s-pen in s note in the right side my s pen is not working properly while rest of the place it is fine
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 24 Jan 2013
Blm, 23 Jan 2013My s-pen starts to write without touching the screen and th... moreIf you are within 6 months of after purchase, i believe you can have the S Pen changed. If not, you need to change the sensitivity of the pen's sensor with this tutorial. I needed to adjust my extra S Pen with the holder accessory ...:
My advice, use your warranty first to avoid the tedious operation of opening up the S Pen.
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 24 Jan 2013
Rip, 24 Jan 2013This is to the neighbor. I just want to say that with all t... moreI've written on the Note I commentary pages often... before. The Note I was nothing that had came out over a year ago. I was quickly drawn to it because of the S Pen and software support for it. I wrote about sketching with it here:
I'll post some of my art pieces with the Note II soon. The Note II's S Pen had a better profile for handling now. I would have never gotten the Note if it hadn't this Wacom active stylus. I would have gotten the Motorola Razr HD Maxx for features combination and battery life if the Note didn't exist.
I'm just satisfied with what it has to offer. This isn't for all, but I'm glad some "ordinary" users are starting to see the usefulness of the S Pen with work. I've done some of my teaching slides with the S Note connected to a projector sketching some points. It's fantastic. I don't have to carry around a laptop to do the production of those.
I've been researching about the AllShare Cast dongle to live connect to ordinary HDMI TVs and projectors wirelessly, mirroring whatever you have on your screen. It's only P3800 in a store in SM-MOA.
Samsung struck gold with coming out with this. Contradicting others who say it's too big to pocket, I can still put it in on the top pocket of a Columbia shirt.
- D
- AnonD-104788
- Kix
- 24 Jan 2013
AnonD-75353, 23 Jan 2013Hey guys my gallery app got slow , it takes time to load im... moreHi, i had issue like yours. It because the facebook image sync. I tried to unsync it, clear data in app setting, and now my galery works fine.
- M
- Maheswaran
- t}A
- 24 Jan 2013
AnonD-104738, 24 Jan 2013hi i have provided a galaxy note 2 3 days ago and as you kn... moreJust hold back button 2 secs in your mbl. Its toggle display button.
- s
- siddhss
- t}a
- 24 Jan 2013
AnonD-75353, 23 Jan 2013Hey guys my gallery app got slow , it takes time to load im... moreit is due to maximum apps downloaded by us and it will take time 2 to 3 seconds... if u facing 15 to 20 seconds then u shud reset d device...i mean delet all data..
- s
- siddhss
- t}a
- 24 Jan 2013
Blm, 23 Jan 2013My s-pen starts to write without touching the screen and th... moreplz upgrade softwear 4.1.1 from 4.1.2 it will be repair
- D
- AnonD-104738
- IkS
- 24 Jan 2013
hi i have provided a galaxy note 2 3 days ago and as you know there is gadget in the left side of screen but this gadget is disabled 1 day ago and i dont know how can i cativate again pls?
could you you advice me please
- A
- Arash
- IkS
- 24 Jan 2013
i have galaxy ote 2 gtn7100
as you know there is gadget or multti window in the left side of screen but it is not active from one day befor and i could not activate it again could advice me please
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 24 Jan 2013
[deleted post]None of us are buying and staying with something that has such limited features and apps. You can be bragging about smoothness when you can't do anything else with something quite expensive.
- a
- angel
- YeL
- 24 Jan 2013
i have problems with the signal i have the galaxy note 2 from at&t some body can help me please
- D
- AnonD-71069
- 6vM
- 24 Jan 2013
Hello please help
Last time I downloaded too many applications all at once from play store so some were queued and I cancelled all of them I think, and there was application downloading and I "unable" it.
My device now doesn't download from play store and Samsung app doesn't work now.
What to do?
- R
- Rip
- 6qR
- 24 Jan 2013
Would somebody care to tell the big difference between jb 4.1.1 and 4.1.2? Will the desktop behave differentlly or new functions will pop up..thanks in advance.
- R
- Rip
- 6qR
- 24 Jan 2013
This is to the neighbor. I just want to say that with all the comments and stuff i've read your's are the ones that i take seriously and im sure a lot of people does. You choose your words well and you dont redicule other people,unless provoke of corse, and most of all it has fact,substance not like other senseless things and sometimes even just plain stupid. I owned an xperia s before. It wad impressive,it was my 1st android coming from a 3gsiphone.after a while i noticed battery life is short and i got annoyed that it takes about 2 sec for the screen to respond coming from sleep. I got rid of it. I bought a n7000,quite impress with it.updated it to ics from gb but made the mistake of rooting nd upgrding to jb.some apps counld'nt install from gplay for some reason prbably my mistake coz i did'nt fully understood what i was doing. Got rid of it also nd now i have the n7100..its a far greater phone nd i got the white,my prefered color.I swore yo myself not to do any rooting..just keep the comments and infos coming bro we appreciate ur effort and by the way, i cud be wrong but the way you write i think maybe ur from the philippines.
- ?
- Anonymous
- v0q
- 24 Jan 2013
One way to install apps to the external sdcard:
1. Root n7100
2. Use odin 3.07 to flash philz 3.99 recovery.
3. Flash red pill kernel through recovery
4. Install stweaks from playstore.
5. Open stweaks go to misc tab. Depending on card format choose exfat as internal or fat32 as internal.
6. Reboot device.
7. Install apps normally. Check in settings storage.
Choose class 10 64 gig
- T
- TheNeighbor
- v0q
- 24 Jan 2013
AnonD-104618, 23 Jan 2013first off thanks to everyone at gsmarena for making my life... moreIt's too bad that the Titanium Backup app only works on with rooted Android. Titanium gives me the option of uninstalling the apps not often used. With their data safely backedup to on the micro SD, you could reinstall anytime to save internal space. You can also do the backup with cloud services like Google Drive if you have good Internet access.
I personally haven't done that apps to the SD card app you mentioned. I used (root) ROM Toolbox Pro and has the apps moving to SD function. Buying a 32 or 64 GB class 10 makes sense with this tweaks. I discovered that a class 4 which I got causes restarts when transferring large files to my micro SD.
You need to pay a few dollars to get the full versions and you need to root your device. Rooting just means unlocking the restrictions access to your cpu, kernel and OS changing. For first timers, I recommend you stick to just unlocking the device's current OS and not load custom ROMs yet.
If you want official updates via OTA, you need to revert back to the original firmware again. This also regains your warranty in case you need to take it to the service center. Note your firmware code and download some 1 GB data from
You can simply unlock your Note II by following the instructions from (by High on Android). This was how I did my rooting which took only 5 minutes. You need to just download the 25mb or so zip file and follow the sequence properly. Pay attention as mistakes could brick your device.
You need to be clear why you need to root. If you aren't a power user, leave your device as is. If you don't know or did not do research, don't experiment. You might damage the internal parts of your device!
- D
- AnonD-104618
- 3Y7
- 23 Jan 2013
first off thanks to everyone at gsmarena for making my life so much so easier i have been visiting the website the past three years and finally decided to register and pitch in my share of experiences with different devices and all the multitude of members and non members are doing and in most cases a great job at that a vulgar comment here or there is not a problem but some are beyond exuberant
secondly i have and am using a SGN2-GTN7100 for the past 4 months and it is an amazing device save for two issues that in my mind causes me uneasiness the fact that in bright sunlight(I'm in the middle east) the screen in full brightness is not readable,and that with the 16 gigabytes of internal i always run out of space.
question is if instead of purchasing a 32/64 gigabyte version or rooting the phone if i could just transfer the app2sd then i would be extremely satiated.
comments on my issue and questions regarding the device are graciously accepted.
- B
- Blm
- ttv
- 23 Jan 2013
My s-pen starts to write without touching the screen and the writing is uncontrolled and write I don't want the line. How can I solve this problem? Is that the mistakes of setting? Please help me if you know.