Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100
- n
- nemanja
- JFk
- 08 Dec 2012
It does NOT support LTE technology. N7105 does.
- ?
- Anonymous
- bJ7
- 08 Dec 2012
What balance ram did get on note 2 after reboot?is it possible to move applications to sd card?what is the phone memory?
- M
- Micheal
- nIi
- 08 Dec 2012
Hi all.
I got this phone fore a month now. IT'S SUPERB.
It's not my first smartphone from samsung but I think is one of the best.
I can't think what you can't do with it.
- s
- sachin
- Rx5
- 08 Dec 2012
in thois softwarews
- ?
- Anonymous
- 08 Dec 2012
its already a month, this phone is superb, everything are perfect... note2 is the real smartphone king :-)
- ?
- Anonymous
- fqe
- 08 Dec 2012
I want to know the average time to fully understand charge the mobile via usb cable as my phone took about 5 hours for full charge
- l
- lovely smile
- DMa
- 08 Dec 2012
when they gonna bring the new colors as galaxy s 3 ??????
- D
- AnonD-77443
- Xr{
- 07 Dec 2012
Varun, 07 Dec 2012Which colour should i buy? Ppl say white gets dirty and als... moreIf you want to be a show pony then go white... i didn't consider it because i was worried about it getting dirty and also the contrast against the screen.
The metallic grey looks awesome. I actually prefer it to the black of the old note. It looks really classy in real life.
- D
- AnonD-86832
- d%X
- 07 Dec 2012
white is the best
- V
- Varun
- Hkq
- 07 Dec 2012
Duece, 05 Dec 2012The Note 2 is a lot more than a smartphone. Its quite possi... moreWhich colour should i buy? Ppl say white gets dirty and also it doesnt give a good contrast while watching videos? Pls help
- m
- mssr
- rJV
- 07 Dec 2012
Hi friends how to get s pen option on s voice
- m
- mssr
- rJV
- 07 Dec 2012
Hi friends I am not getting one opyion in my phone
Thst is hoe to get s pen on s voice, while opening s voice my s pen option is not showing
Please tell me how to get s pen on s voice
- ?
- Anonymous
- IaH
- 07 Dec 2012
Anonymous, 07 Dec 2012PLz Suggest me why i shud buy a Note II and not a Iphone 5 ... moreThe shear size of the phone makes it easier for everyday use when surfing the internet and being on the web. The screen quality is HD which makes it a lot better to look at compared to that of an iphones. If your looking for a smart phone to use everyday for work purposes and browising, then this smart phone is the most convenient of them all.
- S
- Savreet Brar
- uvc
- 07 Dec 2012
Best samsung smartphone even better than my brothers s3..
- m
- manu
- U{@
- 07 Dec 2012
Hi guys i buyed note2 3 weeks back its a best smartphone ever its quit big in size other than dat its superb . Go for it
- D
- AnonD-86634
- fqj
- 07 Dec 2012
Khedr, 06 Dec 2012Amazing phone, Just bought it two days ago. Without regret ... moreI totally agree - the best smart phone there is - mine now for 3 weeks - it is awesome!!! I give my Iphone 5 away and buy my - Ultimate phone SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE II N7100!!!
- D
- AnonD-83178
- Kg}
- 07 Dec 2012
Razors, 07 Dec 2012I bought my Galaxy a weak a go and its fantastick.The smart... moreYes the smart stay is great, it works perfectly.
But, i noticed people dont talk about smart rotation. I guess i am not the only one who cant make it work well? I turned off both autorotate and smart rotation already the first week i had this phone.
- D
- AnonD-67893
- wiU
- 07 Dec 2012
Android & iOS Lo, 07 Dec 2012For the one who looking for the objective view of an androi... moreios is good and android or samsung copying nothing from ios.. both os are great but you may forget that android has some features from long long time and apple is copying good things from Android. Like for example every one knows the notification thing already was exist in android but the iphone itself came in 2007 with very basic user interface... but..
Android + Samsung gakaxy note 2 = No.1 to date.
- A
- Android & iOS Lo
- uCc
- 07 Dec 2012
For the one who looking for the objective view of an android device, please just stay away from here.
Too much samsung agent.
I really don't know or understand what samsung innovation is.
Samsung keep attacking apple while apple develope their own operating system (iOS) and it's successfull (i'm 1000% sure that android it self, inspired by iOS). It's Google the one who develeope the android. Not samsung. So what samsung do..? They just develope some (a very little) features on android and nothing more. I'm pretty sure you all still remember samsung operating system. Yes, it's BADA. And what happen to BADA..? It's a total failure and samsung it self won't develope it anymore.
So the conclusion are, if you can't be more innovative than the other, be humble and be creative.
It's too much android device this day. Don't waste your time just to arguing about other people company. They don't care about you. They care just your money. Be wise.
Sory for my bad english. I hope you all understand what i mean.
- ?
- Anonymous
- NvS
- 07 Dec 2012
Dexter, 07 Dec 2012phone needs to be rooted......then only apps can be moved f... morehow?