Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

User opinions and reviews

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  • I
  • Itches
  • rK1
  • 03 Sep 2012

****, 02 Sep 2012still plastic ... what the hell you found in plastic samsung ???Flagship Smartphones of different company could be easily own by a single person if so desire !

so,either plastic or metal body is not matter at all,

but whether the phone is capable to support ext. SD card
has inbuilt Barometer for detecting atmospheric pressure etc more important to users.

    • j
    • jumoke bukky
    • fqK
    • 03 Sep 2012

    I forgot my password, and i can't lock my phone now. Everyone has access to my phone. Please do you have a default password?

      • I
      • Itches
      • rK1
      • 03 Sep 2012

      ****, 02 Sep 2012still plastic ... what the hell you found in plastic samsung ???Flagship Smartphones of different company could be easily own by a single person if so desire !

      so,either plastic or metal body is not matter at all,

      but whether the phone is capable to support ext. SD card
      has inbuilt Barometer for detecting atmospheric pressure etc more important to users.

        • D
        • AnonD-48342
        • uRA
        • 03 Sep 2012

        Johnny, 03 Sep 2012Note 2 rocks ! But the only question which is running in m... moreThat video is a fan-made video,not even close to reality!!!
        Iphone 5 is in production...leaks say there is nothing like iphone 5 in gsmarena
        check it here

          • j
          • jagindas
          • PS6
          • 03 Sep 2012

          Anonymous, 02 Sep 2012please users if you want give praise of any other phone wri... moreI agree with you...

            • J
            • Johnny
            • t1$
            • 03 Sep 2012

            Note 2 rocks !
            But the only question which is running in my mind is whether or not I can treat it more like a smartphone and less like a tablet...?
            Is it pocket friendly? Does it fit inside? Any of Samsung galaxy note users,please resolve this matter.
            And i've also heard that iphone 5 is going to have a laser keyboard and a holographic display. Check it out on youtube !

              • L
              • LAKAME
              • HIK
              • 03 Sep 2012

              AnonD-69104, 03 Sep 2012HARDWARE ; The iPhone 5 Has A Breathtaking 326 ppi Thats Th... moreBreathtaking...
              Damn I lol'd so freaking hard..

              how can something that can not be distinguished by human (in this case, the eyes) be breathtaking? It's not even new..
              (They said it, the Xperia S)

                • C
                • CheckIT
                • Hxe
                • 03 Sep 2012

                saMsung lover 41, 31 Aug 2012..why the sAme camera of note And god.. im so disapo... moreBuy digicam or SLR and not phone if your looking for a phone with better camera

                  • Y
                  • Yasir
                  • 6v@
                  • 03 Sep 2012

                  Peace be upon you,
                  Is this phone available or not???
                  Thanks for the answer.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • m1W
                    • 03 Sep 2012

                    AnonD-69104, 03 Sep 2012HARDWARE ; The iPhone 5 Has A Breathtaking 326 ppi Thats Th... morethere are so many phones with higher ppi (342 Xiamo from china quad core 1.6 ghz with 12mp camera)

                      • v
                      • v8dave
                      • uED
                      • 03 Sep 2012

                      AnonD-69104, 03 Sep 2012Software : This is a tough Choice , It Depends On The User ... more@LETUSBEREASONABLE... Open source does not mean malware. It simply means that the code to create the OS is open source. Anyway, the iPhone was recently found to have malware running on it.
                      Under the Apache lincencing, not all of the code would be open and it would be provided as a pre-built module.
                      You said that "Apps are always force closing in Android". Are you trying to tell me that Apple iPhone apps never crash! I call bullsh*t on that as I have friends with one and if you read the reviews in the app store you will see that many do.
                      The good thing about Android is that it recovers and does not take out the OS. Only very rarely would this happen.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • dPV
                        • 03 Sep 2012

                        AnonD-69104, 03 Sep 2012HARDWARE ; The iPhone 5 Has A Breathtaking 326 ppi Thats Th... moreHow about Xperia S 342 ppi-s ?

                          • S
                          • Synonumous
                          • 7qF
                          • 03 Sep 2012

                          This time samsung has not been able to Live upon its name expecting so much but got even less what they have previously had . Camera that's 8MP should be 12 MP because apple is going to launch iphone5 with 12 MP.
                          And GPU also an flattering show no enhancements Infact XOLO have better GPU than NOTE II.and many more these are only major ones.

                            • s
                            • sanju
                            • uvw
                            • 03 Sep 2012

                            AnonD-69104, 03 Sep 2012Software : This is a tough Choice , It Depends On The User ... moregreat....;-)

                              • O
                              • Optional
                              • IaH
                              • 03 Sep 2012


                              You just wasted a few bytes by making those comments. Apple won? Where? In the US? It's a HOME COURT ADVANTAGE. Did they win in any other side of the world? Show me a link please :) What iPhone 5 will have now has already been done by other smartphones before. 12MP? Not new. Quad Core? not new. Bigger screen? Not new.

                              You already bought an expensive device then you'll also need to spend money for apps? Oh, I forgot about the jailbreak! Then your warranty is gone. LOL. No one cares about you loving your iPhone. You're such a waste.

                                • J
                                • Justin
                                • Yb4
                                • 03 Sep 2012

                                AnonD-69104, 03 Sep 2012HARDWARE ; The iPhone 5 Has A Breathtaking 326 ppi Thats Th... moreCorrection. HTC Rezound has a ppi of 342.

                                  • S
                                  • SpEaKeRb0xXx
                                  • IaH
                                  • 03 Sep 2012

                                  AnonD-69596, 03 Sep 2012You are one of biggest trolls on this planet... Tell you w... moreI totally agree on you esp on the first line my friend.

                                  @letsbereasonable, you don't have to copy paste your previous comment my friend, we don't need to see your false argument again.

                                  On my own point of view, it really doesn't matter what Brand you chose, what matter is "what made you chose your handset" ... We have different likes, perceptions, point of view, interest etc. and that is what we need to chose the perfect handset for us, not actually the brand or the name of the manufacturer or what others say. Just give your self time to review and research and then trust your own findings. You guys don't need to argue on things that is constantly innovating.

                                  Life is a cycle, sometimes you're on top, sometimes you're not. Its been awhile since LG came up with a competitive product. Its a good thing that they bounce back again right? So lets just look on what they've come to offer. same with other brand handset.

                                  And about the camera, Why still 8mp? Its safe to say that 8mp camera is just perfect for a MOBILE HANDSET. 12mp is a bit too much, you can hardly define the difference between the capture of 8mp and 12mp except for the bigger size of 12mp. But the quality? it is mostly just the same. So whats the point in upgrading to 12mp if you still got the same quality? Im not a Professional Photographer but i believe that you also need a good quality lens not just a high MP capturing camera to capture a breath taking quality pictures. MP? Its just a number used by different manufacturers for market strategy just like the cores. It is made to attract consumers, but actually not necessary.

                                  Bout the "Samsung is made of Plastic?" yes! it is already stated here countless of times. It is made of Durable, Flexible, lightweight and definitely not cheap Plastic Materials. I have the first note, never encounter breaking the cover. been using it for 10months. You should have it, so you can describe how durable it is. I basically don't need steel finished cover if it will add weight and price on my unit and also, i don't soak my handset to acid, so i don't need steel cover. If accidentally chewed by pets, i believe it is already the owners negligence, not the quality of the materials. It wont break if you wont break it. =)

                                    • i
                                    • intelligent not me
                                    • XuE
                                    • 03 Sep 2012

                                    sony xperia s holds the record of most ppi in mobile till date not iphone 4s

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-28347
                                      • sxv
                                      • 03 Sep 2012

                                      AnonD-69602, 03 Sep 2012USA customers , you can Pre order here: moretoo expensive 755$ ???
                                      specs are not that good for a 755$ gadget.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-69602
                                        • s1t
                                        • 03 Sep 2012

                                        USA customers , you can Pre order here:

                                        i know this seller , he is great! i bought from him few phones before.

                                        he will ship the phones around Mid October.