Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

Samsung Galaxy Note II N7100

User opinions and reviews

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  • t
  • tEnj0
  • vVx
  • 03 Sep 2012

Don't be a hater ;) different phone will suit different person depending on what functionality they need. Krait core can be better, yes, it can beat the crap out of the quad core of note 2, but think, do u need that kind of power? Yes, phone can have higher ppi, but think again, do they have got the same screen size? Take it this way, lg Optimus g is a really nice phone with good spec, but as many of u said, it's a phone, for someone who needs to give presentation, say someone selling insurance, note 2 is perfect, he will not have to carry a laptop, or additional tablet cos the screen is big enough. The spec can be lower, camera not as good, but who will use a hardware 5.5in to keep taking photos and videos? U look at this phone, either you like it, or u hate it, like it u buy it, u hate it, look at other phones dude! Dun quarrel here!

    • N
    • Nico
    • HBg
    • 03 Sep 2012

    Lovely phone,I have a S2 and a Note,both great phones,and I dont like to talk about Apple amd compare,but they will never have a phone so complete like this Note 2 thats real hardware ,full specs. I think now Iphone 5 can copie this one too,haha. Samsung its big, Apple dont stand a chance,americans can by a Apple...we europeans chose samsung. Sorry,my opinion is Android wins,everyway. This phone will be very expensive,but not so expensive as Iphone 5 will be.

      • r
      • rimon
      • Mfx
      • 03 Sep 2012

      AnonD-69104, 03 Sep 2012HARDWARE ; The iPhone 5 Has A Breathtaking 326 ppi Thats Th... moremi-2 have 342 ppi

        • D
        • AnonD-28347
        • sxv
        • 03 Sep 2012

        AnonD-69104, 03 Sep 2012Software : This is a tough Choice , It Depends On The User ... more@LETSBEREASONABLE
        ":The iPhone 5 Has A Breathtaking 326 ppi Thats The Highest Ever on a Mobile Display . 20% More Crisper Text Images And Video"
        342ppi, and btw, the latest iphone is no match in every aspect when you compare it with this phone.

          • D
          • AnonD-69596
          • p41
          • 03 Sep 2012

          You are one of biggest trolls on this planet...
          Tell you what... all stuff you can do with jailbreaking and cydia you can do with stock or slightly customised android phone. But iphone could never dream of doing anything that rooted and fully customised android phone can.
          Now things are clear... iOs is way behind android.. it doesent innovate IT HAS THE SAME 5 YEAR OLD UI FOR GOD'S SAKE... It is limited uninspiring,boring FUC*ING TIED WITH ITUNES FOR FUC*ING EVERYTHING etc... now with jellybean android trampled iOs for good. Now having jelly on "hardwarely outdated" galaxy nexus is the most amazing thing ever. No hiccups and smooth as butter with all the functionality and "heaviness" of android OS. And apple is proud that it runs smoothly although it has homescreens with apps and simple menus...
          Cheers dude hope you broaden your horizons soon becausethe likes of hox note2 sgs3 trample iphone in EVERY comparable category

            • A
            • Applebegone
            • w6m
            • 03 Sep 2012

            Regarding ppi, the retina gimmick, the eye can't detect resolution higher than 300ppi so whats the point? Even on a small screen that you have to hold closer than 12 inches to read anything. LCD's are old technology, washed out look, low contrast, milky blacks and blown highlights, higher power consumption. You can fool some of the people all of the time... but one look at Samsung screens and it wins, no contest. Peeople are seeing for themsleves the superiority of Samsungs devices.

              • A
              • Applebegone
              • w6m
              • 03 Sep 2012

              The Note I had so many features that iphone doesn't offer. For sure apple's iphone5 will continue without SD card options, tv/usb out, removable batteries, proper gps, too small a screen, poor multitasking, proprietary os instead of open source. How dare apple claim Android copies apple. Apple is copying Android now. People are switching to Android in the 10's of millions, because it's better. The Note II will be the best choice for a device rich in features and usability.

                • D
                • AnonD-69104
                • g54
                • 03 Sep 2012

                Software : This is a tough Choice , It Depends On The User Experience . Come On Lets Face It iOS is Boring , Samsung Is Open Source Right ? WRONG . The Definition of a samsung being open source is that it could run any malware at anytime . Samsung owners would face Apps closing unexpectedly . And Who ever Says The Google Market Is Now Equal To Appstore , I will give any reply 100 major apps and dare him to find them on the google play . Done That To Someone . Ended Up Buying A 4s . ;) You See if something happened to a Samsung device . BYEBYE CELLPHONE , whereas you can always be 100 % Safe That Nothing Will HAppen To The iPhone On The Inside Because Of The Ability to restore From iTunes . Lets Make IT iOS = Jellybean to make it fair . But wait another thingy Do You Know about the red app that has a package and circle in it ? BOOM . Its Called Cydia ;). You Can DO Every Single Feature On Android With Cydia , For Those Who dont know about cydia you can do any single thing with cydia like Making prank calls hide apps put a lock in every single app . heck you can download installous that kicks 4shared .You Also Have The One And Only Siri . For those who saw the ios 6 keynote they will know about siri and its revolutionary new features . you can ask questions like where to watch a movie , who won el clasico ... . All The things Android fans care about face to unlock multitasking quick call response voice input customization everything cydia has it all . And sont worry about the jailbreak its 100 % Legal 100% Safe 100 % Free Watch 100 reasons to jailbreak iphone on youtube . it has 1 million viewers. Dnt Worry Its Very Easy you just download something called absinthe 2.0.4 from greenpoison a window will appear with a jailbreak button after installing you put the iphone and click jailbreak VOILA . Don't Even Think About Telling Me About Rooting a Samsung , If You Want To Root A Samsung you have 10% risk to say farewell to your phone , Plus Its Features Are Incomparable With Cydia . I've Rooted Some Devices and jailbroken others , believe me or not cydia has the craziest features you'll ever see Dont Be too happy with the samsung kies because itunes is #1 App on windows >The Satisfaction on the iphone is the best Costumer support #1 you dont have to send it to the company to repair it support is at your disposal in i dare somebody not have his question resolved for more than 3 minutes . Yeah this is what is called support . And the best thing in ios is Game Center Appstore Apps are more complete In Quality And quantity, while using an android phone i saw apps that i wanted to delet immedialtly like flashlight saw the settings app more than 3 times Why the Complexity Samsung and android Why ??Dont Even Dare about bragging for Flash Because ByeBye Adobe Flash Player On Android Jellybean A.K.A Samsung devices. dont you know that the number of people who have ios 5 is 90% while the # of people who have ICS is 10-15% . Have You No Shame ??.
                I think It is a 2-0 Victory Making iPhone 5 #1 Worldwide Even Analyst Prevent that 1/4 Billion People will buy iPhone 5 7% of humanity .!!!!

                  • D
                  • AnonD-69104
                  • g54
                  • 03 Sep 2012

                  HARDWARE ; The iPhone 5 Has A Breathtaking 326 ppi Thats The Highest Ever on a Mobile Display . 20% More Crisper Text Images And Video . I Doubt That The Camera Will Stay The Same Because No iPhone Was released With The Same Amount Of MP As it predecessors the 8mp was going on in samsung since how long since 2011 in the s2 maybe . You call that innovation . Cpu And Gpu Will Be The Same On Both Devices Because The iPad 3 had quad core graphics the iphone 5 will have as well .Maybe a Slight edge for samsung on the 2gb ram but let us not forget that the samsung is running android jellybean Dont Even think about running Android on a The Satisfaction on the iphone is the best Costumer support #1 you dont have to send it to the company to repair it support is at your disposal in i dare somebody not have his question resolved for more than 3 minutes . Yeah this is what is called support . And the best thing in ios is Game Center Appstore Apps are more complete In Quality And quantity, while using an android phone i saw apps that i wanted to delet immedialtly like flashlight saw the settings app more than 3 times Why the Complexity Samsung and android Why ??Dont Even Dare about bragging for Flash Because ByeBye Adobe Flash Player On Android Jellybean A.K.A Samsung devices. dont you know that the number of people who have ios 5 is 90% while the # of people who have ICS is 10-15% . Have You No Shame ??.
                  I think It is a 2-0 Victory Making iPhone 5 #1 Worldwide Even Analyst Prevent that 1/4 Billion People will buy iPhone 5 7% of humanity .!!!!

                    • s
                    • samsung guy
                    • Rbq
                    • 02 Sep 2012

                    Why would apple try to ban an amazing device

                      • D
                      • AnonD-47949
                      • 8yU
                      • 02 Sep 2012

                      AnonD-69580, 02 Sep 2012 moreIt does have eye tracking. Look under "Other" section.
                      Smart Stay is eye tracking.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-47949
                        • 8yU
                        • 02 Sep 2012

                        shh!, 02 Sep 2012sammy is crushing dem a hammer..or a mallet ... moreCouldn't have said it better myself. A company whose products are constantly evolving but at the same time their price range stay the same. The price range on the galaxy note 2 is about the same price range the my galaxy note had when it released.

                          • H
                          • Hasan
                          • K2F
                          • 02 Sep 2012

                          does GALAXY Note II have LED Notification Indicator?

                            • D
                            • AnonD-69580
                            • fmp
                            • 02 Sep 2012

                            chandxx, 31 Aug 2012omg this phone doesnt have S beam or Svoice or smart eye tr... more

                            it have S Beam & S Voice but i dont know yet about eye tracking

                              • *
                              • ****
                              • 9xm
                              • 02 Sep 2012

                              still plastic ... what the hell you found in plastic samsung ???

                                • D
                                • AnonD-34903
                                • rJX
                                • 02 Sep 2012

                                Anonymous, 02 Sep 2012samsung and lg are both good companies from korea! but ... moreGood to know that...

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • uSS
                                  • 02 Sep 2012

                                  samsung and lg are both good companies from korea!

                                  but samsung galaxy note2 is ugly phone!

                                    • l
                                    • litustim
                                    • 0x7
                                    • 02 Sep 2012

                                    It does have NFC and S-beam
                                    red here there are way more informations

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-48342
                                      • uRA
                                      • 02 Sep 2012

                                      AnonD-69442, 02 Sep 2012chill man even m not only sammy fan, i like phones of sony ... moreYes I do agree...But after sony takeover of Ericsson things are going to change as sony's other products like cams and ps vita are enjoying a very good reputation...
                                      So let's see what is gonna happen next...Is SONY going to make a return by nxt series or losing the current sales as well.
                                      I want to share my experience and views and to see others view to gain something because majority of smartphone users are not comp. or mobile engineers and many buy high end phones for personality!!!
                                      I don't want to fight but to argue!!!