Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G

Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Aling BB
  • y6V
  • 20 May 2021

Mel02, 20 May 2021From my research I'm seeing the camera on this phone i... moreWait for the Pixel 6 Buddy. Pixel 6 is miles ahead of Pixel 5. It is Android 12 which is ultra better significant update than Android 11, has its own Google Silicon chip and better image processing and camera specs. Not to mention, Pixel 5 is only snapdragon 765G which is incredible ugly compare to snapdragon 888. If your phone is really going to explode in the next 5 months, place your money on S21 Ultra or Vivo X60 Pro Plus if camera is what really matters.

    • R
    • Rick
    • YTy
    • 20 May 2021

    I think I found out why it's overheating: The camera is taking up too much space, so much they had to reduce the size of the motherboard. They also removed the heat pipe that was present in their pervious flagships (like the S7 - S10). They removed it first on the S20, now on their S21 series as well.

      • A
      • Azo
      • X{k
      • 20 May 2021

      Has the 2nd May update have overcome the problems of overheating and slow Camera on this phone for both Exynos and Snapdragon variants?

        • S
        • Saturn
        • LiZ
        • 20 May 2021

        Good day all

        is there anyone here who upgraded from a note 10 plus to s21 ultra.
        is it worth it and if yes can you mention why.

        thank you

          • M
          • Mel02
          • YHA
          • 20 May 2021

          From my research I'm seeing the camera on this phone is better than that of the Pixel 5. I would like to hold out for a Pixel 6 but my phone is at the end of its life and I'm torn between this galaxy s21 ultra and the pixel 5. I've only ever used galaxy's will it be difficult to make the switch? Outside of the camera, ram, stats etc what do you like about actual use of samsung > pixel?

            Jake, 15 May 2021I've had this phone 1 month now, I have the Exynos ver... moreI agree with you, I have the same edition with no issues at all, however I live in a hot country and the temperature only increasing while using it under the sun light, otherwise everything is going well.

              • C
              • Cesar S
              • P4K
              • 20 May 2021

              I replaced my S9 by the S21 Ultra. it's the most expensive phone I've ever had, but on the other hand, the performance is quite better. I was also attracted by the 5G support, wifi-6 support, longer battery life and bigger storage.

                • S
                • Saazan
                • vLW
                • 19 May 2021

                This mobile gets easily heat .. I don't like this .pls fix my problem

                  • M
                  • Martin
                  • 7M%
                  • 18 May 2021

                  Freedom , 17 May 2021I have installed the latest update with May 1 2021 security... moreOk

                    • A
                    • Aman
                    • rJF
                    • 18 May 2021

                    Just received 2nd May update and now performance is definitely improving and super responsive.
                    Exynos version 16 GB.The king of mobile world at this time.

                      • M
                      • Motako
                      • K6s
                      • 18 May 2021

                      I just want to buy it..

                        • F
                        • Freedom
                        • uSV
                        • 17 May 2021

                        I have installed the latest update with May 1 2021 security patch. No felt changes fo far.

                          [deleted post]Yea And it taste delicious 😋

                            • J
                            • Jake
                            • Rd}
                            • 15 May 2021

                            I've had this phone 1 month now, I have the Exynos version, and with the multiple updates, i haven't had any issues with the camera, i've even play mobile games on 1440p and with the 120Hz refresh rate for multiple hours and the battery is very impressive and the device doesn't even get that hot despite what people claim, you have got to remember tho, that even tho the phone is black or silver, this is matte glass, so of course the back of the phone is gonna get warm a little, but thats to be expected! overall I've had a great experience with the phone, no issue recorded in my daily use so far! 100% Recommended!

                              • J
                              • Jsghajjs
                              • 6sE
                              • 15 May 2021

                              Upgraded from S10+ to S21 ultra 256gb. Excellent decision.

                                • J
                                • Julez
                                • v3C
                                • 15 May 2021

                                SgRepeat, 18 Apr 2021While I agree that fast charging diminishes the battery lif... moreWhile not fully graphene, the Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra uses a graphene enhanced battery, so I don't think it'll take till 2025 till it's used fully.

                                  • F
                                  • Fan boy
                                  • a3A
                                  • 14 May 2021

                                  WhyNegative, 14 May 2021I know what u mean about pricing but, why u compare with iP... moreSo you are the right defination of prejudice my friend.

                                    • E
                                    • Exprienced
                                    • a3A
                                    • 14 May 2021

                                    1080, 14 May 2021Whatt?? Huawei?? Eww the most garbage smartphone ever..... moreI agree with you my friend. Huawey phones are repairmen's most favorite phones.

                                      120 hz panel user, 12 May 2021Even though it does not have 120hz panel, its battery perfo... moreI know what u mean about pricing but, why u compare with iPhone? Or even another brand, why u and other people do this with smartphones is a mystery..

                                      Noone compare like this with cars etc or?

                                      Cmon We have our free choices, I prefer any day Huawei high-end phones vs iPhone and for me it's more worth and then I'm willing to give a higher price.

                                      Even if Apple sold flagship for 100¥ I would never buy it, been there done that.
                                      Other people better like Apple etc.

                                      You know som like the daughter others like the mother most etc etc etc

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • CxH
                                        • 14 May 2021

                                        TheFoneBear, 10 May 2021Yes, you folks pay some serious taxation. How's vat th... moreAgreed, Samsung's after sales service is the worst I have ever experienced.