Samsung Galaxy S5
- s
- senior
- wHr
- 01 Dec 2015
Ed, 28 Nov 2015Hello. I'm sorry I just got this phone. Where can I downloa...
- b
- becash
- k@G
- 01 Dec 2015
This phone is a piece of trash. I would literally rather have a flip phone. I switched from this one to a flip phone from 2006 but it stopped working so I had to go back and even that was better. The screen glitches out all the time and every letter, number or picture is just a white/black square. It doesn't let me press the screen, when I type out texts it presses something completely different and DOESNT STOP it'll just sit there and type 112 w's without me touching the screen and I've never dropped it or gotten it wet. The starts out nice but takes 2 minutes to take a picture, front camera is extremely grainy and almost unusable for me. When i listen to music, the google speak thing where its like the android version of siri, always pops up with the pop can you repeat that and no one touched it or said anything. You can turn it off but it just pops up again. Screen freezes all the time. I have needed to reset this phone at least 4 times but everytime the problems came back within a day. I have to restart it almost hourly just to deal with all of these problems but theyre only gone for a max of 5 minutes. Not to mention the phone never wants to charge. I can plug in it to the wall, OFF, not touch it and have the battery level go down?! It also loves to turn itself on when its off and do things all on it's own. It has called people when I havent even been near it, I left in my upstairs bathroom once when I went down to get something and I came back up and on the phone was my boss asking me what i was doing. I sends jibberish texts to all of my contacts all on its own. This phone is horrible.
- s
- sajad
- rJH
- 01 Dec 2015
I have been using s5 from last 5 months , really samsung has made huge improvement in the field of camera lense. S5 takes satisfactory pictures espacially in low light condition . But samsung has disappointed by not giving software update on time and not fixid problems like battery drain,unmounting mmc etc.
- s
- spaceoddessy1
- c}f
- 30 Nov 2015
Mudaser, 28 Nov 2015please suggest me i am confused between LG G3 and Galaxy ... moreLG no slow
- ?
- Anonymous
- FqG
- 30 Nov 2015
Does anyone know how to make my Samsung S5 charge? Bc right now it wont charge, when its plugged in it just dies even more.
- J
- vx4
- 30 Nov 2015
someone offered me a samsung galaxy5 worth 15,000. i would like to know if the price fits to its quality. by the way, it's a second hand unit.
- D
- AnonD-450884
- XNp
- 30 Nov 2015
Have it for a year now. Very good phone. Love the camera but can't really capture macro shot. Front cam kinda sucks because of the wide angle lens. But overall a good phone.
- D
- AnonD-1385
- kiQ
- 29 Nov 2015
Anonymous, 29 Nov 2015Have had this phone for 4 months and nothing but frustratio... moreFirst of all the S5 is not an entry level phone nor mid-range. It's a high-end flagship and it's not cheap even now after almost two years of launch. Mine is perfect and the photos are crystal clear if taken properly. I have no issues whatsoever. I get the feeling you made up everything you said and you probably are an iPhone troll.
- ?
- Anonymous
- j4M
- 29 Nov 2015
Have had this phone for 4 months and nothing but are grainy, cannot zoom in with the two options on camera, text talk stopped working so had to install a different keyboard which is not as good as original and now the volume decides to reset all by itself to off so if I don't constantly look at my phone I don't know if I'm getting a call or text. US Cellular said there have been issues with this phone but they can't do anything for me..but told me it was a good phone when they sold it to me. Never again...I phone next time. Guess you get what you pay for!
- m
- mohamed fawzy
- fkY
- 29 Nov 2015
please i need your help , i am think to buy galaxy s5 what is your advice i usually use lumia but it broken
- E
- Ed
- CRq
- 28 Nov 2015
Hello. I'm sorry I just got this phone. Where can I download Odin and the Lollipop Firmware. Thank you for the help. :)
- N
- N. Ashique
- uv7
- 28 Nov 2015
Samsung Galaxy S5 is the best phone I have ever used.
The sensor size speaks volume. Excellent photo quality with even 4k video recording. So amazing.
I can use my phone through out the day with internet, gaming and media uses. So awesome battery backup.
Waterproof. I use my phone everyday while bathing and in the rain at outdoors.. Great durability.
Its fast in processing. And no overheating problems.
Charges very fast with the powerful charger that comes along with it.
Awesome sensors like fingerprint and pedometer.
Altogether the best smartphone with an affordable price.
- P
- Pankaj
- uv7
- 28 Nov 2015
Anonymous, 25 Nov 2015Samsung Galaxy S-5 was a prestigious phone from Samsung. Bu... moreYou have no idea how awesome the galaxy s5 is.
It totally depends on how tou use it.
Most people dont know how to use an ANDROID phone and simply blame for no reason.
Galaxy s5 is the best phone ryt now in its range. If u deny it then you better stop using phones and buy a bullock cart.
- M
- Mudaser
- 28 Nov 2015
please suggest me
i am confused between LG G3 and Galaxy S5 :-( Which is best to buy please ... :-)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 28 Nov 2015
Everything is great except the grainy front camera. What the hell samsung
- J
- Jince john
- sSN
- 27 Nov 2015
I'm using galaxy s5. my opinion s5 is the best phone that is is best and battery life good...display clarity is awesome. ....overall s5 is a best phone. ....main disadvantage is build quality is average. ..not too bad....
- k
- kiro
- 0mX
- 27 Nov 2015
Don't be afraid.
- J
- Jin
- S3G
- 27 Nov 2015
Sohail, 26 Nov 2015 I have SMG 900F 4.4.4. How to update lollipop,plz tell meDownload odin and your lollipop firmware and flash your galaxy s5 simple!
- S
- Sohail
- 26 Nov 2015
I have SMG 900F 4.4.4. How to update lollipop,plz tell me