Samsung Galaxy S5

Samsung Galaxy S5

User opinions and reviews

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  • g
  • gokul
  • vGN
  • 27 Mar 2015

friends in this radio is there or no, because for the same phone when I checked in ebay, in features it is showing FM radio also..

    • y
    • yuri
    • th7
    • 27 Mar 2015

    Why would I choose galaxy s5 over iphone 5? Opinions please...thanks

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • sXV
      • 27 Mar 2015

      Dylan, 26 Mar 2015Pros: Decent battery life Decent screen SD card slot C... moreYou've either got a dud phone, or your telling porkies, it seems like you've trolled the Internet to find a list of all the faults , real or not, and assembled them in one place, to put people of buying the s5. I the hope that is not the latter,try to just factory reset your phone and reap the benefit.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • sXV
        • 27 Mar 2015

        AnonD-379548, 26 Mar 2015S5 beats the hell out of Iphone 6 or HTC one M9, etc.Yep.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • kbs
          • 26 Mar 2015

          Absolutely HATE HATE HATE that you have to now hold the left button to access the menu. Would rather this button be the opposite and have to hold it for recent apps. Guess how often I use "recent apps"? NEVER. Guess how often I use the menu button? I guess not as often as I'd like now. BRING BACK THE GS4. The 5 is similar, but about 8 steps back... I HATE apple worse than I hate this new button, but I think I'm done with Samsung. Going to trade my GS4 (that I got yesterday) for my new IPhone today...

            • D
            • AnonD-379548
            • mjP
            • 26 Mar 2015

            S5 beats the hell out of Iphone 6 or HTC one M9, etc.

              • D
              • Dylan
              • 0YC
              • 26 Mar 2015

              Decent battery life
              Decent screen
              SD card slot
              Poor construction - After 6 months of ownership the phones bezel already has intense paint chipping, and the removable back no longer holds to the phone (No longer water proof)
              Call quality is garbage, when I put people on speaker unless I am yelling or have the phones speaker 2 inches from my mouth people will not hear me. Even with it that close they often report that I am "cutting out".
              4.4.4 Update made this phone horrible - Auto corrector often turns really words into something not intended such as I typed has and it turned that into hab, Apps are constantly crashing (Apps that crash on a regular bases as of 4.4.4 that I have noticed are Facebook, Gmail, My AT&T, Pandora, Ebay, Internet Browser, Text messaging app and a few others I cannot remember. A fun little bug where I swipe my finger over the finger print sensor and instead of unlocking it just goes black again causing you to need to re swipe your finger print (Usually happens 3 time in a row before correcting itself). A very common little bug that pops its head up very often is when clicking the home button instead of going to the home page the phone brings up google now. The only way I know to fix this is to restart the phone but it will happen again sooner or later. The phone app can often become no responsive not allowing you to hang up calls which is always super fun. The battery has also gone down dramatically with this update. (I was on the phone for 30 min and lost over 15 % battery power)
              The Camera take very bad low light and indoor shots (A lot of noise in these photos)
              The heart beat sensor is garbage, It rarely works and when it does work its not very accurate.
              The step counter is rather terrible. On average when I walked 12 miles it would report that I walked 18 miles.
              Another little feature that has started happening after 4.4.4 is whenever my phone connects to wifi it likes to connect to an unsecured 3 bar connection (Public wifi) as opposed to my secure network. Even after "Forgetting" The unsecured network it still logs onto that one putting my information out for any novice hacker to steal.
              All in all I hate this phone and I am currently dealing with AT&T and the BBB to get it exchanged for a functioning phone because clear this phone is not a functioning phone.

                • s
                • speaker
                • fjR
                • 26 Mar 2015

                jreg, 26 Mar 2015I'm a student and am thinking to buy a new smartphone..whic... moreHi. I would recommend the s5. It is an great phone. I bought one just today. And already love it to bits.

                  • u
                  • umi
                  • XMI
                  • 26 Mar 2015

                  jreg, 26 Mar 2015I'm a student and am thinking to buy a new smartphone..whic... morepurchase samsung s5

                    • L
                    • Lohit
                    • u{J
                    • 26 Mar 2015

                    jreg, 26 Mar 2015I'm a student and am thinking to buy a new smartphone..whic... moreJust go to s5

                    dont buy lg g3 or one m8 and feel it for later !!

                      • c
                      • clarakapowski
                      • iBt
                      • 26 Mar 2015

                      I bougth the phone on january and updated to lollipop 5.0 a month ago and suffer ever since. Despite I hard reset it the ram is too slow. I use greenefy and desabilitate all the app that allow me but nothing.

                      With kit kat work so much better and i don´t know if i can do something else without root it. The battery also works more poorly. Please help me with some advice if you can.


                        • H
                        • Hannah
                        • IaH
                        • 26 Mar 2015

                        my first time to use so I want to know its features please

                          • G
                          • Gary
                          • vFJ
                          • 26 Mar 2015

                          shaf, 22 Mar 2015hey i need to buy a smartphone which is light weight and ha... moreThe E8 is a great phone, BUT, the camera is not nearly as good as the S5. If you want a great camera, choose the S5.

                            • j
                            • jreg
                            • PT}
                            • 26 Mar 2015

                            I'm a student and am thinking to buy a new smartphone..which would you recommend??? m8, galaxy s5 or lg g3??

                              • m
                              • m86k
                              • m86
                              • 26 Mar 2015

                              memphisraine, 25 Mar 2015hello, i have just updated my GS5 the SM-G900f version from... moreThing is that... You just updated it. Wait for 2/3 months like some of us, and problems will start from themselves.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-379274
                                • FdS
                                • 26 Mar 2015

                                AnonD-379255, 25 Mar 2015How can I updated my Samsung s5 please help? Settings-> Tab General -> About Devices -> Software Updates -> Update now

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-379255
                                  • vxX
                                  • 25 Mar 2015

                                  How can I updated my Samsung s5 please help?

                                    • e
                                    • ebm
                                    • vxX
                                    • 25 Mar 2015

                                    Amit Athwal, 24 Mar 2015Sir, please honestly tell me which phone performance is the... moreS5 is better to use I think you really enjoy it big time.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 3Jn
                                      • 25 Mar 2015

                                      marselina, 25 Mar 2015which one is better samsung galaxy s5 or sony xperia z3 compact?Go and ask on the Sony thread.

                                        hello, i have just updated my GS5 the SM-G900f version from kitkat 4.4.2 to android lollipop 5.0 as per my observation the device at first was a bit sluggish since i just have it updated and that was it, as per my observation the phone was too hot and laggy but not too laggy as what ive read. so i took the necessary and a known fact to have it hard reset hold power+home button +volume up button down and select factory reset and also wipe cache partition so that i have a clean slate, after so i never used the back up i started from scratch and build it bottom up. i know that was indeed taking so much time and effort however is necessary after that the battery was AWESOME! yes it was AWESOME it lasted longer even if the mobile data is on! the phone performs perfectly well and it doesnt heat up compared before even if mobile data was on the transitioning was fine as it should be i cant say that its perfect but it wasnt that bad as what ive seen from other threads the phone was terrific and i am happy to have it updated. also i never encountered any lags,error or crashing of any programs after the update.