Samsung Galaxy S5
- N
- Neeraj
- Hkt
- 16 Jan 2015
Just bought a Samsung galaxy s5 on Sunday,my cousin was insisting on Sony experience z 2 but still buy a s 5 not its a better phone than z 2 after using it, great battery life, superb camera with great picture clarity, n great display, guys go for it really a good phone, still having 83 percent battery in phone I am satisfy with it
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7X0
- 16 Jan 2015
S4 front camera is the best than the s5 front cam. Im still disappointed.
- ?
- Anonymous
- UN@
- 16 Jan 2015
k, 16 Jan 2015S 5 or Note 3 which is a better choice?note 3
- ?
- Anonymous
- 6tF
- 16 Jan 2015
k, 16 Jan 2015S 5 or Note 3 which is a better choice?I think note 3 because RAM 3 and CPU is better than S5
- ?
- Anonymous
- p7a
- 16 Jan 2015
k, 16 Jan 2015S 5 or Note 3 which is a better choice?S5 if you have not owned a Note before. But try to get an LTE/4G version as that has a better signal chip so better speeds on 3g too
- k
- k
- 16 Jan 2015
S 5 or Note 3 which is a better choice?
- ?
- Anonymous
- p7a
- 16 Jan 2015
AnonD-352536, 16 Jan 2015Thank You... Now be friendly! Say should i replace My Note ... moreNo note3 is a great phone and will get Lolipop soon. The size of the S5 will be small for you after using note 3.
Most Note users dont change to anything except Note due to size
If you feel like geting a new toy get the note 4 or wait 3 weeks the price of Note 4 will fall by atleast $ 50
- D
- AnonD-8044
- sXf
- 16 Jan 2015
AnonD-352536, 15 Jan 2015Hello! I'm planning to buy this Phone but want to know some... moreThis smartphone has quad core CPU and powerful GPU with no heatsink or fan its bound to warm up..Under the circumstances with all this horsepower in a small package its a unbelievable feat of engineering that todays smartphone does not go on fire.
I see they are starting to have problems with SD810 though..They can only go so far as the GHz is now approaching the limt of even desktop Core I7.
I thought Lollipop,Dalvik and Project Volta were supposed to remedy the need for all this horsepower but it seems not..Someone told me its needed for 4K video recording but seems overkill.Maybe future computing will involve dedicated GPU'S to perform different functions.Anyway we all know we love all this tech so bring on quad core 4.0GHz 8GB RAM Adreno 1000 smartphones.
- D
- AnonD-352536
- t}X
- 16 Jan 2015
Lohit, 16 Jan 20151) Battery Back up is awesome .. on wifi full day it can ... moreThank You... Now be friendly! Say should i replace My Note 3 to Galaxy S5?
- L
- Lohit
- u{J
- 16 Jan 2015
AnonD-352536, 15 Jan 2015Hello! I'm planning to buy this Phone but want to know some... more1) Battery Back up is awesome .. on wifi full day it can hardly last 2 days and n mobile data one day
2)There are no hanging and heating issues
Any Phone hangs only when more apps are opened in back ground
use Advanced task killer or battery doctor
and use those widgets on home screen and refress every 1/2 hour
There is no slow charging usm 3.0 .. is blazing fast
when phone is off charging full ups to 100% in 45-50 min
when u charge phone while phone is on it full charges 100% in 1 hour 20 min
Regarding Heating issues,
any phone heats when u use the phone while charging
and dont use them under sun light
PS : it is best phone available now
.. dont think too much
- D
- AnonD-352608
- mxH
- 15 Jan 2015
Stagemom, 15 Jan 2015The phone has a lot of great features but I dislike that wh... morewould advise user holds the phone sideways ( horizontal ) to get picture and video taken the right way.
if you hold phone upright ( vertical ) then when you rotate the phone or play the clip on computer you end up with Vertical video syndrome.
- ?
- Anonymous
- qaJ
- 15 Jan 2015
Ok so as for the s5 I absolutely hate the camera, I loved my s4 and sometimes wish I could go back.
- D
- AnonD-352536
- t}X
- 15 Jan 2015
Hello! I'm planning to buy this Phone but want to know some reviews first.
1 Battery Backup
2 Hanging and Heating Issues
3 Slow Charging And Fast Draining Issue
- ?
- Anonymous
- nsR
- 15 Jan 2015
Anonymous, 15 Jan 2015i have this phone for a month now, but there will by an ins... moreNe ahd rebooting problem but battery is not good.
- ?
- Anonymous
- S90
- 15 Jan 2015
AnonD-352402, 15 Jan 2015guys should i get s5 or z2s5 is so so so like s4
- S
- Stagemom
- kW1
- 15 Jan 2015
The phone has a lot of great features but I dislike that when you take a video, it shows up sideways on my computer. I have to run it through software to make it portrait. And pictures are now doing the same. Must have been the last update.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vx6
- 15 Jan 2015
i have this phone for a month now, but there will by an instances that the phone reboots by itself and sometimes has a heating problem, and drains battery quickly if it goes heating, why this phone rebooys by itself?? pls. help
- A
- Amine2211
- fwD
- 15 Jan 2015
When lollipop for morocco ???
- D
- AnonD-129767
- X}t
- 15 Jan 2015
S5 is better than z2