Samsung Galaxy S5

Samsung Galaxy S5

User opinions and reviews

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  • T
  • Tcool
  • Nyj
  • 21 Aug 2014

darkgamer, 20 Aug 2014S3 to s4 was a big improvement. S3 to s5 will definitely b... moreGood for you.
But for me, I will skip S6 and go for S7 or Note 6.

    • T
    • Tcool
    • Nyj
    • 21 Aug 2014

    Anonymous, 21 Aug 2014Nexus is faster than S5 why can you not accept that? My go... moreS5 is faster than your Nexus why can you not accept that? OMG you spend all your days praising Nexus like it's a god. People are not having problems with S5 can't you get that? You're pushing the Nexus as the elite of electronics and it is not by a big margin.

    I repeat and make some research:
    Go home and compare Snapdragon 800 2.3GHz Quad-core
    with Snapdragon 801 2.5GHz Quad-core before you reply and give your justification kid!

    Not just telling Nexus is faster bla bla bla... without proofs. It is easy to say, any Samsung hater can say that.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • vaN
      • 21 Aug 2014

      FYI!!! S5 is better than nexus. So stop being a kid. They are just giving their opinions. So if i were you, you must try s5 for you to know the differnce.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • anc
        • 21 Aug 2014

        Tcool, 20 Aug 2014Nexus 5, wahaha! Nice joke. Go home and compare Snapdra... moreNexus is faster than S5 why can you not accept that? My god you spend all your days praising S5 like its a god. People are having problems can't you get that? your pushing the S5 as the elite of electronics and it is not by a big margin.

          • s
          • sam
          • Q9t
          • 21 Aug 2014

          Does it have 3k or 4k video recording

            • D
            • Dj TinTin
            • PEq
            • 20 Aug 2014

            It's really good.
            I vote it that it is best then iPhone 5.

              • s
              • steve
              • 0aN
              • 20 Aug 2014

              [deleted post]This is the best phone I have ever had. But, I must agree for a heavy user like (over 200 emails every day) many phone calls, etc., the battery will not last the day. I have S4 phone and had a Mophie cover that added more juice and I could manage the day using tht. But, they don't make on for the 5 yet

                • n
                • nicname
                • 0VS
                • 20 Aug 2014

                My apoligize i made a mistake half of battery,other everything is ok

                  Tcool, 20 Aug 2014Well I just upgraded from S2 to S3 to S5. S5 is a big impr... moreS3 to s4 was a big improvement. S3 to s5 will definitely be a bigger one.

                  Well I'm skipping s5 and will go for s6 or note 5.

                    • T
                    • Tcool
                    • 8jp
                    • 20 Aug 2014

                    darkgamer, 20 Aug 2014The s5 has better camera and display but the s4 is no slouc... moreWell I just upgraded from S2 to S3 to S5.
                    S5 is a big improvement over S3.
                    I am not interested about S4 that is why I skipped it.

                      • S
                      • Salman
                      • 6Q3
                      • 20 Aug 2014

                      em a iphone perfect user bt now i have S5 for some reasons i figured out only a pitfall is their loud speaker otherwise its a outright top-notch for me...dont u concur

                        • B
                        • Blacksmith
                        • 6w1
                        • 20 Aug 2014

                        It's perfect phone with no lag touch wiz is not so bad overall best phone

                          Tcool, 20 Aug 2014Then compare the photo taken with S5 to the photo taken wit... moreThe s5 has better camera and display but the s4 is no slouch.

                          You won't notice much difference. The 13 MP camera in s4 is very close to s5. And the display of s5 is brighter but the quality is very close to s4 which was already the best. Whatever you say, s5 isn't a big upgrade over s4.

                          S5 is better no doubt but not by a god margin. For example, s4 was much better than s3 and s3 was much better than s2.

                          Even note 3 competes s5 whereas s4 destroyed note 2.

                          All 2014 flagships were a disappointment. I was hoping to upgrade to s5 but the very less improvements didn't let me.

                            • S
                            • Sami
                            • KAc
                            • 20 Aug 2014

                            Nick, 20 Aug 2014I like to buy S5 but what holds me back, thinking is that t... moreZ2 has got heating issue my friend suffer lot.

                              • T
                              • Tcool
                              • mGu
                              • 20 Aug 2014

                              T_hot, 20 Aug 2014So what touchwiz is just too much laggy!!... Pure android ... moreHahaha!
                              What?!!! Rest all are having problem with that set?
                              The rest you are talking about are pure trolls sent by rival brands.
                              Haven't even used the unit and talking lies.

                              I have my S5 since May and never did I experienced problem with Touch Wiz.

                              Troll harder next time.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • utF
                                • 20 Aug 2014

                                T_hot, 20 Aug 2014So what touchwiz is just too much laggy!!... Pure android ... morenexus 5 !! ROFL model

                                for LG its just a beta testing model for G3.

                                Touch wiz hands up wen compared to Stock lif,e less stock android UI or Optimus UI...

                                Nexus 5 for my kid not for me..

                                No UI replaced touch wiz in term of richness :D :D

                                  • N
                                  • Nick
                                  • X}t
                                  • 20 Aug 2014

                                  I like to buy S5 but what holds me back, thinking is that the amount of RAM it features isnt enough. 2GB is not enough, Xperia Z2 features 3GB RAM which is great and performs very well. If Samsung could have had better features I would have already bought it. I hope they will have better options in Galaxy S6.

                                    • T
                                    • T_hot
                                    • rKw
                                    • 20 Aug 2014

                                    Tcool, 20 Aug 2014Nexus 5, wahaha! Nice joke. Go home and compare Snapdra... moreSo what touchwiz is just too much laggy!!...
                                    Pure android is way better!!...
                                    It cant be best phone just becoz u bought it!!..
                                    If u had waited and had gone thru user reviews u would never got urself that set!!...
                                    Anywyz drink some chilled water and calm down!!..
                                    And dont show ur s5 anger on others!!..
                                    U r the only supporter of s5
                                    Rest all are having problem with that set!!=..

                                      • T
                                      • Tcool
                                      • Nyj
                                      • 20 Aug 2014

                                      Anonymous, 20 Aug 2014nexus 5 is just a beta model for g3 strange but true. o... moreThen compare the photo taken with S5 to the photo taken with your S4.
                                      And the screen display of S5 to your S4.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • fCx
                                        • 20 Aug 2014

                                        nexus 5 is just a beta model for g3 strange but true.

                                        ok.. i want to know y samsung release add on version of s4 and calling it as a flagship!!!!! wen sam release note 3 after s4 i was amazed on seeing the feature with follow on i was eagerly waited for s5 official announcement. finally it ended up with a big disappointment... samsung just made a s4 into bulkier, heavier and weird look with some addon.. and calling it as flagship :(

                                        atleast s5 should have 3gb ram but actually its not.

                                        now i am satisfied with s4 leather back and interms of look and performance too.

                                        wish samsung will bounce back stronger with note 4 and S6.

                                        i guess some mess up happend with in samsung regarding S5...

                                        still i believe in samsung and i believe and expecting more in s6 and note 4 :)