Samsung Galaxy S5

Samsung Galaxy S5

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
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  • 01 Jun 2014

darkgamer, 01 Jun 2014Yes, i know the answer to your basic questions. It works wi... moretouch screens basic working is dependent on static ions charge .. finger tips stylus etc .. tycool cannot understand basics ..pity !

    • A
    • AndroidPro
    • syX
    • 01 Jun 2014

    For anybody who wants an extraordinary S5, get the golden version along with a black back case. This way when u put on the black case, your phone will have a golden bezzel but will be black. Thankyou. *this can be useful for those who have gotten the golden version and donot really like it!

      • A
      • AndroidPro
      • syX
      • 01 Jun 2014

      Another tip guys. Some people are worried that they cannot save more than 3 fingerprints, however you can. For the fingers that you willnot use daily you can use the third slot, in which you can use 2 attempts for each finger. Slot 1 and 2 can be used for the same purpose or for saving fingerprints which will be used a lot. If u sign in 4 fingers in one slot, they willnot be accurately matched everytime but they do work 60 to 70% of the times. Thankyou!

        • A
        • AndroidPro
        • syX
        • 01 Jun 2014

        AnonD-245040, 01 Jun 2014Thank you sooo much! I was having a lot of problems signin... moreNo problem. If you want it to work everytime, try signing in the same fingerprint in 2 slots, which will make it 16timescand much more accurate while matching.

          Tcool, 01 Jun 2014You seem to know too much. Now try this: 1. Please explain... moreYes, i know the answer to your basic questions. It works with the gloves as there are your hands in the glove and digitalizer uses them to change capacitance. I already said that the digitaliser on s5 is on an overdrive and can sense your hands even if they are some distance away from the screen. Try a plastic hand in the glove. It won't work. Or the hand of a mannequin inside a glove.

          ok. inside the water, the whole surface gets touched and the phone can't respond to where it's touched. It's like placing your palm on phone. To my proof, kkep your s5 under a tap when it's on, if water has a pressure on some app or such thing, it'll open up. So the screen may go haywire. to avoid this, samsung has a button that turns off the screen response, or the digitaliser so that the screen doesn't go haywire and do anything wierd.

          Any other queries on this matter? and an advice: don't try to look over-smart.

          Have a nice sunday

            • T
            • Tcool
            • Nyj
            • 01 Jun 2014

            Muba Kanyama, 01 Jun 2014Why my bettery life is too short when using internet?Because your internet network provider signal is poor.
            The phone consumes too much power to connect to the network.

              • U
              • User
              • 9La
              • 01 Jun 2014

              how to perform a factory reset if you forgot the pin (not puk block)

                • T
                • Tcool
                • Nyj
                • 01 Jun 2014

                darkgamer, 01 Jun 2014Try it with a plastic object. It won't work. The display is... moreYou seem to know too much. Now try this:
                1. Please explain how it works when using winter gloves.
                Do you mean winter gloves are conductive?

                2. Water is a good conductor, how come the S4 Active screen is not responding to screen touch when under water? S4 Active has capacitive touch screen.

                  • M
                  • Muba Kanyama
                  • NwI
                  • 01 Jun 2014

                  Why my bettery life is too short when using internet?

                    • S
                    • Sk
                    • ut$
                    • 01 Jun 2014

                    I am using s3 right since 1.5 yrs and used s5 of my friend for last 2 days. Here is my review ;
                    Battery ; almost 80% more than s3, mainly due to Kitkat
                    Display ; certainly great although phone heats up particularly front area during long call otherwise Ok
                    Look; not looks a flagship phone at all, metal like ring is even worse than s4
                    Call quality ; although loud but not as clear as s3 moreover back flip cover vibrats during talking if other person has loud voice
                    Finger print scanner ; no problem almost 99% accurate in my case
                    Camera ; just fabulous
                    New TouchWiz ; I like very much, person who is not so techy may not feel that much
                    Value for money ; not at all at this price of 40000 in India. Maximum price of this set should be 30000 only in my opinion.

                      • T
                      • Tcool
                      • Nyj
                      • 01 Jun 2014

                      Anonymous, 31 May 2014LG g2 handset sales POOR internationally compared to samsun... moreThat's is an honest opinoin.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • t7X
                        • 01 Jun 2014

                        How about katana?


                          • T
                          • Tcool
                          • Nyj
                          • 01 Jun 2014

                          AnonD-267936, 31 May 2014Sorry guyz I had a big misunderstanding In the previous o... moreAgreed!

                            • T
                            • Tcool
                            • Nyj
                            • 01 Jun 2014

                            AndroidPro, 01 Jun 2014Another tip for everyone. Once the touch sensitivity is tur... moreI tried it with a fork and it works.

                              • T
                              • Tcool
                              • Nyj
                              • 01 Jun 2014

                              Anonymous, 31 May 2014LG G2 G3 have HOME buttons ON SCREEN - reducing the actual ... moreTrue!

                                • V
                                • Vulcan
                                • rva
                                • 01 Jun 2014

                                Had this phone for about 2 weeks now. And so far I'm very happy with it. Battery life is good. Still have 38% from yesterday (7:00am) It's 8:30am now. And I'm Emailing, Whatsapp,BBM and surfing the web and using maps. Very good phone

                                  AnonD-116257, 01 Jun 2014the increased touch sensitivity feature actually senses pre... moreTry it with a plastic object. It won't work. The display is capacitive. It can't work when you put a non-conducting object on it. The digitalizer measures the change in capacitance that touches the screen.

                                  Now, for normal digitalizers we need a conducting surface with good surface area. From onwards the s4, samsung worked on the digitalizer to make it more sensitive and detect a capacitance change even when the conductor is some distance above it. The thing you call as air view is an example of that tech. The reason it works with fingernails is that your skin is near and it can detect the change in capacitance change. Also the fingernails are conducting and they change capacitance. Even the screen of s4 and note 3 work with fingernails. Try with the end of a plastic pen. It won't work. Now samsung worked with the digitalizer and removed the barrier for area. So even the small tip of a graphite pencil can interact. Try it with the other end of pencil which is wood i presume and it won't work.

                                  The screens that detect pressures are called resistive touch and are a very very old tech and used in cheap touch phones. They can be used with anything and any material.

                                  Have a nice day.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-245040
                                    • Pda
                                    • 01 Jun 2014

                                    AndroidPro, 01 Jun 2014Hello people. Just a tip for the Galaxy S5,s finicky finger... moreThank you sooo much!
                                    I was having a lot of problems signing in and was ready to give up.
                                    After I read your suggestions I tried it and it helped tremendously
                                    It works 90% of the time, and on the first swipe thanks to you.
                                    What an amazing phone!

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-116257
                                      • IVM
                                      • 01 Jun 2014

                                      darkgamer, 01 Jun 2014ANYTHING which is a conductor of electricity will work, not... morethe increased touch sensitivity feature actually senses pressure, it works with sharp plastic tip and fingernails too.

                                        • a
                                        • awie
                                        • RIJ
                                        • 01 Jun 2014

                                        Anonymous, 31 May 2014Is the Z2 software as smooth as they say ?yes