Samsung Galaxy S9+

Samsung Galaxy S9+

User opinions and reviews

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Been using my s9 plus a week now and I thought I'd post some thoughts on it compared to my U11 plus incase anyone is thinking of leaving HTC and getting a Samsung phone and just my thoughts generally on both and I'll say it in sections.

Build quality.
Build quality on both phones is excellent and the U11 plus screams look at me with its shiny slippery finish whereas the s9 plus is also beautiful but it seems more sturdy and that it looks more durable and the U11 plus looks like a fall would kill it instantly but they are both well made.

This is easy in that the s9 plus looks bloody awesome and it's a joy to look at but the U11 plus is ok indoors and overcast days but in bright sunlight it is not good at all but you can manage with it but the s9 plus screen is superior and the always on display is better on the s9 plus also.

Both phones are extremely good for watching media and making phone calls etc and their is no winner between them in that they are both excellent and they sound awesome with there dual speakers.

Battery life.
This is a interesting one in that my s9 plus is alot more stable than my U11 plus in that my s9 plus lasts all day with no problems at all but my U11 plus sometimes isn't quite as good at all when trying to get a day out of it with heavy use,it just doesn't seem as good as the s9 plus but you can get a day out of both phones though but the s9 plus has the edge.

The user interface on the s9 plus seems and feels very modern and fresh whereas the Ui on the U11 plus feels dated and out of date and in need of a major revamp and the amount of options on the s9 plus is unbelievable but the U11 plus is alot easier to get to grips with because of the fewer options it has but I do wish the s9 plus had edge sense though because that can be extremely useful and I also don't use bixby at all on the s9 plus I find that part of it a little bit useless.

Both phones have excellent cameras but the s9 plus has more options it seems but I wish the s9 plus had the touch the screen to take a picture like the U11 plus because I love that option and miss it on my s9 plus but both cameras are great and I'm happy with both.

WiFi and Bluetooth.
Both phones have great WiFi range and Bluetooth range also and I have had no problems with either of them to be fair.

Both phones handle gaming with no problems and pubg runs on both with no slow downs at all with the options set to high graphics but obviously that does eat the battery on both phones though.

Customisation software to make it yours.
Both phones are great for altering them so you don't get bored but the HTC U11 plus is better for the shear amount of customisation it has whereas the s9 plus isn't quite as good but I prefer how HTC does it I admit.

Joy factor.
This is one where you enjoy using the phone and think wow I am lucky to own it and you are proud of it and the s9 plus does that in spades whereas the U11 plus is a lovely phone don't get me wrong but the s9 plus is just more enjoyable and something that's a joy to use,well I find it is for me so overall I prefer samsung at the moment and I don't know if I could ever go back to htc as my daily driver.

Sorry for rattling on but I just wanted to help anyone who could be trying to choose between HTC or Samsung but I enjoy my s9 plus alot more I admit :)

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • QwT
    • 13 Jul 2018

    Which color is better black or sun rise?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • UD%
      • 13 Jul 2018

      [deleted post] It's depends how you use it . Even smartphones needs cleaning or stop all running apps .

        [deleted post]I have seen comments before on how Samsung phones lag over time but this is a learning experience for me so I guess I will find out eventually if my s9 plus lags or not but hopefully it be ok.

        I admit even if it lagged a little I don't think I'd mind cos the screen is absolutely gorgeous and a pleasure to look at so the odd little stutter here or there might not be so bad.

          dbd, 11 Jul 2018Yes U shud wait for S10 (Not for Note 9) as with fast chang... moreHow can the s9 plus be obsolete now?,I have had a s9 plus since Friday last week and it handles anything I throw at it with no problems at all and it's fast as hell and it's easily as quick as my U11 plus and I am getting 6 hours screen on time with little difficulty at all and even if someone waits for the s10 there will be then the s11 and s12 etc etc.

          Progress never ends at all but the s9 plus is far from obsolete and I would recommend it to anyone even though it's my first samsung phone.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • DkY
            • 11 Jul 2018

            dbd, 11 Jul 2018Yes U shud wait for S10 (Not for Note 9) as with fast chang... moreThank u so much !

              • d
              • dbd
              • fCQ
              • 11 Jul 2018

              Anonymous, 08 Jul 2018Frieds, at present i am using Samsung A9PRO however can any... moreYes U shud wait for S10 (Not for Note 9) as with fast changing mobile technology even S9+ seems obsolete now in front of iPhone X, Oppo find X or high end Vivo fones. So wait buddy don't waste money now. I've S9+ but when I see all recent fones have AI technology for camera (even mid range mobiles) I feel S9+ is obsolete now.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • pIK
                • 11 Jul 2018

                KhanHamza, 10 Jul 2018Yes, s9+ lags, I saw a video on youtube, speed test with OP6.It doesn't lag at all, i own both phones OP6 and S9+, both are smooth as it can get!
                I prefer using the S9+, since it is easier to hold in the Hand, the OP6 is a bit wider.

                  • s
                  • sup9jai
                  • bx9
                  • 11 Jul 2018

                  Anonymous, 10 Jul 2018Is there a lagging issue on Samsung Galaxy S9+ or not?Don't feel it

                    Anonymous, 10 Jul 2018Is there a lagging issue on Samsung Galaxy S9+ or not?Yes, s9+ lags, I saw a video on youtube, speed test with OP6.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • X}G
                      • 10 Jul 2018

                      Is there a lagging issue on Samsung Galaxy S9+ or not?

                        • s
                        • scorpio
                        • PPS
                        • 10 Jul 2018

                        Mr Grey, 07 Jul 2018I basically decided to go with the s9 plus because of the p... moreOK great thanks.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • ImP
                          • 09 Jul 2018

                          I love how the glass contours with the phone and makes the device nice and smooth.

                            • S
                            • Sam
                            • QAJ
                            • 08 Jul 2018

                            nick, 07 Jul 2018 is there any version of samsung with dual sim and also a m... moreYes, the S9 has a dual SIM version but I don't think it is avil in North America.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Dkd
                              • 08 Jul 2018

                              Frieds, at present i am using Samsung A9PRO however can anyone please tell me whether i shud wait for more better option to come from Samsung? such as S10 or 11,12 etc. as i will not be able to change cellphone every year. Hence requesting opinion.

                                Using my s9 plus all day today and I admit I am very impressed with it and I have a screen on time of 6 hours with 12% battery left which is not bad for its first full day to be fair and its comparable to my U11 plus.

                                I absolutely love the display its a pure pleasure to look at and I have zero problems looking at it in bright sunlight whereas it's a challenge on my U11 plus what with the display bein so dim.

                                So far I can't really fault it and I haven't had a single glitch or slow down but I know this is the honeymoon period at the moment lol so it could go wrong later on but all going well it will stay smooth :)

                                  • a
                                  • alienufoweird
                                  • nMy
                                  • 07 Jul 2018

                                  scorpio, 06 Jul 2018Total rubbish. I have had s2, s4, s6, and now s8. Everyone ... moreI had burn in on my S8 so..... i understand that maybe not all of us get it but it happens and everyone should be careful when buying amoled screens. I actually never thought it will happen to me since i used it on half brightness 80% of the time but it did.

                                    • a
                                    • alienufoweird
                                    • nMy
                                    • 07 Jul 2018

                                    Luxor, 07 Jul 2018Modern amoled display have longer lifespan compare to older... moreGot status bar burn in in my S8 after a year with moderate use and only time the screen was ,,max brightness,, was outside which wasn't that many time actually since i only used it for music outside or navigator so about 30 minutes a day with max brightness but it was enough so you will get burn in but when will that happen depends on how you use it. Keep it on as low brightness as you can.

                                      • n
                                      • nick
                                      • g3J
                                      • 07 Jul 2018

                                      is there any version of samsung with dual sim and also a memory card? i dont mean hybrid is there any version where i can 2 sims and a memory card at the same time

                                        • L
                                        • Luxor
                                        • ib4
                                        • 07 Jul 2018

                                        Anonymous, 05 Jul 2018please do not fool people , all amoled screens when you idl... moreModern amoled display have longer lifespan compare to older amoled phones. It took several years before you can see any noticeable burn-in in modern amoled like S8 and S9 series. I would love to get into detail but its too lengthy. Just dont leave static image on the screen 24/7 with max brightness and you'll be fine. Even Google design guidelines already required 'burn protection' mode in oled smartwatch too. It shifts content by a few pixels. So dont worry.