Samsung Galaxy XCover6 Pro
- l
- lneam
- gLs
- 23 Sep 2022
unfortunately the design of device doesn't support dual band GNSS, but the internal chip SD778 is capable for this. Very strange that samsung has lock this free of charge feature.
- A
- Admin Specialist
- rRU
- 21 Sep 2022
MmWave does anyone know if it has it?
Since it's supposed to be so fast for commercial work etc...
- ?
- Anonymous
- n1k
- 20 Sep 2022
It's actually a great phone, one of the best in last few years. Why doesn't GSMarea review it? We need same for S series, bring back the active lineup for S series with headphone jack and microSD slot then we'll probably always buy Samsung phones.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kku
- 19 Sep 2022
Elshaaer , 16 Sep 2022It would have been great if it was a 6.2inch with super AMO... moreI doubt they'll ever do amoled for a phone intended for years of outside use.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pA9
- 17 Sep 2022
Anonymous, 16 Sep 2022I'd definitely go for an 8GB version if it existed, bu... moreIt seems memory usage is growing with newer software. Google recommends 6 GB RAM for clean Android 12.
- Z
- Zakalwe
- 0AD
- 16 Sep 2022
FMLife, 16 Sep 2022does this version have FM radio like the xcover pro ?No FM radio, I'm afraid.
- F
- FMLife
- M{V
- 16 Sep 2022
does this version have FM radio like the xcover pro ?
- E
- Elshaaer
- D7i
- 16 Sep 2022
It would have been great if it was a 6.2inch with super AMOLED screen at 1080p with the 4000 battery or more hope they do it like that next year
- ?
- Anonymous
- j}r
- 16 Sep 2022
I'd definitely go for an 8GB version if it existed, but 6GB seems livable. Looks like my average usage is under 4GB on an 8GB phone (running Android 9, FWIW).
- ?
- Anonymous
- kku
- 14 Sep 2022
Anonymous, 13 Sep 2022The main selling point of this is being rugged & easily... moreIt's funny 'cause just a couple of years ago, 6GB would be pretty darn good. I'm positive it'd be plenty even for gaming. At worst you might not be able to run 2 games at once. But heck, my cheapo temporary phone with 2GB of RAM can run Ingress and Orna simultaneously.
- A
- Admin Specialist
- rRU
- 14 Sep 2022
I haven't seen TECH SPURT do any reviews...
- ?
- Anonymous
- vxm
- 13 Sep 2022
Sin, 13 Sep 2022what is wrong with Samsung just looked at the price this s... moreThe main selling point of this is being rugged & easily replaceable batteries mainly targeting out of office or hard laborers. I doubt theyd be gaming on this anyway so 6gb is pretty plenty & with replaceable batteries would make the phone last longer.
- S
- Sin
- 3ag
- 13 Sep 2022
what is wrong with Samsung
just looked at the price this smartphone is selling for
6gb ram on this is horrible and unpleasant at this budget can easily put more in
8gb ram the minimum too make a smartphone smooth people are paying a lot for this and getting so little in return
again another one of them smartphones that will suffer from android updates because poor hardware choice and unbalanced smartphone that won't be able too handle new software because of poor ram amount on a os that's know for needing a lot of ram
- ?
- Anonymous
- Idu
- 12 Sep 2022
Anonymous, 11 Sep 2022Apparently notYeah I wouldn't hold my breath for this one. From the lack of Samsung saying anything to the December expiration date of the confidentiality agreements on the FCC certs, the release date could probably be from November to December.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kku
- 11 Sep 2022
Snowbank, 06 Sep 2022I opened a chat with a Samsung agent and was told that thei... moreApparently not
- m
- mawlki
- dZd
- 10 Sep 2022
Zakalwe, 01 Sep 2022Yeah, the size is something I am a bit unhappy about as wel... moreTorn between S22U and this one. Have the S22U now.
Owned the Xcover 4; i liked it a lot and this way became a Samsung fan. The only thing the Xcover 4 needed was some ooomph.
- S
- Snowbank
- q34
- 06 Sep 2022
I opened a chat with a Samsung agent and was told that their internal communications show Sept 10, 2022 for US release.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kku
- 04 Sep 2022
Anonymous, 02 Sep 2022seen a few places saying sept. 10th for U.S. releaseYeah, google returns that for a search on release date using content they extracted from specsera. Problem is, zero citation (not even "samsung internal leak"), and not a hint from Samsung. Dates are all over the map if you browse around.
Oh well. here's hoping. We'll see in a week..
- ?
- Anonymous
- xuL
- 02 Sep 2022
Anonymous, 23 Aug 2022Any word on when this is coming to the US market? Or is it ... moreseen a few places saying sept. 10th for U.S. release
- Z
- Zakalwe
- 0AD
- 01 Sep 2022
935Baby, 31 Aug 2022From my experience with Xcover Pro (previous model). IPS LC... moreYeah, the size is something I am a bit unhappy about as well. Going by specs and looks it might be using the same screen as the A23, so maybe it was a decision based on economy of scale.
I started wearing vests just to handle modern phones (hate carrying them in the pants pockets), but this one is even a bit too tall for my usual vest pocket. And they made it thinner for no good reason - now it even has a slight camera bump - and they did not increase the battery size. At least we can reuse the battery from the XCover Pro.
Still, it is my most favorite phone so far.