Samsung Gear S
- t
- tyrant
- 45T
- 17 Sep 2014
Im waiting for this; but to anyone who says "a gear should not have a camera" Get back to apple jerk; the magical thing abiut the gear is the camera; after the phonecalls followed by the awesomness of all these little apps; no camera is like retrograding to Motorola ridiculous watch; il buy it even without; but im desapointed.
- j
- jamez
- 3iJ
- 16 Sep 2014
AnneDroid, 10 Sep 2014I hate to say this but, judging from the current GEAR. I wo... moreAre you serious?! The only change i would suggest to samsung gear s, is to reduce its size. It is a perfect smartwatch which all other makers will copy in the future. Apple watch is just a nice little box. Does not even begin to compare with the older samsung gear range.
- R
- Randy
- vMi
- 16 Sep 2014
I have a galaxy gear and I have never used the camera. A watch does not need a camera. Gear S looks great and definitely will buy one.
- b
- boybitter
- 9C$
- 16 Sep 2014
hagar, 15 Sep 2014Useless because it doesn't have a camera.what do you expect? do you need flashlight as well?
- O
- Oves
- A5t
- 16 Sep 2014
Guys this isnt a smartfone ita a smart gadet watch that is ahy it dosent have camera....
- ?
- Anonymous
- Yd%
- 16 Sep 2014
I think the Samsung Gear S is appealing for a smart watch technology. I like the face, the colors that are offered, the photo and video viewer, the resolution and how it is water resistant. Also its an organizer.
I like the wearable technology for people who are into sports. I don't see myself as one to wear this technology but its great for others. I think Samsung is right for being innovative with its own wearable Samsung Smart Watch.
- b
- brandi
- I5W
- 16 Sep 2014
what?no camera
- h
- hagar
- fkm
- 15 Sep 2014
Useless because it doesn't have a camera.
- B
- Blookie
- kkH
- 15 Sep 2014
SS, 11 Sep 2014Do you know what the major stepback other than camera? It n... moreThere are enough people with Android phones with 4.3 that it shouldn't be a problem. You should have a galaxie s or note anyway.
- p
- pro user
- 0PP
- 14 Sep 2014
Smartphone cameras are very useful in everiday pro life, not only to make video calls but, just to cite an example, when reading panels with several info om them instead of noting everything down every time. A simple camera would have been more useful than a dual core processor IMHO. Not really substituting the possession of a smartphone yet.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kB@
- 14 Sep 2014
Perfect specs for a smartwatch. Just needs to run full Android rather than Tizen. I really appreciate this as the first smartwatch with acceptable display resolution.
- Run Android.
- More normal width band. This looks ridiculous.
- Mirasol type display would be better for battery and outdoor visibility. I don't care about color quality for images on a tiny screen.
- n
- nana
- KIe
- 12 Sep 2014
- N
- Nice
- 4$g
- 11 Sep 2014
Wow dual core
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3CY
- 11 Sep 2014
joe, 11 Sep 2014wondering if it is possible to add solar energy receiver bu... morenot possible!!!!!!!!!!!!
- S
- SS
- uub
- 11 Sep 2014
Do you know what the major stepback other than camera? It needs a Android 4.3 compatible Samsung device to install apps on the watch, which keeps it from becoming a fully standalone watch.
- d
- daya
- 9BS
- 11 Sep 2014
wonderful especially sim card but the question is this watch good to make calls ? speaker and earphone location
- ?
- Anonymous
- GM0
- 11 Sep 2014
Nice but... Take the screen 'right to the edge' sensors and other buttons that take screen real estate MUST be put on the leading edges; lots of room there. The device is way too thick. Needs to be 6-8 mm thick max, it's not a "brick" FFS! How many iterations of this do we need to refine it to what is really needed? Do Samsung do ANY market research at all?!
- j
- joe
- QHk
- 11 Sep 2014
wondering if it is possible to add solar energy receiver built on a watch strap.
- j
- joe
- b9}
- 11 Sep 2014
better yet, wondering if it would be possible to add camera beneath the screen and OLED layer can be used as the outer lens substitue although I don't think that technology is there yet or is it?