Samsung Google Nexus 10 P8110
- D
- AnonD-77512
- DWk
- 18 Nov 2012
Can't wait for the Gsmarena to make a review of this tablet..
- ?
- Anonymous
- vxQ
- 18 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 18 Nov 2012lol! i laughed a lot!ipad is the worst tablet ever! all new... moreI laughed a lot when i read your comment. Obviously, it's the opposite
- D
- AnonD-69442
- U{2
- 18 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 18 Nov 2012well said. I can't agree more. Because most of these Fand... morethats the reason y apple z lagging behind android u r correct in every terms... my country has 1/7th of world's population n we dont have a single apple store here... apple products r sold here with the collaboration with a third party franchise which makes the product much costlier compared to US or european countries n it releases here after one or two months later after its official launch while u'll find samsung store in every street in metro cities n products are released within a week or less after its official launch... its not that demand for apple is less or samsung is more in smartphone category... apple only focuses on US n EU and only in china among asian countries while samsung focuses on whole world... the marketing strategy of apple is really poor compared to samsung...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 18 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 18 Nov 2012well said. I can't agree more. Because most of these Fand... morelol! i laughed a lot!ipad is the worst tablet ever! all new android apps in 2012 are optimized very well for tablets and stretch to zoom in android is not like the bad hvga show of iphone apps on ipad! lol! trolls!
- S
- Sim
- PWa
- 18 Nov 2012
FAtih, 14 Nov 2012Why there is no card slot ? :( 32 GB is not enough.. No card slot because Google doesn't need crowded customers standing in front of its store like iPad!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7Cg
- 18 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2012It is a tragedy that this has to come out, when the Android... morewell said. I can't agree more. Because most of these Fandroids hate apple so much whatever high end product comes out that is android based they are saying "THIS IS THE BEST. THIS IS THE BEST. Certain (fanbois wont admit it. but this is the bestest)
anyone from Burnaby B.C here? Go to Metrotown.
Go to the Samsung Store. Then go to the apple store. Apple is the busiest store in the mall with exception of the super market and forever 21. Its not close. You guys shoulnd't compare this to the ipad4.
- l
- leo
- utH
- 18 Nov 2012
How do we buy it in india(online or offline)
please reply asap
- h
- haha
- L22
- 17 Nov 2012
can' oneeeeee
- ?
- Anonymous
- PmK
- 17 Nov 2012
isn't it supposed to be 317.78 PPI?
- s
- sammy boy
- 16 Nov 2012
Adrian, 15 Nov 2012This tablet is the best on the market by far. Apart from th... juz a dual core with 9000mAh still bothers you??
imma suggest u not to use any tablet by then
- i
- U{0
- 16 Nov 2012
dont know why people think 32 gb is not enough for them... if u wana treat ur tablet as a pc or laptop n store 100s of full hd movies then 1TB is also not enuf for u guyz as demands always increases if company provides a better n higher things... 32 gb is a standard storage n for me 16 gb is standard storage coz i dont watch movies on my smartphone or tablet.. . i just watch some small videos, listen music, browse internet n have some hd games that comes under 10 gb thus a 16 gig storage is more than enough for me... if u have twice of apps than methen 32 gig is enough for u... but if u watch all movies on ur tablet then 100 GB is also not sufficient for u...
- ?
- Anonymous
- PY5
- 15 Nov 2012
Nexus 10 got micro hdmi
- B
- Bleurgh
- tAS
- 15 Nov 2012
FAtih, 14 Nov 2012Why there is no card slot ? :( 32 GB is not enough.. You can root it and then use an external USB stick of whatever size and browse that :D
- A
- Adrian
- sp3
- 15 Nov 2012
This tablet is the best on the market by far. Apart from the space that some may consider small depending on their needs, the only thing that "KINDA" bothers me is the battery. For such huge power, the battery could have been a bit better.
But that doesn't mean the tablet is bad. Anyone who has a clear mind (not a specific fanboi) clearly sees this is the best thing on the market AT THE year x86 tablets come out.
- F
- FAtih
- M5T
- 14 Nov 2012
Why there is no card slot ? :( 32 GB is not enough..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 14 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2012It is a tragedy that this has to come out, when the Android... morelol! fanboy trolL! surface rt is nothing to compete with android! and now all new android games supports hd resolution and more very vewry very well! ipad is nothing with its boring bad os!
- A
- Anonymous100000000
- t}8
- 14 Nov 2012
Dukez, 10 Nov 2012I hope they will release the 64GB wifi+3G nexus 10 with GSM... moreWhy don't you make it yourself lol :P
- D
- Droi
- LaW
- 14 Nov 2012
Hi there, lots of you guys thinks about connection out of wiFi but in uk the three network does the miFi dongle. It's pretty much your own wiFi wherever you go so the problem is solved. And 32gb memory option is more than enough for everything. My only one concern is the performance so I'm waiting for more tests on it for my fina opinion and possibly purcasche. Thanks
- ?
- Anonymous
- 14 Nov 2012
It is a tragedy that this has to come out, when the Android tablet app situation is simply in disarray, with terrible support and choice.
iPad simply wins because of this. If you are not an iPad or Apple fan, fair enough, the Surface already has Android beat, with app support far greater.
Great hardware, terrible tablet app selection simply make this a tragic mistake.
7 inch Android tablets are more acceptable as stretched apps still at least don't look as bad, but if you're in for a tablet now, iPad and Surface are way better choices until Google gets its act together.
Bear in mind that this is with tablets as the context, the mobile phone space is an entirely different story.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nvf
- 14 Nov 2012
abc, 12 Nov 2012From the specification page of this tablet, it doesn't list... moreit does have